
Scars ( Second part of ' A love story')

Second season of 'A love Story' Ivy Jonas , the ace of her school basketball team and Jake Miller, a budding author are best of best friends. They are classmates, neighbours and are planning to study in the same collage. But she has a secret that she hides from the whole world. But when the whole world discover her secret she blames Jake for everything. Their friendship is broken and a deep scar is formed on both their hearts. 5 years later, Ivy is a business woman who is going to inherit her father's business and Jake is a mysterious world famous author who writes under the pen name ‘Pheonix’. What happen when they meet again? Ivan Jonas, is a protective brother to his sisters, (especially to Isha) and a good son to his parents. He is a university student who still have no idea what to do with his life! One day he reached back home from Uni to find 2 unfamiliarly familiar face at his house. It is Sara his childhood friend who migrated to France with her parents and little siblings when he was 14 and she 13! Sara always had feelings for Ivan but was scared to express them. They lost contact long ago! When they meet again after 7 years , things are really awkward between them ! And it is really hard for Sara as the feelings she thought she had gotten over starts returning! Will Ivan realise his feelings for Sara ? Follow me on instagram @roxy_author

ro_xy_042210 · Urban
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23 Chs

I promise

"Good! Now we need a story!" Ivy said.

"What story?"

"How we met, fell in love , married etc!"


"You are the story writer here..so..."

"Let's go with a simple one. You and I are childhood friends and I had a crush on from childhood days. Then I proposed you and you accepted my love."

"Ok! That's more realistic!"

Jake looked at Ivy and wished that she really loved him…no! It's ok if she doesn't love him, he just want her back as his bestfriend, the old Ivy who would crack lame jokes,share all her secrets, land herself in trouble and beg Jake to help her, laugh all the time….but now she won't even talk to her.

When Ivy left him, Jake also changed. He is no longer that cheerful Jake , he just locked himself in his room. He spent most of his time writing stories, that is were he find peace. An imaginary land where Ivy is his heroene.

There was a time when Jake didn't even came out for his meals, in the end he fell sick and got hospitalised.

"What's your profession?" Ivy asked Jake bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?… Editor."


"Yeah, for a magazine!"


"I'm going to have dinner! You coming?"


They went to restaurant for having dinner and Rosh also joined them. Jake felt irritated seeing Rosh with them.

Rosh started explaining about their new project and Ivy started instructing him about it and Jake just ate his dinner silently while cursing Rosh in his mind. How much he wanted to kill this man for snatching his wife's attention from him.


After dinner Jake and Ivy went back to their room and Ivy went to take a shower. At that time Jake got a phone call from Eddy.


"How is everything there?"

"She isn't suspicious of anything."

"Jake, I entrusted my daughter in your hands because I know you love her. Take care of her and don't make her cry. She may need some time to adjust with all these and trust you, be patient."

"I promise you uncle, I will take care of your daughter."