
scars she carry

{WARNING MATURE CONTENT} He was handsome, young and good looking as well,and the way he looked, he seemed to be a rich man with that black suit of his. but there's something, something that I can't seem to quite understand yet everytime when I look into his deep cold silver eyes..... who is he? please comment and add power stones if your are fun and like SCARS SHE CARRY alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Sexy image

"we didn't decide if you could be my teacher am afraid little piggy"

"Well I just thought that teaching you that as one of the most important lessons of how to treat a lady before you found yourself a licensed teacher don't you think? "

Rider looked at how big those clothes were in her body, truth to be told, for the first time in forever, Rider is actually thinking that a girl is looking cute in those huge clothes of his, to him, he never had any sort of feelings to any woman as he only thought for them as tools for pleasure, to please his little himself from the pleasurable pain it felt. but her, he suddenly thought that she looked cute in those big clothes and he inwardly swallowed his desires and temptations to finally hold her and bounce on her while pilling those huge clothes off her body and explore her world of desires and pleasures.

he tilted his head as he raised his right arm and put the forefinger on his lips and wondered as he answered her

"a licensed teacher.... I think I'll be happy to have you Lorena as my teacher, and I don't think these lessons need a licensed teacher in order to be taught.

Lorena smiled and told him

"You think?"


"Well I got no problem with that"


"We should get going, come on"

Rider insisted on them leaving this place because he knew that if she stays her any longer looking thy damn cute, he would lose his sanity and go loose.

upon them descending the stairs, Sophie went to them and noticed Alexander's clothes on Lorena. her blood boiled as he swallowed hard the pain and went to the two of them.

"Sir, should I prepare dinner for you tonight?"

"No, I won't be home. early anyway"

"Alright sir"

Sophie looked at Lorena and then, she asked him

"Will you be going to the bar again sir?"

Lorena looked at her in shock, then she looked at Rider as she couldn't believe a respected man like himself could go to a bar.

Rider felt the shock from Lorena, he looked at her and then, he answered Sophie.

"Well every man need a place to chill after working so hard for a whole day right? and I think a bar is the perfect place for a man like myself to chill while my girlfriend is away"

he smirked at Lorena, then he looked at Sophie as his gaze already changed. then he told her...

" But next time, mind your tongue"

" yes sir"

she answered as she faced down. Rider returned his gaze to Lorena and asked her

" Shall we? "

"We shall"

she answered and the two of them left the villa as Sophie watched them leave.

in the car, Lorena's mind was still troubled and Rider sensed it.... he sigh and told her

"I do go the bars sometimes to chill my mind Lorena, even a rich guy like me need to chill off and forget about the contracts for a while"

"I didn't ask anything though"

"you're expressions did"

"So, why are you telling me all this? you don't need to justify your actions to a teenager whom you just met yesterday, it's not like am your momma or your girlfriend to justify yourself for your actions"

"I didn't have the chance to do such naughty things while my momma was alive, but I still don't justify myself to my girlfriends as I see no need of it"

" Then why are you justifying myself to me?"

Rider looked at her and smirked,and then he let out a small chuckle coming from the throat.then he looked back to the road ahead of them and told her

" Anyway, you and I better stop meeting in situations like that"

" Meaning?"

" Everytime when I meet you, you're in tears and I have to be the one who has to take care of your mess"

" Excuse me I didn't ask you to come to my rescue everytime when I was in tears"

" yet you called me 15 times this afternoon....."

Lorena looked in the front and puff her cheeks.Rider saw her,he chuckled and told her,

"No need to puff those up Lorena, because I literally feel like pinching those and kiss them to burst them out and release the air."

Lorena looked at him in shock as he only smiled. mischievously....

" are you flirting? '

"Is it a sin?"

"We just met!!"

"still don't see as a sin"

"You're unbelievable"

Rider smiled as he drove through the road.

he reached her home. they didn't see her dad's car outside, so they knew he wasn't home yet. then, Lorena came out of the car, him as well.

she looked at his clothes which she wore and ask him

"I'll wash this and I'll bring them back to you tomorrow"

"tomorrow? want us to meet again tomorrow? I didn't know you were this straight forward Lorena"

"what?!!! I didn't mean it like that!!"

Rider chuckled and told her

"I know am only messing up with you, but if you want us to meet I see no problem in that"

" Unbelievable "

Rider smiled and told her calmly

" Bye Lorena"

" Bye Rider"

Rider smiled as his silver eyes pierce hers feeling Lorena with different kind of emotions. then he smiled at her and left with his car.

Lorena looked at him as he left and then, she found herself putting her arms around his clothes that he wore, she smiled and quickly entered inside.


Lorena was. on her bed as she was trying to contact him, his phone was ringing but no one picked it up. and so her mind told her that he must be busy as she'll contact him later... little did she know that he was busy, busy trying hard to forget that beautiful sexy image of her in that towel when there eyes met after Lorena came out of the bathroom in his villa