
Chapter 139: The Great Battle of the Hundred Dynasties Unfolds! Rising Fame in the Eastern Wilderness

Fang Yun (3): "Oh my, one million group points would be enough for me to buy the Golden Finger Optimizer once. I'm so envious!"

Cai Yonglong (1): "Feeling sour, feeling sour, like a lemon.jpg."

Chen Yao (1): "It seems that we still need to actively participate in missions. Dealing with anomalies finally seems to be cost-effective."

Wang Ping looked at the lively chat group with satisfaction and nodded. He then closed the chat group page. He had already stirred the pot enough; there was no need to continue.

After all, nobody in the group was a fool; they all had their own thoughts.

"Speaking of which, Alpha, why do I still feel like you took away our points this time?" Wang Ping mused, rubbing his chin as he addressed Alpha in his mind.

In this encounter with anomalies, the group's combat power had already grown to a seven-star level. Even if Wang Ping had reached the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror level, he still needed assistance from his teammates to win. The difficulty of this mission was comparable to dealing with Reincarnators, so the rewards should be substantial.

"Ding, you have received an additional reward of one million group points," Alpha's voiceless response came through the chat group system.

Wang Ping was left speechless. It turned out to be true.

Anomalies were indeed quite valuable. He couldn't help but wonder how many group points Alpha had taken from them in the past. Could it be that his earlier estimate of 19 points each time was wrong? Could Alpha have taken a 1:99 share?

"Never mind, I won't bother asking you," Wang Ping sighed. He had wanted to tease Alpha a bit, but he decided to let it go. After all, he was benefiting more from Alpha now, and it wasn't the time to push his luck.

"Now, I have four million group points. I wonder if I can enhance my First-Rank Yin Power to Pure Yin Power," Wang Ping pondered.

"Yes, but just like upgrading a First-Rank Primordial Pill to a Flawless Primordial Pill, it will require two million group points," Alpha's voice responded.

"In that case, I'll wait for now," Wang Ping said, disappointed. Spending two million group points for a single Yin Power upgrade seemed quite expensive to him.

So, he decided to save the points for now and see if he could continue exploiting the bug in the Life Simulator.

"System, I would like to perform a paid simulation. How many Spirit Stones will it cost me?" Wang Ping inquired after calming his thoughts.

"Ding, the system has detected that the host's cultivation has reached the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror level. The required Premium Spirit Stones for a paid simulation is twenty thousand," the system replied.

Wang Ping's face twitched slightly. It was another four-fold increase, but considering the magnitude of his cultivation improvement, it was still a good deal. However, he could only use Premium Spirit Stones for the simulation, which were rare on Sacred Heart Island. This meant he had to venture to the Eastern Wilderness.

"I've been wanting to obtain the Concealment Technique to hide my aura, but I haven't chosen that reward so far," Wang Ping sighed. With so many rewards to choose from, he had missed out on certain techniques.

However, he felt that he needed an opportunity to refresh his reward options, perhaps by finding a powerful talent that could hide his identity as an outsider.

While contemplating whether to perform a free simulation before heading to the Eastern Wilderness, Wang Ping suddenly sensed a familiar presence approaching.

It was none other than Ice Nymph.

"Ice Miss seems to have comprehended the Grand Mastery level of the Ice Dao. Congratulations," Wang Ping said with a smile as he looked at her.

"I was able to comprehend the Grand Mastery level of the Ice Dao thanks to the Four-Leaf White Jade Flower that Daoist friend gifted me," Ice Nymph replied with a faint smile.

"Ice Miss, what brings you here to visit me?" Wang Ping inquired, curiosity in his eyes.

"In fact, the Ice Palace on Sacred Heart Island is just a branch of the real Ice Palace in the Eastern Wilderness. I will be heading to the true Ice Palace in two months and may not return to Sacred Heart Island. So, I came to bid farewell to you," Ice Nymph explained earnestly.

"If you encounter any troubles in the future, you can come to the Ice Palace to find me, and I will do my best to assist you," she added.

"Alright," Wang Ping nodded, accepting her kind offer. He knew that there might be some things he needed help with in the future.

"I've always been curious, Wang Ge. Why would someone as talented as you choose to stay on Sacred Heart Island rather than joining the prestigious sects? With your talent, even if you joined the Heavenly Sword Sect, you could easily become an inner disciple and have a chance to become a quasi-true disciple in the future," Ice Nymph asked with a hint of hesitation.

"Who says I haven't considered joining a sect? When the time is right, I'll definitely join the Heavenly Sword Sect," Wang Ping replied with a slight smile. Although the Heavenly Sword Sect had used him as a pawn in the past, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to join them if it arose safely. He just needed the right moment.

"Ah, I see," Ice Nymph nodded thoughtfully and decided not to inquire further.

The two of them continued to discuss cultivation and exchanged insights. Ice Nymph was surprised to learn that Wang Ping had also comprehended the Grand Mastery level of the Ice Dao. Wang Ping's achievements as an independent cultivator were truly astonishing.

After a while, Ice Nymph gained valuable insights and thanked Wang Ping before departing.

"Wang Ge, I think she has developed feelings for you," Cai Yonglong teased when Ice Nymph had left.

"She's just feeling a bit curious and friendly towards me, far from having any romantic feelings," Wang Ping replied calmly.

"Heh, curiosity is the beginning of attraction. Wang Ge, you don't understand women," Cai Yonglong sighed.

"There's no point in discussing this. Cai Yonglong, you might be on the verge of a great opportunity that could directly elevate you to the Grand Mastery stage of the Primordial Pill," Wang Ping changed the topic and said meaningfully.

"Father, what do you mean?" Cai Yonglong's spirit lifted, and he eagerly looked at Wang Ping, even addressing him as "father."

"Look at you, not even a bit dignified, calling me 'father' so casually," Wang Ping chuckled.

"It's no big deal. Among men, whoever treats the other to a meal is 'father.' Especially when it's a significant opportunity like this," Cai Yonglong grinned.

"True," Wang Ping agreed. "Your opportunity might allow you to reach the Grand Mastery stage of the Primordial Pill within a short time."

"What kind of opportunity is it, Wang Ge? Tell me more!" Cai Yonglong was excited.

"Let me tell you about this opportunity," Wang Ping said, then proceeded to recount the events in the Life Simulator, including the appearance of the Great Sage and the Second-Rank Primordial Pill.

"Wow, a blessing

 from a great power, a Second-Rank Primordial Pill... this is truly taking off!" Cai Yonglong exclaimed excitedly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Wang Ping rolled his eyes. "That happened ten years later. Are you sure if you go there now, they will give you the blessing?"

"Uh..." Cai Yonglong fell silent. Indeed, the Great Sage would be close to reaching his end ten years from now. If he went there now, the Great Sage might not offer the blessing but instead try to take over his body directly.

Although it is said that someone who has undergone possession once and tries it again will no longer be their original self and may become confused, at the very least, they can use the personality of a powerful being as guidance.

"However, whether it will succeed or not, we'll find out when we try," Wang Ping said, patting Cai Yonglong's shoulder and speaking.

He was in urgent need of Spirit Stones now.

However, obtaining a large quantity of Premium Spirit Stones was not easy. Even if he sold seventh or eighth-grade pills through alchemy in the Heavenly Sea Country, he couldn't gather enough Premium Spirit Stones for multiple simulations in a short period.

So, going to the Black Element Country's Black Light Valley, where the powerful being was located, was the best choice.

If that powerful being was genuinely open-minded, it would be fantastic.

Once Cai Yonglong obtained the inheritance from that powerful being, he would be able to acquire a substantial amount of Spirit Stones, and Wang Ping could use those Spirit Stones for simulations.

However, going to the Black Element Country, a major nation, was not an easy task, as it required the use of a teleportation array.

Flying there on their own was possible, but it would consume a lot of time.

Furthermore, this approach would be too risky due to the long journey.

Of course, using a teleportation array had its challenges as well, as it would instantly expose them if they didn't conceal their aura with a secret technique.

"This is troublesome," Wang Ping frowned slightly, muttering to himself.

It seemed that he needed to refresh the secret technique reward options for concealing their aura.

Otherwise, they would be exposed instantly and likely pursued by others.

Although he had the strength to defeat ordinary Half-Yin and Yang Mirror experts, facing the strong ones in the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror realm would still be troublesome.

As for encountering experts in the Life and Death realm, there was no need to mention it; it would be a hopeless situation.

"It seems I shouldn't rush this. I should accumulate twenty thousand Premium Spirit Stones for one simulation first and then refresh the reward options for secret techniques," Wang Ping thought silently.

Then, he closed his eyes, preparing to conduct a free simulation to explore their path.

Seeing Wang Ping close his eyes, Cai Yonglong naturally didn't disturb him and waited quietly.

"System, I want to initiate a free simulation," Wang Ping said in his mind.

"Ding, Life Simulator activated, free simulation initiated."

The system's voice rang out, and the familiar screen appeared, with text appearing as well.

[Day One, you chose to cultivate.]

[Two years later, due to not needing to improve your cultivation, you could spend more time comprehending your divine abilities. As a result, you quickly grasped your own Low-Grade Divine Ability, "Shadow of the Nine Suns," and your strength skyrocketed. However, this time, you couldn't trigger the unstable optimizer, so your divine abilities were not optimized. At the same time, your secret technique was also not optimized.]

[You were uncomfortable that the secret technique for concealing your aura was not optimized because without it, you would have to wait for Ye Chen to obtain the secret technique and then share it with you. But by that time, the powerful being would have already passed away, and you wouldn't be able to test whether he would choose to initiate the baptism for Cai Yonglong.]

[In the end, after thinking about it, you decided to take Cai Yonglong and Ye Chen to the Heavenly Sea Country first. Perhaps you could find some opportunities there.]

[As it turned out, your decision was correct. After the three of you arrived in the Heavenly Sea Country, Cai Yonglong discovered that the fate lines on Ye Chen's body had changed. Following the fate lines on Ye Chen, you successfully found the location where a Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert had passed away. His storage ring no longer contained any treasures, Spirit Stones, as he had exchanged all his possessions for resources to break through.]

[However, you were pleasantly surprised to find that among the treasures, there were not only two Low-Grade magical artifacts but also some cultivation techniques and secret techniques. The cultivation techniques were only at the Heaven-grade Mid-Rank level, which you found unimpressive, but you could use them to exchange for Spirit Stones. However, the secret technique in the storage ring was the one you needed. It could conceal your aura, making it impossible for cultivators below the Nirvana Realm to sense your presence.]

[You were very skeptical that this opportunity was the same one that Ye Chen had gained in your memory. You and your companions began to study the secret technique and practice it.]

[In the end, you successfully concealed your aura. However, just as you were about to leave, a powerful Yin-Yang Mirror beast noticed you. In the end, you barely managed to kill it but had to use a Resurrection Talisman.]

[You remembered Ye Chen's "Lone Star of Death" fate, knowing that by coming to the Heavenly Sea Country and encountering conditions that could easily kill you, you couldn't stay with Ye Chen anymore.]

[For this reason, you chose to part ways with Ye Chen and let him cultivate on his own. You and Cai Yonglong exchanged Spirit Stones and went to the Black Element Country.]

"Wow, Ye Chen has started again? He really is a time bomb."

Wang Ping muttered to himself.

Wait, now that he thought about it, didn't Ice Nymph, who would become Ji Bingyue in the future, possibly die at the hands of Ye Chen?

That was indeed a possibility.

"Never mind, no need to think about it too much. When the time is right, the truth will reveal itself."

Wang Ping shook his head and continued to gaze at the screen. After all, this simulation wasn't over yet.

[Next, you contemplated where to go next. You didn't reconsider going to the Eternal Frozen Soil, especially since you had already reached the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror level. There was no need to go there anymore. As for Cai Yonglong, with his Third-Rank Yin Power, you could find him in the Sword Domain.]

[In the end, you decided to search for opportunities in the Black Element Country first, hoping to find some resources that would help Cai Yonglong break through to the Third-Rank Yin Power, or even the Second-Rank Yin Power. Besides that, you also aimed to find a First-Rank Yang Power to break through to the Yin-Yang Mirror level. Once you reached the Yin-Yang Mirror level, you would be considered a true Yin-Yang Mirror expert, and your strength would rise once again.]

[In the blink of an eye, ten years passed. During this time, you found many opportunities. Cai Yonglong successfully broke through to the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror level with his Third-Rank Yin Power.]

[You thought about this powerful being in the Black Element Country and couldn't help but sigh. Because even though the Black Element Country was a major nation with a Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert, they lacked the ability to obtain a First-Rank Yang Power. If they had managed to secure a First-Rank Yang Power in advance and allowed you to break through to the Yin-Yang Mirror level during these decades, you would have undoubtedly taken first place, completely shocking the entire Sword Domain and even the entire Eastern Wilderness, becoming the

 top figure among the young talents.]

[At the same time, you couldn't help but think of Ye Chen. After arriving in the Heavenly Sea Country, his status would undoubtedly be exposed when he participated in the Hundred Dynasties Battle. However, being caught by the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert, you couldn't refuse and could only agree. You also hoped that your current talents had improved, and the Sword Saint would no longer treat you as a pawn, but rather allow you to join the Holy Land as a quasi-core disciple.]

[In the blink of an eye, over twenty years had passed. During this time, the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert from the Black Element Country often guided your cultivation, and you gained a lot from it. Especially you, as you successfully comprehended your Mid-Grade Divine Ability, "Conceal the Heavens and Obscure the Sun."]

[Finally, the time for the Hundred Dynasties Battle began, and the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert from the Black Element Country escorted you to the Heavenly Sword Saint City. The higher-ups of the Black Element Country and this Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert had high expectations for the start of the Hundred Dynasties Battle. They believed that with you, they could at least enter the top five. Moreover, competing for the first place was not impossible.]

[After all, in previous Hundred Dynasties Battles, not to mention the flawless Nirvana elixir cultivators, even those who could form First-Rank Xuan Dan were rare. You not only had successfully formed a flawless Nirvana elixir but also had broken through to the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror level with First-Rank Yin Power. Your talent in comprehension was equally impressive. Among the younger generation of the Heavenly Sword Saint City, your accomplishments were hard to match.]

[At the same time, it was a bit of a pity for the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert from the Black Element Country. Because despite the Black Element Country being a major power with a Half-Yin and Yang Mirror expert, they still didn't have the ability to obtain a First-Rank Yang Power. If they could acquire a First-Rank Yang Power in advance and allow you to break through to the Yin-Yang Mirror level during these decades, you would undoubtedly take first place, completely shocking the entire Sword Domain and even the entire Eastern Wilderness, becoming the top figure among the young talents.]

[After arriving in the Heavenly Sword Saint City, you once again encountered Ice Nymph. She had been renamed Ji Bingyue by the Ice Palace, and you knew that this was the surname of the Ice Emperor and Xuan Bing Emperor. Perhaps it was also Ji Bingyue's true name.]

[Next, you all enjoyed some drinks, reminiscing about old times. Ji Bingyue, at this moment, was astonished by the tremendous changes in you and Cai Yonglong. While you were reminiscing, Ye Chen also arrived and joined your conversation.]

[The four of you sat together, enjoyed your drinks, and had a lively conversation. In the end, Ye Chen mentioned that the top three in the upcoming Hundred Dynasties Battle would be determined among you.]

[This statement was not sugarcoated and triggered the dissatisfaction of many young talents in the tavern. One of the talents snorted coldly and released the aura of a Mid-Rank Xuan Dan cultivator, pressing it toward Ye Chen. He thought that Ye Chen was arrogant and needed to be taught a lesson.]

[In response, Ye Chen nonchalantly sent the young talent flying, shocking everyone.]

Seeing this scene, both you and Cai Yonglong were quite speechless. The Child of Qi Luck was indeed the Child of Qi Luck, and wherever they went, they couldn't help but show off. Ye Chen had really come a long way on this path.

Next, the arrogant genius who had been knocked down by you warned not to get too proud, as his elder brother was the number one genius in the Hundred Dynasties of the Sword Domain. He had reached the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror realm and would definitely suppress you all.

Ye Chen remained calm and casually knocked the genius down again. You and Cai Yonglong were both at a loss for words. The development was just too familiar.

Shortly after, the Hundred Dynasties Battle began. All four of you easily advanced to the third round. During the third round, you may have encountered Ling Xue due to some fate. However, this time was completely different from your memory. You defeated her with a casual gesture, leaving the other geniuses present shocked. Ling Xue was frustrated but also had some admiration for you.

Following that, you continued to win against your opponents effortlessly and made it to the top sixteen, stunning many experts and geniuses in the Sword Domain. You even caught the attention of a powerful King Realm figure who was hosting the competition, and you received high praise, exceeding that of Ye Chen and Ji Bingyue. As for Cai Yonglong, he was in the next tier.

In the top sixteen battle, you faced the prince who was considered the number one genius in the Hundred Dynasties of the Sword Domain. He had condensed a second-grade Xuan Dan and broken through to the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror realm with third-grade Yin power. However, despite his strength, he was no match for you and was defeated with a single move.

This shook many experts and geniuses in the Sword Domain as they hadn't expected you to be so powerful. Besides that, Ye Chen and Ji Bingyue also easily defeated their opponents, showcasing their extraordinary abilities. Cai Yonglong, while slightly weaker, still managed to defeat a strong opponent, displaying his own genius.

In the following matches, both Ye Chen and Ji Bingyue defeated their opponents effortlessly, advancing to the final four. However, Cai Yonglong faced a tougher challenge, encountering a formidable genius who had also condensed a second-grade Xuan Dan and reached the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror realm with third-grade Yin power. This genius had kept a low profile before and was not as arrogant as the prince.

In the end, Cai Yonglong was defeated by his opponent and stopped at the top eight. He was frustrated but determined to challenge his opponent again in the future. Due to their intense battle, the two of them had developed some mutual respect and became friends.

The next day, the semifinals began. You encountered Ji Bingyue, and Ye Chen's opponent was a genius on the same level as Cai Yonglong, whom he defeated easily. Your battle with Ji Bingyue was intense, with each of you revealing your hidden trump cards. Even the audience was shocked, and even King Realm experts marveled at your abilities when they were young.

Especially Ji Bingyue, who broke through to the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror realm with pure Yin power, was truly astonishing. Of course, you were no slouch either, with first-grade Yin power, which was quite formidable.

As the battle continued to the end, you started to show signs of exhaustion. Your bloodline, physique, and the quality of your Yin power were all inferior to Ji Bingyue's, and you were eventually defeated by her. You felt some frustration but had no intention of giving up on surpassing her.

The next day, the final showdown took place, with Ye Chen facing Ji Bingyue. This battle stunned everyone even more, as Ye Chen had unexpectedly broken through to the Half-Yin and Yang Mirror realm with pure Yang power. Moreover, Ye Chen specialized in fire attribute techniques, making him the polar opposite of Ji Bingyue.

Your observation of their battle made you realize that your foundation was indeed weaker. First-grade Yin power couldn't match their extraordinary talents. Nevertheless, you understood that it was crucial to have a profound comprehension of martial arts.

As their battle reached its climax, you also saw your own potential. Ye Chen's physique was extraordinary, even stronger than Ji Bingyue's Ice Xuan physique. In the end, Ji Bingyue was defeated by Ye Chen, making him the champion of the Hundred Dynasties Battle and a renowned figure in the Sword Domain.

After receiving your rewards from the Hundred Dynasties Battle, you were brought to the Heavenly Sword Saint City by a King Realm expert. Upon your arrival, you met the Heavenly Sword Saint Master, who easily saw through your and Cai Yonglong's identities, which surprised him greatly.

After the Opening Ceremony, he personally summoned both of you and exposed your identities as transmigrants. In response, you and Cai Yonglong remained expressionless but somewhat helpless.

The Heavenly Sword Saint Master was surprised by your response and inquired why you willingly walked into the trap. You explained that you had no choice; in order to reach the pinnacle of martial arts, you had to join the Heavenly Sword Saint City.

The Heavenly Sword Saint Master found your response intriguing, mentioning the hostility of the Purple Spirit Realm towards outsiders. However, considering your reasonable talents, he decided to accept you as disciples of the Heavenly Sword Saint City. To be cautious, you and Cai Yonglong had to be marked with the city's restrictions, allowing him to control your life and death.

You and Cai Yonglong didn't want your lives to be controlled by others, but you had no choice. Especially for you, you knew this was the result of your talent being recognized after improvement. If you were still the mediocrity from before, the Heavenly Sword Saint Master would have used you as a pawn to draw out Nine Yin Demon Sect's experts, a fate that would have been far worse.

"I've become so strong, but I'm still not on the same level as Ye Chen and Ji Bingyue? It seems my foundation is lacking quite a bit," Wang Ping mused as he looked at the simulation content.

First-grade Yin power was indeed somewhat lacking. Moreover, he lacked any special bloodlines or physique, making him fall short in comparison to these two geniuses. However, this time, the Heavenly Sword Saint Master hadn't treated him as a mere pawn. The rules in this world were indeed very realistic.

One had to possess enough capital to be valued and not be treated as a disposable pawn or cannon fodder.

Of course, for now, in this simulation, Wang Ping hadn't been relegated to cannon fodder. However, it was still uncertain what the future held. If Wang Ping didn't demonstrate the value he should have, the Heavenly Sword Saint Master might change his mind.

A genius like him might be rare, but he wasn't the only one in the world. This world had witnessed the emergence of Ye Chen and Ji Bingyue, who were even more exceptional. Even though their situations were somewhat unique, the fact remained that they were more remarkable than him.

"I wonder what level I can reach this time," Wang Ping thought to himself as he continued to gaze at the screen.

After you and Cai Yonglong successfully joined the Heavenly Sword Saint City, you became quasi-core disciples and were each taken as

 a disciple by a King Realm expert. Although the Heavenly Sword Saint City primarily focused on sword cultivation, there were other inheritances, albeit not as formidable as sword arts.

Your master, Xia Yuanyang, was known as the King of the Yang Element, a prominent figure among the King Realm cultivators. Under his guidance, you made significant progress in your cultivation and gained a deeper understanding of swordsmanship.

Through Xia Yuanyang's teachings, you gained a lot and surpassed your previous insights into swordsmanship. You also learned about higher realms of martial arts. Divine abilities were considered techniques similar to martial skills but on a much stronger and more profound level. Beyond that, there were higher realms known as "realms of comprehension."

However, comprehending these realms was a rare achievement, even for King Realm cultivators. Most could only grasp the embryonic forms of these realms, and very few could reach true mastery. Understanding these realms was considered one of the crucial milestones in achieving the King Realm.

This revelation made you understand the significance of having innate talent and comprehension. As you progressed further in your cultivation, you realized that one's innate talent and ability to comprehend were of paramount importance. Without these qualities, you would remain stuck at certain levels and unable to break through to higher realms.

You thought about the world of Ye Heng and agreed that insight and understanding were indeed critical in the path of cultivation. Different paths could lead to the same destination.

Furthermore, your master, Xia Yuanyang, enlightened you about the importance of bloodline and innate aptitude in cultivation. He emphasized that as you reached the later stages of your journey, your innate aptitude and comprehension became even more vital. These factors determined whether you could advance or remain stuck at a particular realm.

It became clear to you that innate talent and comprehension played pivotal roles in the later stages of cultivation. If one lacked these qualities, they might find themselves stagnating at a certain level, unable to break through. This realization helped you understand why martial sects placed such importance on a disciple's bloodline and natural talent.

As you continued your cultivation, you couldn't help but think about the parallels with the world of Ye Heng. You understood that no matter the world, the importance of comprehension and insight on the path of cultivation remained consistent.

After imparting essential knowledge about cultivation, Xia Yuanyang procured a precious sword embryo for you. He explained that a cultivator's weapon should ideally be their own life's weapon. Using someone else's weapon would limit your power in the long run.

"So, from now on, you need to nurture this sword embryo with your own effort, allowing it to grow into a treasure and even potentially a king-grade weapon in the future. Within the Sacred Land, every powerful figure nurtures their own life weapon. Once you reach the King Realm, you will rely solely on your life weapon for battles. Because in the Purple Spirit Realm, there are no weapon forgers capable of crafting king-grade weapons. Only by nurturing your own life weapon with the strength of various heavenly materials and earth treasures and experiencing heavenly tribulations can you birth a king-grade weapon, or even an emperor-grade one."

"Basically, king-grade and emperor-grade weapons that appear in the outside world are cultivated by cultivators, not forged by craftsmen."

"After listening to the explanation from your Master, the King of the Yang Element, you were greatly shaken. At the same time, you couldn't help but feel grateful and amazed at the benefits of joining the Sacred Land. With a powerful Master to guide you and access to various treasures and hidden secrets, it was far superior to struggling on your own, unsure of the path ahead."

"Especially this sword embryo, even ordinary kings may not obtain it, yet your Master, the King of the Yang Element, readily gave it to you. It was something unimaginable during your previous struggles."

"Finally, your Master, the King of the Yang Element, asked you a question: whether you chose to wait. If you chose to wait, you wouldn't attempt to break through to the Yin and Yang Mirror realm yet. Instead, he would help you find pure Yin and pure Yang power. Once found, he would return your cultivation to the peak of the Xuan Dan realm, allowing you to break through to the Yin and Yang Mirror realm using pure Yin and pure Yang power."

"However, if you didn't choose to wait, he could provide you with a first-grade Yang power right away, allowing you to break through to the Yin and Yang Mirror realm using the first-grade Yin and Yang dual cultivation diagram."

"Listening to your Master, the King of the Yang Element's words, you were deeply shocked. First, you were amazed and grateful for your Master's generosity and magnanimity. Second, you were surprised by the possibility of returning your cultivation and re-breaking through."

"Your Master, the King of the Yang Element, chuckled lightly, stating that even ordinary kings couldn't achieve such a feat perfectly, but his formidable cultivation allowed him to do so."

"Upon hearing this, you couldn't help but feel that you had a truly powerful Master. And so, you chose the path of breaking through with pure Yin and pure Yang power. If you were to break through, you naturally had to choose the best method."

"Wow, this is incredible," Wang Ping exclaimed as he watched the simulation content.

He couldn't help but think that even though he had known the Sacred Land was impressive before, it turned out to be even more amazing than he had imagined. He realized that Qin Tian, the protagonist of his previous simulation, must have had an incredibly enjoyable time in the Sacred Land.

It was as if he could have anything he wanted here.

Moreover, it seemed that the Heavenly Sword Saint City, where the current simulation placed Wang Ping, might be even more powerful than Qin Tian's Thunder Radiance Sacred Land. According to Wang Ping's estimation, the King Realm here was undoubtedly a ten-star level of power.

In Qin Tian's world, the Nascent Divinity Realm or even higher, the Union Realm, couldn't reach such heights.

Although Qin Tian's world was undoubtedly strong, it wasn't as extravagant as this world.

"Ah, I've really taken the wrong path," Wang Ping sighed inwardly.

If only he had chosen this path during the previous paid simulation, participating in the Hundred Dynasties Battle and joining the Heavenly Sword Saint City, he wouldn't have faced so many difficulties.

Of course, Wang Ping knew that, under normal circumstances, the simulated Wang Ping would never have taken such risks.

In this simulation, he had been "unfortunately" caught by the Nirvana Realm expert from the Black Yuan Nation, forcing him to participate in the Hundred Dynasties Battle and leading to this development.

Otherwise, the simulated Wang Ping would have played it safe and avoided the Heavenly Sword Saint City, where others could easily control his life.

"However, does joining the Heavenly Sword Saint City really mean avoiding being controlled by others? By joining the Sacred Land, I'm just having my life controlled by the Heavenly Sword Saint Master instead of falling into the hands of other powerful beings. It's still a rather miserable fate," Wang Ping thought, recalling this aspect of the situation.

In the past, he might have said that he had taken the wrong path. However, after considering everything, he realized that it was not necessarily the case.

But all of these thoughts were ultimately meaningless. What Wang Ping really wanted to know now was how far this simulated Wang Ping could grow.

"After your Master taught you various things, he left the Heavenly Sword Saint City to search for pure Yin and pure Yang power for you. As a quasi-core disciple of the Sacred Land, your status as the personal disciple of the King of the Yang Element spread throughout the Eastern Wilderness."

"Furthermore, some busybodies ranked the outstanding talents that emerged in the Hundred Dynasties Battle this time. In the end, Ye Chen was ranked third, Ji Bingyue was ranked fifth, and you were ranked tenth. You found it hard to believe that even in an era on the brink of chaos, so many remarkable talents had arisen."

"Talents like Ji Bingyue, who would have been the number one in the past, were now ranked fifth. Even you, with your added advantages, only reached the tenth spot."

"However, you couldn't help but remember your enhanced potential and couldn't help but shake your head with a wry smile. It seemed like your position was already quite high. If it weren't for your extraordinary abilities, an ordinary Sacred Son wouldn't have even made it into the top ten."

"You didn't feel disheartened by this ranking. After all, you had no desire to compete with others or seek the limelight. Your only goal was to become stronger and survive in this world. That was all."

(End of this chapter)