
scars she carry

{WARNING MATURE CONTENT} He was handsome, young and good looking as well,and the way he looked, he seemed to be a rich man with that black suit of his. but there's something, something that I can't seem to quite understand yet everytime when I look into his deep cold silver eyes..... who is he? please comment and add power stones if your are fun and like SCARS SHE CARRY alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasy
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37 Chs



it was Saturday and Lorena was still asleep on her bed. there was no school that day and that's why she fell asleep til late.

the moment she woke up, she went to the bathroom and freshen up, she got out and took her phone.

since last night, she's been calling Rider a couple of times but he didn't pick up, probably it was because of his exercise with Tasha. he put it on silent mode and only the vibrations were heard as they were busy exercising.

Lorena took the phone and checked if maybe he called him while she was asleep but then again, no miscalls from Rider Alexander. she sigh and out down her phone.

she wore her clothes and left heading down stared, her dad was there, she smiled and hugged him

"Good morning dad"

"Morning cup cake, how was your sleep?"


"Well that's great, I made pancakes for you, they're in the kitchen, you can go get them when you're hungry. I'll have to go"

"You're going to the police station?"

"Yes, Iam, why is there a problem?"

Lorena looked at her father, he didn't have his police uniform, he wore a blue dark jeans and a red shirt with black stripes. she looked at him and asked

"But you ain't wearing your uniform?"

"Well this is necessary, you know. sometimes we get tired puting those uniforms all the time right?"

Lorena smiled and told him

"But you don't look that bad"

"Ofcourse I don't look that bad am your father after all"

the two of them laughed and Alex told Lorena

" Well I'll go now, bye sweetheart"

" Bye dad"

he turned and walked towards the door

" But when you'll be back? "

" Aaaaahhhh, normal schedule, 14 to 16pm,"

" alright, I'll be here"

" Ok"

he turned and left.

Lorena sigh, she went to the kitchen took the pancakes and sat on the coach in the living room, while she was there, she was thinking about Rider again. she heard her phone ring.

as if jolted by a lightning, she quickly stood and went to her room. as she ran towards the phone, she was unknowingly hoping that the one who's calling her would be Rider.

she quickly took her phone in her hands and checked who called her.

she picked up the call"Hello"

"Oh Lorena, hi"

her excitement quickly died down like bonfire being extinguished by a rain storm. it wasn't Rider the one who called her but rather it was Lorie.

"Hi Lorie, how have you been doing?"

"Well am fine,and you?"

"Am also fine Lorie"

" Oh that's good then,I just wanted to check out on you if your feeling okay after all that happened yesterday"

" oh ammm..... I'm actually better now, Rider actually handled everything and made me feel better, am sorry if I got you all worried for no reason."

"no it's fine Lorena, I didn't got to talk to you yesterday because if the circumstances but listen, I don't know about everyone else but, I know those two are lying, you would never do such a thing,I just can't believe that Jack would blame you like that,but then again with the company he got himself involved with makes everything seems so believable"

" Yeah, even I can't believe he did such thing because I believed him, Rider is right, these young teenagers are just F*cks that's all"

" Rider,the man who came to pick you up yesterday?"

" Yeah him"

" oh me god and that's remind me Lorena"

"Exactly tell me where,or which god did you pray to to bless you with a rich breathtaking God like him?"

Lorena chuckled and asked her

" What are you saying Lorie? "

"Are you kidding me?! he's like your superman!! I mean he got to you when that wench started b*tching again and was like..."

Lorie mimicked him in the phone

" Let go of her....want me to repeat myself?"

Lorena chuckled as she listened to her and Lorie laughed over the phone as she continued

"I mean that was so epic!!!!! he totally got her off guard!!!! and then he was like threatening her with that serious gaze of his God!!!!! you gotta tell me where you find him so I can have my superman's number as well to call him when I need that wench to be f*cked up again"

Lorena this time laughed and told her

"Well I actually I didn't find him,he found me"

"Meaning? "

" he found me sitting by the road crying my eyeballs out"

" Wait like he, that handsome freak was the one who came to you?! "

"Yeah, he stopped his car and asked me if I needed a ride? "

" And let me guess, you said yes"

" After some time of arguing and pushing him off yes, I said yes"

" And why would you push him off? Akh, you were just being dramatic that's all Lorena, acting like you don't want the bet but you actually wanted it"

" Actually no, I want acting, I was so pissed off that I didn't want anything, I didn't want him anywhere near me, but hus stubbornness got me agreeing in going with him"

" Ok girl so tell me something, forget about all that, what happened yesterday after you left with him because you looked a little bit messed up"

" Oh ammm....

he took me to his home and gave me... some. clothes to wear"

"Clothes? He got a sister or something? "amm.... no he"

"Oh!! he bought you new clothes? Wow that's so amazing of him"

"No he didn't buy me any new clothes he ammm.... gave me his clothes..... to wear"

"...! "

" Lorie... are you still there? "

Lorie was shocked a little and that made Lorena Abit worried, she asked

" Lorie.. are... "

"Oh My God that's so romantic, he's so... oh my god!!!!! "

"wowowow, wait a minute, Romantic? "

" Yeah, he's so romantic, I mean he gave you his clothes to wear, wait a minute, did they even fit you, I bet you looked so sexy!!!!"

" No listen, I think you got it wrong, he's not romantic I mean he only gave me his clothes because I didn't had any spare clothes okay? "

" oh come on, he got all the wealth to buy you as much clothes as you want but he still gave you his, girl what's wrong with you? if your boyfriend ain't romantic than what's that? "

"Wait his not my boyfriend!!! "

" What but he said your his girlfriend"

" To only scare Rina not to mess with me that's all, Lorie how can I date a man whom we only know each other for three days?!!"

" Three days and he already came to your rescue, called you his girlfriend Infront of everyone, you went to his house and wore his clothes"

" He was only trying to help! "

" Lorena, come on!! you just hit the jackpot and you're letting it go?!! "

" I didn't say that Lorie,"

" Girl listen, I don't know about you but if I were you, I would hold on to that neck tie and pull it into my embrace, God didn't chose you to come in his life for nothing"

" We can't really say that because he hasn't said anything to me"

"And if he does, don't let him slip away girl, you hear me? Don't, or else I think am gonna take your place"

" What?!!!! "

Lorie laughed and told her

" Just kidding, but am also serious"

Lorena chuckled and told her

"Alright, I won't let go"

"Now that's my girl, and as for that wench, am sorry I didn't say anything back then, but I promise you now that I won't let anything like that happen again"

" and I don't think it'll happen after what Rider has done. and it's alright,no worries"

" Thanks Lorena, alright then, bye and don't forget okay, what I've told you about... "

Lorena chuckled and said

"I won't.... "