
Scars ( Second part of ' A love story')

Second season of 'A love Story' Ivy Jonas , the ace of her school basketball team and Jake Miller, a budding author are best of best friends. They are classmates, neighbours and are planning to study in the same collage. But she has a secret that she hides from the whole world. But when the whole world discover her secret she blames Jake for everything. Their friendship is broken and a deep scar is formed on both their hearts. 5 years later, Ivy is a business woman who is going to inherit her father's business and Jake is a mysterious world famous author who writes under the pen name ‘Pheonix’. What happen when they meet again? Ivan Jonas, is a protective brother to his sisters, (especially to Isha) and a good son to his parents. He is a university student who still have no idea what to do with his life! One day he reached back home from Uni to find 2 unfamiliarly familiar face at his house. It is Sara his childhood friend who migrated to France with her parents and little siblings when he was 14 and she 13! Sara always had feelings for Ivan but was scared to express them. They lost contact long ago! When they meet again after 7 years , things are really awkward between them ! And it is really hard for Sara as the feelings she thought she had gotten over starts returning! Will Ivan realise his feelings for Sara ? Follow me on instagram @roxy_author

ro_xy_042210 · Urban
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23 Chs

Something wrong with her face!

Jake carried Ivy on his back and made her sit on her motorcycle. Then he started driving. Ivy sat there silently thinking about what Laura told her.



"Laura told me that you fought with Mike because of me, is it true?"

"No! Why would we fight because of you? They are just making things!"

"Really? You are not lying right?"

"Ofcourse no!"

"Mm! Then Ok!"


(Next week)

"Jake , I have a very very good news to share!" Ivy said bragging into his room. She was jumping due to happiness.

"Calm down! Why are you so happy rabbit(Jake call Ivy rabit as she always jump around when she is happy.)"

"Jake you don't know how happy I am! Today I got a letter! I could join national team on February!" she said and hugged him tightly.

Jake's face fell at the thought of her leaving him! They have never been away from each other! But he was also happy as Ivy is happy.


(Months passed by and in a week Ivy will be joining the national team. Her friends arranged a surprise party to congratulate her and it's Jake's duty to bring her there.)

Jake went to Ivy's house and greeted Rose. He asked her where Ivy is and she told her that she is in her room. Jake ran upstairs and entered her room without knocking. Ivy turned around to see who it was and she suddenly turned back!

"Get out! " she shouted.

"Ivy what happened to you? " Jake asked running to her. There is something wrong with her face!

"Nothing! Just get out!" Ivy shouted.

Jake made Ivy turn around by force. He saw a scar starting from her lips and extending to her ear.

"Ivy, for heaven's sake, tell me what happened!"

But Ivy remained silent. Tears slowly escaping from her eyes. She was not looking at him.

"Who did this? When?" he asked again. After a few minutes silence she answered.

"It… happened when I was an infant"

"What? …Infant?"

"Mmm! Due to a …car accident!"

"But I never …."

"I always wear makeup!"

Jake remained silent for a few minutes.

"Do you really take me as your friend? " Jake asked Ivy.


"If you took me as your friend, then you should have told me about this years back!"

"I am sorry!" Ivy whispered. Then she started crying again. Jake hugged her tightly and consoled her.

"Its ok!" Jake consoled her. "And why are you applying make up all the time? You look pretty even with this scar!"

"No! I know that I am ugly!"

"Who said that? Now smile?" he said. She smiled and he captured her photo on his phone.

"Jake what are you doing? Delete that photo!"

"No I won't! And you are really pretty! Don't wear make up anymore!"

"No! I am not confident enough to do that!"

"Take your time and one day you will be confident to show yourself to this world! "

(Jake took her to the surprise party planned by his friends and she still wore make up! That day passed like any other days! )
