

(Voiceover) People say that time heals all wounds, but I do not agree. what if the wounds don't heal properly? Like when cuts leave behind nasty scars or when broken bones mend together but aren't as smooth anymore. Does it mean they have healed? What if the scars you can't see are the hardest to heal? Amyra is known as the badass, classy, eloquent, and hard-working woman in Victoria's Secret. She's cold-hearted but knows how to deliver her work well. No projects go in her hand that don't make massive sales. No one dares step up to her. Men feel intimidated by her. She's a go-getter but who could have thought that was the illusion she wanted people to perceive about her. Who could have thought the strong woman was just a facade to cover up that traumatic past of her. There's only one thing that can bring her down and that's her traumatic past which she tries so hard to hide from everyone. No one wants to believe they are weak, but we all have weakness inside of us and that's the case of Amyra. Despite how she tries to heal from that past, she just couldn't forget the scars on her body that refused to heal until a mysterious secretary came into her life. In her quest to know who the mysterious secretary is, she unconsciously keeps unveiling herself to him. Who is this mysterious secretary? Is he a spy to bring her down? What does he want? How can two broken people heal each other without one taking the biggest blow? Do scars ever heal completely? Find out in this Suspense thrilled Book.

Ewatomi_Abiodun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs





Rage, hate, anger, fear, and pain took over my body.

Hell no!

I feel like I'm going crazy right now because my brain looks like a f*cking Cinema as it recaps everything.

Looking at him brought back those memories I never wanted to remember. Those memories I will pay anything to erase from my head. My lips trembled as I had flashbacks of them. My fists clenched as angry tears pierced the corner of my eyes. My throat felt like it was beginning to close up; breathing suddenly became a working effort.

Only the nightmare triggered it but seeing him trigger the tremor the more as I tried to control it. I can't believe he still had that power over me after all these years. I don't know why I still feel unsafe and scared anytime I see him. The effect he had on me is just too upheaval.




I felt someone tap my shoulder taking me out of my trance as I stagger back starting to lose my balance but the receptionist's arms quickly supported me.

" Are you okay, ma'am?" She asked her voice filled with fear and concern.

" I'm okay. I'm okay" I moved away from her arms supporting me taking a deep breath as I close my eyes and calm myself down.

" Will you like to sit down for a minute Ma'am?"

" No, thank you," I said abruptly as I opened my eyes and dry the wet tears on my face with my handkerchief.

I turn to face the receptionist. " You can go back to your seat ".

" Ok ma'am" She bow her head lightly and left.

I quickly brought out my settings powder from my bag and touch up my makeup. I dropped the power into my bag and walk towards him with my head high up. My blood boils as I see him hugging Kayden acting all innocent. Like a saint. A good person.

If I didn't know him, I would have also thought he was a good person not knowing he's an animal in human clothing. A beast. Monster.

He didn't see me coming as he seems to be completely engrossed in Kayden who was hugging him back. I walk up to him and yank off Kayden from his grip surprising him as he raised his head to look at the intruder.

" Mom..." Kayden wanted to talk but I cut him short.

" To the car !" I said in a commanding tone.

" But mom...."

" To the car !" I yelled at him and he sluggishly left for the car.

I turn to leave but was suddenly held back by him. "Amyra....."

I flung his hand away from me as I turn to face him. My eyes blazing with anger. "Don't you dare ever touch me and keep my name out of your mouth " I said through gritted teeth as I tried to walk away from him but stopped in my tracks unable to believe his next statement.

" Why did you find it so hard to forgive me despite how have begged you? "

" Did you just talk about forgiveness? " I ask as I turn around to face him and give him a fuming glare.

" Do you even think you deserve it ?"

" Amyra it's been years that ... "

I cut his sentence short. " Years? What about me living with the trauma?"

" I'm sorry," He said almost looking pitiful but I know damn well to fall for his pitiful facade.

" Sorry for yourself," I said and turn away from him.

" You can't continue to keep him away from me. Do you forget am still his father ?".

I turn to face him again. " I will continue to keep him away from you because he doesn't deserve someone like you as his father. He doesn't deserve a monster, an animal as a father. I will continue to protect and keep him away from you till my last breath ".

" What do you want exactly because I'm tired" He half yelled at me but quickly compose himself. " I have begged and begged. Ask for your forgiveness countless times. Dance to every of your tune just for you to know how remorseful I am. I'm a changed person, Amyra. I know what I did then was unacceptable. I know how it badly affected you. Trust me, if I could go back in time to correct my mistakes, I will gladly do it. What do you want me to do for you to know how regretfully I am for my mistakes? "

Tears glisten in my eyes as I look at him. "May..be.if you die" My voice cracks at the statement.

He let out a smile I wish I could slap away from his face. " Will you be happy if I die?". He shakes his head." I don't want to die without you forgiving me Amyra. If I die, who will you resent? Can you keep hating the dead? I will rather be alive to see you hate me than be dead knowing you never forgive me ".

" If you think I will ever forgive you for what you did to me . For all the trauma you made me pass through. For all the pains, tears, fear then you are dreaming".

" I have better things to do if you will excuse me Monster," I said and turn to leave.

" This boy is my son, Amyra. Kayden is mine. My blood runs through its vein. Don't deprive him of his fatherly love because of the mistakes I made in the past. You have been keeping this boy away from me for years. You blocked every access I can reach him. I can't go to his school, I can't speak to him on phone. I can only see him through his pictures uploaded online. I'm his father for crying out loud. Let me be in his life before it's too late. I want you to know he won't be a baby forever. He might not ask you questions now but at one point when he grows to know the difference between left and right. He will ask you a series of questions. He will surely ask about his father one day. How long do you want to continue deceiving him? Letting him call his biological father grandpa. Don't let him resent you if he later comes to know I'm his daddy".

" Oh, you just know you are his daddy ?" I said and scoffs. " To the hell with your fatherly love. Let me tell you one thing, he will never resent me. Instead, he will come to hate you and never hug you as he did a minute ago once he gets to know how he was conceived".

" I think it's high time we take this matter to court," He said threateningly.

" Oh, please, go ahead" I scoff.

" Do it now !" I yelled at him almost attracting the audience's attention. " It will be my pleasure to tell the whole world the kind of person you are. I will gladly destroy you completely. I will make sure you rot in jail because I have evidence. Concrete evidence to bring you down. You know, I want the whole world to know who you are. I want your family members, friends, staff, and business associates to know the real you. They thought you are the purest person on earth right?. They give you respect. See you as someone who is a role model to them. I will make them see the real you and by that time, let's see if you will be able to take custody of him.

" You are still my ....." He couldn't complete his sentence as we were interrupted by Mr. Wayne's voice. I quickly compose myself and turn around in the direction his voice comes with a fake smile plastered on my face.

" Wow, what an August visit Miss Amyra!" He says cheerfully as he walks up to us.

" Wait, do you two know each other ?"

" Not at all " I quickly answer with a tight smile.

" Really? You could easily pass for father and daughter because you look so much alike " He said and my facial expression changed.

"Please, forget I said that. I was just joking" Mr. Wayne quickly say reading my expression.

" Miss Amyra, please meet the CEO of Raekay's company. The number one fabric company all over the world ".

" Mr. Aadeel, meet one of the best Badass, classy, eloquent, and hard-working women of Victoria's Secret company".

" Mr. Wayne" I drawled getting frustrated with his flattery.

" If she handles your company's projects, I can guarantee you massive sales," Mr. Wayne says to him. " I wish I could poach her to my company but Victoria's secret know better so they raise her salary super high so we competitors can't afford her," Mr. Wayne says making me smile because that was not a lie.

" Mr. Aadeel, you need to let this badass woman train your daughter once she is back from the states so when she takes over your company, you can be rest assured. When is your daughter even coming back to Nigeria?"

He looks at me as he answers him. " Soon".

" Soon doesn't have time, Mr. Aadeel. Doesn't she knows you are getting old already?"

" She knows," He says and brilliantly changes the topic as he turns to face. "Nice to meet you, Miss Amyra," He says pretending we just met which I appreciate, and extends his hand for a handshake.

I don't shake hands with monsters.

I thought to myself cussing him out.

" I'm sorry but I don't shake. Nice to meet you too " I said feigning a smile.

" Please come to my office so we can talk better " Mr. Wayne suggested.

" You will have to excuse me, Mr. Wayne. We will discuss the rest on phone. I have some places to attend to " he quickly says.

" Oh, no problem sir. Thanks for coming. My secretary will send you the drafts of it" Mr. Wayne says as they both exchange handshakes.

I watched as he walked out of the building with two bodyguards behind him.

" To my office, please," Mr. Wayne says jolting me out.

" Yes, please," I says with a smile as we walked towards the private elevator to his office to discuss what I came for.


After spending thirty minutes in Mr. Wayne's office discussing the project. We finally come to a conclusion ending the conversation as I take my leave.

" Thank you so much for coming," Mr. Wayne says as he escorts me to the last floor and bids me goodbye as I walked out of the building to the parking lot.

I have never yelled at Kayden before and I know I needed to apologize to him for my behavior earlier. I walked toward my car and I could see him engrossed in his phone. I opened the door and step inside the driver'sseat. I close the door and turn to look at him because I know he purposely acts like he didn't notice me.

" I'm sorry," I said expecting him to look up at me yet he keep pressing his phone acting like I was invisible.

" Bubba, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier," I said as I place my hand on his shoulder.

He switched off his phone screen and turn to face. His eyes were red as he was trying hard to hold back his tears.

I cup his face into my palms. " Bubba, please don't be mad at me. You are going back to school today, let's not depart with a fight" I said pouting sadly.

" Why did you hate grandpa so much?"

I was short of sentences for a second at his question but quickly compose myself. "I .. don't..hate him. Why ..did you think so ?" I ask covering my shock with a laugh.

" You hate him, Mom. You always flare up at the mention of his name. You never let me visit him and grandma. Anytime we came across them, you always keep me away from them as if they were going to hurt me. Why did you hate them, Mom?"

I didn't know how to reply to him as I stare into his eyes. My mind quickly drifted to the conversation I had with him.

𝐇𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐇𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.

Is this what he tells Kayden when he hugs him?

Is he trying to turn his back against me?

Is this one of the schemes?

" Mom, are you listening?" Kayden says jolting me out of my thought.

" Yes love I'm sorry. I'm just shocked at your question" I say feigning a smile. " I don't hate them Kayden. I just had my reason why I am keeping you away from them. I promise to tell you when the time is ripe. Okay ?"

" Okay, mom " he nodded his head.

" Do you trust me ?"

" Of course, I do, mom".

" Do you now forgive me ?" I ask trying to brighten the mood.

He flashed me his white set of teeth. "You know I can never stay mad at you ".

" Aww," I blushed.

" I love you".

" I love you in the whole wide world, mom," He said and hug me.

I kissed his hair as I hugged him back. We stayed that way for some while inhaling each other scent. We pull apart and burst into a laugh as we stare into each other's faces.

" Please buckle your seatbelt, mister," I say jokingly as I buckle up mine and start the car engine.

" Ok, sweetheart," He says and I burst into a laugh.

" Kayden!" I said laughing. "Please don't tell me you have a girlfriend because I notice you have been using sweet names with me ".

" Stop mom! Please drive " He says hiding his blushing face.

" Hmmm, okay o," I said still laughing as I maneuver the car out of the premises.



Work has been so hectic for me due to the ongoing project. I have been running up and down trying to make sure everyone did their job perfectly well.

I was busy sorting out some documents as I go through the files on my computer to be sure I didn't do a mistake when I heard a knock on my door.

" Please, come in," I said my face still glued to the computer.

" Ma'am, this is the files from each department that you needed to sign before they can carry out the work," Says, my secretary.

" Please drop them down on the desk".

" Ok ma," She said and turn to leave.

" Are you okay ?" I ask detecting her voice sounds down, my face still glue to the computer screen.

" Yes, ma".

" Are you sure?" I ask again as I turn my face away from the computer screen to look at her.

She looks at me contemplating whether to tell me or not what was going on in her mind.

" My... my...." She couldn't complete her sentence as she burst into tears.

I quickly stand on my feet and turn around my desk to meet her. I pull her into a hug as she cries on my shoulder.

" What's the problem, Vivian?" I asked concern written all over my face.

" Do you need money ?"

She shakes her head as she continues crying. I pat her back as I allow her to calm down.

After some minutes, she pulls apart from me and wipes her tears with the back of her palms.

" What's the problem, Vivian?".

" My baby has been in a breech position since five months ago but the doctor assured me he's going to change the position that it's nothing to worry about only for me to go for antenatal today before coming to work only for me to be scheduled for an urgent CS because my baby is at risk and couldn't breathe very well".

" When is the CS schedule?"

" Tommorow," She said and my eyes widened in shock.


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