
Scars of Queens

"I am your Queen now. You would never understand all the hardships I've been through to get here, and don't bother. Just get your act together and do as I say, alright?" Allana was your every day average girl. She craved to be the center of attention, and loved to write. Everything changes when one of her latest books come to life. And all of them seem to know her and share this bond with her. In the process, she discovers that she was the heir of the Starfallen Empire. Read this story where even the most unlikeliest of things become possible with the power of creation.

Lizzie_Writing88 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Going Home

Once Allana was done packing her essentials, she led Allegra and Freya towards the exit of her house. Unfortunately for her, it seemed her mother was expecting her. Allana glared at this woman she called mother, and she returned the same gesture.

"Get out of the way," Allana growled, fists clenching.

"You're crazy if you think we're letting you go to Starfallen," she replied, crossing her arms.

"Then crazy I am."


"Try and stop me," Allana sneered, putting a dagger at her throat.

"This is no way to treat your mother!" she spat, venom as clear as day.

"Neither your daughter. Now, guys, let's go." Allana went out, and the other two glanced at each other hesitantly, before following. "Now, how do we get there?"

"With the help of a Pegasus or Unicorn," Allegra informed. "More importantly, where'd you get that dagger!?" Freya queried, alarmed albeit confused.

Allana shrugged, then whistled a tune. No sooner did she do that did a majestic winged creature land in front of her. Allana smiled, then hopped on and so did the others.

"Can you take us to Starfallen, Amethyst?" She neighed as to say yes, and then took off.

When they finally got there, Allana pet the back of Amethyst's neck where her mane flew in the wind. "Thanks, girl." Amethyst neighed in satisfaction once more before taking off into the skies.

Freya grabbed Allegra's and Allana's hands and dragged them to the entrance of the Empire. There was a dragon keeping watch, and once it caught sight of the trio, it approached.

Freya didn't seem fazed by the glare at all. "We have the heir!" she exclaimed, and pushed Allana in front of her. Allana glanced up at the beast and waved awkwardly. In response, the dragon sniffed her, then backed up and closed its eyes and layed on the ground.

"Let's get to the castle!" Freya chirped.

~ `* ` ~

Allana stared at the two thrones in front of her, deep in thought. Allegra and Freya, meanwhile, awaited Allana's reaction.

"Well, what do you think?" Allegra asked, a bit impatient.

"So, do we have to refer to you with your title, Queen Allana of Starfallen?" Freya inquired, quizzical.

Allana, on the other hand, just chuckled at her friend's questions before answering. "The castle's not the problem, I just don't think I'll be a good Queen. And, no, you don't. Just refer to me as such in public only."

Freya frowned. "You'll be a good Queen, Allana! Don't underestimate yourself. You're a wild, caring and passionate person that I am proud to call a friend." Allegra nodded.

"Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you." Allegra and Freya merely smiled in return.

"No problem. Now let's go check out Starfallen, it's been so long!"

Allana nodded, smiling, before following them.

"I think with them around, I'll be just fine."