
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Have you ever wondered how a person who was supposed to be dead was walking in front of you? or why you are trapped in a mysterious paranormal game and the rules that are set in place to protect you are falling apart, Or Maybe you just want a short spine chilling tale to end the day? Have you ever just thought about Paranormal things? Most people will tell you they are Nonsense but here, we will learn about all the Paranormal with you.

korebrielleluvt · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

The Girl In The Mirror

In a quiet, forgotten town, there was an old, abandoned house that no one dared to enter. The locals spoke in hushed whispers about the eerie lights that flickered in its windows at night, despite there being no electricity for decades. One evening, a curious teenager named Lily decided to explore the house. Armed with only a flashlight and her determination, she crept inside. The floorboards groaned under her weight, and the air was thick with dust and the scent of decay. As she ventured deeper, she found a dusty mirror in the hallway. As she shone her flashlight on it, she saw her reflection—except it wasn't her reflection at all. The figure in the mirror wore Lily's clothes but had hollow, empty eyes and a twisted, malevolent grin. Paralyzed with fear, Lily watched as the figure in the mirror began to move on its own, stepping closer and closer to the glass surface. In a sudden, horrifying moment, the figure reached out and grabbed Lily's arm, pulling her into the mirror. She screamed, but no sound escaped her lips. The last thing she saw before darkness consumed her was her own terrified face staring back at her from the other side of the glass, trapped forever as the new, malevolent guardian of the cursed house.

From that night on, the lights in the abandoned house flickered more brightly, and the locals noticed a new figure in the windows, watching, waiting for the next curious soul to wander in.