
A Happy Family (WC): 1

My family's drugstore isn't the easiest place to run. Sure it's small with its wooden structure and old fashioned aesthetic but it makes up for it with the supplies it harbors inside. We sold all kinds of things from homemade medicines to party favors and bouquets of wildflowers. I have an older sister and even though we weren't very close she always had my back if I was ever in trouble. While I was more patient and compassionate Lilly was cold and to the point, introverted and closer to herself than with the customers or even to her few friends. Her long, jet black hair put the Goth label on her at school growing up and it made me upset to see a scowl form on her lips because of the teasing.

I myself was hardly ever picked on because of how bright and bubbly I was, my long orange locks were as bright as the sun and my smile made everyone feel comfortable and want to be my friend. Lilly's demeanor unfortunately made the other kids turn away from her, well except for me of course. As we grew older it changed slightly, she found her escape within Zodiac books and poetry clubs. As for me, well I hardly changed. I stayed my extroverted self all through grade school and even though I wanted to go to college and pursue my career as a veterinarian I stayed behind to help my loved ones.

My father was a hardworking family man who spent most of his time fixing up the old vehicles in the shops garage hoping to restore their value and sell them for money while also tending to the large field where the flowers we sold grew. He won't admit it to anyone but he is a large loving teddy bear despite his scraggly chin hairs and strong, intimidating physique. He loved us more than anything, especially my mother. My mother was an astrologist, studied the unknown in space for many years and always left for trips to all sorts of different conventions. Lilly took after her a lot and loved stargazing with her on the roof of our home watching the shooting stars go by and making wishes. Our mother hardly ever was home due to work but when she could be, you could tell by the look on my father's face that's when he was the happiest.

Guess it's no wonder why he went insane when she disappeared over a year ago. Not so much of a happy family now is it?