
First scenario - Tokyo Goul (1)

Unprepared for the light, Uquan pulls his arms up to block his eyes from the light. As the light surrounds him he feels like he is falling. The fall though it felt like a long time actually only happened in a short moment. As the light slowly dims, Uquan removes his arms from the front of his face and starts to look around in wonder. Unlike the completely white room he was previously in, he sees that this room is filled with the vibrant colors of youth, with posters of models and anime lined up all around the walls. Honestly, the room looked quite messy with clothes, food and bottles littered all around the room but it was still tidy enough for a person to comfortably live in.

"Where the fuck am I now"

[Number 1007532, this will be your first task. You are currently in your first scenario world. This scenario number 0111 and to solve the scenario, you will need to accomplish three tasks that you will be assigned but before you are assigned your tasks, we will give you a starter package and also the equipment you would receive for this mission]

"Wait, wait wait, stop for a couple of seconds, before you give me this so called starter package and equipment, could you first tell be where I am and what this scenario is called. Also next time, tell me beforehand before you send me to these scenarios"

[Dutifully noted, we will make sure to give a notice before the transfer starts. Regarding the scenario, you are currently in scenario 0111, which is taking place in the world of Tokyo Ghoul. This word is actually very similar to your world but the only difference is that there exists things called RC cells also known as red children cells. These cells can be found in any living being in this world and they are scaled by the RC factor. The average human healthy human would only have around 200 to 500 RC cells. When the RC cells in the body could be found in abundance, around 1000-8000+, beings called ghouls could be found. Unlike humans, ghouls only eat humans flesh, water or coffee. If they eat anything else, their taste buds reject it and . Ghouls use RC cells that make their body stronger and faster and overall much harder to kill than the average humans. Using RC cells they could also create weapons called kagune. Kagune are created from the flow of RC cells out of the kakuhou found in the body of ghouls. The kagune comes in 4 different forms, called ukaku, bikaku, koukaku, rinkaku. For what they are, you will shortly learn about them when you receive your equipment for this mission. Each mission will always prepare you with equipment and other necessary things for the mission. ]

"Okay then, well give me my presents"

[Understood, then we shall start off by first opening your starter package. Your starter package contains 2 items. I evolvable ability and also 1 piece of equipment. For both of these you will be given options to choose from but you can only take 1. Let's start off with your ability.

The following 6 are the options for your abilities. Choose 1:

Material skin - the ability to change users skin to any material he touches

Phasing - the ability to go through any physical object

Hard Light Constructs - the ability to create constructs such as weapons or clothes from light

Healing Factor - increase in the speed of regeneration of the body

Detachable body - the ability to separate parts of the body

Lich touch - the ability to drain life from anything the user touches

So what will you choose. ]

"Well I am going to choose...."