
Scavenging In A Waste World

An overpowered bot, a body of an alien boy, a waste world and a system that turns scraps into useful things, Devon Sparks' second life was straight out of a webnovel. But with the presence of danger in the form of mutated beasts, will he survive the second time around? Will he be able to use the system to its fullness? Will he unravel the mysteries concerning the owner of the body and the waste world? One thing is for sure, an interesting journey awaits. +++ My entry for the WPC#310. If you like it, please vote with your powerstones. :)

horse_radish · Fantasy
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Basic Tutorial #2

[Tutorial Tasks (Weapon Crafting):

*Craft Locmann-34 Pistol x1

*Defeat 10 Mutated Rats

*Craft Pistol Bullets x80

Rewards: 200xp, Lvl. 1 Shelter Blueprint]

Another set of tutorial tasks was unfurled just right after I finished the first batch. I have always hated tutorials, but that day I was more than happy to have them. The situation I was in, was beyond my comprehension. Therefore I could not afford to make mistakes.

I summoned the crafting window and searched for the pistol. With insufficient materials, it was grayed out, but the ingredient was shown. Pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to craft and excited to hold a weapon finally, I immediately went to scavenge for the crafting materials.

There were mountains of trash in the distance, but fearing what they may hold, I contented myself with the small piles nearby. Knowing the existence of hostile mobs, made me more alert. But the area looked lifeless, and all I could hear was the bot who followed wherever I went and the constant gust of wind.

[Obtained Low-Grade Metal Scraps x10]

[Obtained Low-Grade Metal Scraps x10]

[Obtained Low-Grade Metal Scraps x10]

After finishing my third metal scrap pile, I had enough material for the pistol. The next thing to do was to convert a few of the scraps into metal pipes.

[Common Material, Metal Pipe:

Crafting Ingredient:

Metal Scraps x2 = Metal Pipe x1]


[Metal Pipe x2 Crafted]

[Acquired 20 xp]

The pistol promptly shot up first on the crafting list, putting a smile unto my face. Everything was working like a game.

[Locmann-34 Pistol:

Crafting Materials:

Locmann-34 Pistol Blueprint + Metal Pipe x2 + Metal Scraps x25]


[Locmann-34 Pistol x1 Crafted]

[Acquired 100xp]

As soon as the notification popped up, I summoned the inventory window. And there I saw it alone amidst the empty slots, revealed to me as a revolver pistol. Pulling it out for closer inspection, it looked like the pistols I have seen in movies, except that it was all metal and had a longer barrel.

<A small pack of mutated rats are headed this way. Prepare yourself.>

The droid unceremoniously and suddenly informed me of the threat, as if it had been prepared beforehand. I was too stunned and too confused to even protest.

Luckily, I have equipped the Iron Armor set right after it was crafted. I checked the chamber and was relieved to find it fully loaded with eight bullets.

"Where is it from?" I turned to the droid. The droid lifted one of its hands and pointed east, and thus I turned eastward.

Nowhere to hide and nowhere to run to. I stood there, my hands outstretched and the pistol in hand.

Hearing the sounds, but not seeing the mob, added to my anxiety. But when they popped out of the mound of trash, I was not in a bit relieved.

[Level 1 Mob: Mutated Rat

A product of exposure to chemicals, these rodents grow several times their regular size and become extremely hostile.]

Mice, the size of an adult bear, raced towards me, their eyes glowing in green. I cocked the pistol and tried to aim, but my hands were shaking.

The bot kept silent, giving no hint, advice, or even assurances.

The first mouse stepped in within ten meters, and I was forced to pull the trigger. The pistol almost popped out of my unready hands, but the bullet hit its mark. My target halted, convulsed on the ground, and then stopped moving.

[Mutated Rat slain]

[Acquired 10xp]

With newly gained confidence, I reaimed my pistol. My second shot was as accurate as the first, and the second mouse fell. So was my third and fourth. Despite the casualties, the maddened rats kept on charging. Unmoved, I released another four shots, which dealt a single mouse each.

There were two more left, jumping with ease above the corpses of their kind. Just when I thought my ordeal was about to be finished, I realized something. I pulled the trigger and my skin crawled when I heard the empty clack. I remembered there were only eight bullets in the chamber.

The rats crossed the ten-meter radius, and without a melee weapon, I felt helpless. Wrestling them would be impossible, their size alone could crush me. Furthermore, I have no confidence with my physical ability. An office worker, my skills only included writing emails and making Excel sheets.

Still, with nothing else to do, I readied my arms and held the pistol in reverse, so that the heavy grip could be of some use.

When they were only a few meters away, the rats jumped and threw themselves at my direction. Even with my mental preparation, I was unable to react against a mutli-prong attacked. As a last ditch effort, I shielded my face with my hands, foolishly hoping my armor would hold out.

Rapid gunshots rung out and from beside me, startling my already startled heart.

[Mutated Rat slain]

[Acquired 10xp]

[Mutated Rat slain]

[Acquired 10xp]

I lowered my hands and saw the mutated rats dead, just a meter away from where I stood, riddled with wounds.

Wide-eyed, I shifted my gaze to the droid. From beneath its sensor, a turret had jutted out, still smoking.

"Why did you not tell me you had a weapon system? That was a waste of bullets!" my fury was augmented by the horror I felt from the near-death experience.

<I could only lend limited support during tutorial.> the droid reasoned. <Speaking of bullets, it is time to secure the drop of the mobs.>

No words came into my mouth despite my anger. What the droid said was somewhat reasonable. All I could do was shake my head and storm out towards the corpses.

[Obtained Low-Grade Gunpowder x80]

Each of the corpse conveniently provided 10 gunpowder. Enabling me to proceed to the next tas: crafting ammo.

[Pistol Bullets:

Crafting Materials:

Gunpowder x1 + Metal Scrap x1 = Pistol Bullet x1]


[Pistol Bullets x80 crafted]

[Acquired 80 xp]

[Tutorial Tasks (Weapon Crafting) Completed]

[Acquired Lvl. 1 Shelter Blueprint]

[Acquire 200 xp]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]