
There's Traitors Amongst Us

Innocent= the innocent can have no powers, must do all the tasks to win

Player= can create a wall where ever they want, can be traitor or innocent

Vampire= can lurk in the shadows to move around the map easily

Caller= can call those who were killed or thrown out of the space ship

Police= can look through security cameras but it has a percentage

Traitor= they have to kill everyone to win, they can use the powers for evil

Old man= they have to finish their tasks,When they finish the bingo board will show who is the traitors

Fairy= can summon infinite meetings whenever they want

Runner= eating candy and they can run around the map so fast

Medic= heal innocents and protect innocents using a Painting, their mother's favorite painting

Army= can eliminate traitors or innocents, can only eliminate 4 times

Obsorber= obsorbes the powers of those who were killed or thrown out, can use these powers to win

Mayor= can vote 3+

Daniel= Medic

Allie= Caller

Alexander= Mayor

Jackson= Runner

Maria= Fairy

Angelica= Innocent

Isaac= Traitor

Elizabeth= Army

Lia= Vampire

Kaito= Old man

Kai= Player

Cindy= Police

???= Obsorber

Angelica was walking to the kitchen table, once she got there the bananas were left out of the fridge! She called an emergency meeting

"where?" everybody said confused,

Angelica took a deep breath and "I was going to the kitchen, when I got there somebody left out the bananas out of the fridge and they had rotten! Who would do that!?" hurriedly said Angelica

"not the bananas!!" Daniel said while crying on the floor "okay, since we don't have enough evidence on who did it let's just skip!" Alexander worriedly said


Allie: mom gave us a bunch of tasks so we need to finish them before the traitor gets us!

Jackson: remember we have 12 tasks and 3 traitors one of them could possibly be you!

They scattered around doing their tasks

But unlucky Kai gets the worst task!

He has to swipe his card to finish the task!

Kai: okay uhm! Ah! There it is! Ah wait no- oh c'mon!

Lia: Goodluck with that!