
Scars of Six

When five siblings get adopted by a new family they find things to be different. These kids have been through hell just trying to get away from the agency and moving in with a new family every two months. So moving in with this couple that already has four other older boys doesn’t sound to pleasing, but they need something from the agency before they can leave and this family is the key to getting it.

rainy_day05 · Teen
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 2: Irene

After walking for about thirty minutes we finally arrived at a huge building that could pass as a castle. Greeted with a large front yard with a few flowers aligning the perimeter of the house and walkway towards what I assumed was the front door. It was a brown brick house with a dark black trianglish roof looking to be three levels. All the windows were white framed but the top floor had four of the smallest windows compared to the rest of the house, that stuck out making the house look like a four eyed monster. The two bottom floors had ten large windows that looked to be seven feet with curtains to block outsiders from looking in. The first floor was pushed out to make a large balcony for the second floor, it had a black metal railing that stood out compared to the rest of the exterior design and large plants that draped itself over to reach the ground. Looking towards the right there was a large garage that could hold 10 or more cars at once, which made no sense cause the agency director said there was only the couple living here. The house was surrounded by trees that lead into the forest and an ocean view right out front, it took no genius to guess these people were rich.

"Great, another rich family.". I could hear the annoyance in Ko's voice and he wasn't wrong to be, every rich family that "wanted" us had ulterior motives. As we neared the house I noticed there were no bodyguards or security, normally rich people like this couple had tons of security because of potential dangers and to stop people from leaving the house. Before I could get lost in thought a lady about 5'5 came out of the front door looking surprised.

"Oh dear. Are you the kids from the agency?", the lady looked at each one of us. She had long beautiful strawberry blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that complemented her white long summer dress. The agency told us the couple were in their late forties but this lady looked no older than 30, I mean she's gorgeous! She wasn't skinny but not fat either, her body looked fit and she had no wrinkles anywhere on her body. Ko was the one to answer her simply saying 'yes' with a hint of annoyance to his tone, but she didn't mind instead she plastered on the biggest smile which made her ten times more beautiful.

She turned and yelled inside the house, "Nick! They're here!", she turned back towards us, "I'm so sorry we were told you guys would arrive in a week from now we didn't know you guys would arrive today.". We all developed this type of power or intuition knowing when someone was lying to us and it came in handy over the years, using this so-called power I realized she actually meant what she said which caught me off-guard. Although I was still upset about staying at the airport for five hours and taking another three to get here I couldn't help but take a liking to her, she had this aura that just drew me to her and gave me a weird feeling. I pushed it aside and saw a tall 6'1 man walk out with blue jeans and a black t-shirt, he had salt and pepper hair and a light stubble on his chin and a pair of amazingly beautiful blue eyes. Does everyone in this town have blue eyes? This man was outstandingly handsome so when he looked at us and gave us a smile it made him look even more stunning. He put his hand on the back of his wife and introduced themselves as Nicholas and Elizabeth.

"Hi everyone! I'm Nicholas and this is my wife Elizabeth, we didn't expect your arrival so soon. I called the agency so the director should be here any minute. Why don't you all come in and we can wait for them inside.", I could help but hesitate for a second because of how the day has been going so far but I was too tired to continue to stand there so I followed them inside with Kai in front of me and Ko holding Mea behind.

As we walked in there was a staircase pushed to the wall on the right side, underneath there was a sliding door leading to a light brown cubby that was half opened showing jackets and shoes. On the left side there was a large circle carpet that was surrounded with light grey couches but left an opening towards the wall to watch a movie on the huge flat screen tv. The whole left wall was covered in books but left a whole in the middle to place the huge television. The floor was covered with tile having the circle carpet as the only soft flooring in the living room but I could see that once someone reached the stairs it was carpet all the way up. We took off our shoes and left our backpacks in the cubby. The kitchen wasn't too far away from the front door, literally we walked in a straight line and found our way to the kitchen. Having the kitchen entrance at the far right I noticed the large oval shaped table with twelve cushioned seats pushed underneath. Sitting down at the table with Mal in my lap and Mea in Ko's, Elizabeth walked towards a cabinet and grabbed out some glasses to fill with water. Instead of a wall separating the kitchen and dining room it was replaced with a counter that showed the refrigerator and cabinets above the stove and sink. Next to the table was a large glass door that reached from the counter to the wall connected to the doorway, it was a few feet away from the table and was shown to be larger than the table's length. I could see a stone tiled porch with stairs leading to a large grassy backyard into the forest, but then I saw a glissen and noticed a pool! Wow, these people are rich. Elizabeth came back with a tray holding five glasses of water and a straw for Mal. Giving us all a glass we thanked her, getting a small smile in return.

"I want to apologize to all of you, we really didn't know you guys were coming today." Nicholas showed genuine sadness for not knowing though all we could give him as a slight nod which brought worry to his eyes. We sat there in silence for about five minutes before Nicholas heard the doorbell ring and jumped to his feet. Elizabeth sat down right next to her husband's empty seat and across from Kai, I was sitting in between Kai and Ko, while looking at the four other empty seats.