
Scars ( Second part of ' A love story')

Second season of 'A love Story' Ivy Jonas , the ace of her school basketball team and Jake Miller, a budding author are best of best friends. They are classmates, neighbours and are planning to study in the same collage. But she has a secret that she hides from the whole world. But when the whole world discover her secret she blames Jake for everything. Their friendship is broken and a deep scar is formed on both their hearts. 5 years later, Ivy is a business woman who is going to inherit her father's business and Jake is a mysterious world famous author who writes under the pen name ‘Pheonix’. What happen when they meet again? Ivan Jonas, is a protective brother to his sisters, (especially to Isha) and a good son to his parents. He is a university student who still have no idea what to do with his life! One day he reached back home from Uni to find 2 unfamiliarly familiar face at his house. It is Sara his childhood friend who migrated to France with her parents and little siblings when he was 14 and she 13! Sara always had feelings for Ivan but was scared to express them. They lost contact long ago! When they meet again after 7 years , things are really awkward between them ! And it is really hard for Sara as the feelings she thought she had gotten over starts returning! Will Ivan realise his feelings for Sara ? Follow me on instagram @roxy_author

ro_xy_042210 · Urban
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23 Chs

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(2 days later)

Ivy went to school for knowing her results. There exams are over now and in 3 days Ivy will leave for joining the national team! Ivy felt many eyes on her. Suddenly Laura came running and dragged her to an empty class room. She locked the doors and started Ivy with questions.

"Ivy, is it true or just an edited photo? What happened to you? Why did Jake do that?"

"Laura what are you talking about?"

"You didn't know? Jake posted your photo on facebook!" then she showed Ivy that photo. It was the photo Jake took 2 days ago. The photo in which her scar is clearly visible.

Tears started escaping Ivy's eyes. She wished that she could just disappear! She thought why is Jake doing this to to her?

Suddenly someone started knocking on the door, no banging. Laura opened the door and it was Ezra and her team.

"Hi, beautiful!" Ezra said mockingly.

"Get out of here Ezra!" Laura said.

"Take this bitch away!" Ezra ordered and two of them dragged Laura away with them.

"Ok, now time to see your real face!" then they held Ivy by force and started removing her makeup. Then they took her several photos.

At the same time Jake was searching for her like crazy. He soon reached the rom where Ivy was getting bullied by Ezra and gang. He ran inside and seeing him Ezra and her gang left.

"Are you alright?" Jake asked holding Ivy's hand.

"Leave me!" she shouted.

"Ivy, it wasn't me…" he started explaining but Ivy stopped him.

"You are the one who took that photo and it's your Facebook account! Can you deny that? "

"Ivy but I..."

"I trusted you and you…. You'll never see me again Jake!" saying this she ran out. She didn't even cared to hide her scar. Everyone out there was shocked to see Ivy like that. Ivy didn't even waited to know her results and ran to home.


Rose was about to go to her office but suddenly hugged her tightly from behind. She was expecting Eddy but when she turned around she realised that it is not Eddy but Ivy! Ivy's face was covered with tears and she was not wearing make up, her scar is visible.

"Ivy, what happened? You felt a few moments ago how come…"

"Mom!" Ivy hugged her tightly and started weeping. Rose was confused and worried. But she kept quiet as she know that it's not the time to question her.

Ivy kept on crying and Rose just patted on her back. Hearing the sounds Eddy, Ivan and Isha came downstairs. Eddy gave Rose a questioning look and she shook her head. As soon as Ivy saw Eddy she ran into his hands and kept on crying. Eddy's heart was aching seeing his daughter in such a state.

Ivan and Isha stood there like statues not knowing what to do!

Jake also came there in search of Ivy. As soon as she saw him she ran to her room and locked herself in it. Jake explained to Rose and Eddy what happened.