
The Kidnappers

Everthing was going fine. I was going to a store and I saw something strange. I saw two people on the sidewalk with a full bag that was moving and was panicking. They were wearing suits that would keep you from a bite so I thought it was an animal or something. I kept walking so I could get my family some food and drinks. I went back home and it was a nice time, everything was alright and I went on snapchat. This person added me and I accepted their request because it was my friend from school. I was talking to him but I noticed something strange. I told him do you want to come over tonight to finish some homework but, he said "absolutely". I told him my location but he didn't respond. I kept texting him to tell him not to forget your binders for math but he didnt respond.

I saw a car pulling up to our house but, I didn't remember my friend having a car like that. I was waving through the window that I could see myself through but not them. I looked at my phone and I was going to text my friend but, I saw two accounts with the exact bitmoji and the same names. I saw the car door open and then.....

Please read this book and think about why this is happening and make sure you dont make these mistakes, too.

YDD_WijMej01creators' thoughts