
Scars ( Second part of ' A love story')

Second season of 'A love Story' Ivy Jonas , the ace of her school basketball team and Jake Miller, a budding author are best of best friends. They are classmates, neighbours and are planning to study in the same collage. But she has a secret that she hides from the whole world. But when the whole world discover her secret she blames Jake for everything. Their friendship is broken and a deep scar is formed on both their hearts. 5 years later, Ivy is a business woman who is going to inherit her father's business and Jake is a mysterious world famous author who writes under the pen name ‘Pheonix’. What happen when they meet again? Ivan Jonas, is a protective brother to his sisters, (especially to Isha) and a good son to his parents. He is a university student who still have no idea what to do with his life! One day he reached back home from Uni to find 2 unfamiliarly familiar face at his house. It is Sara his childhood friend who migrated to France with her parents and little siblings when he was 14 and she 13! Sara always had feelings for Ivan but was scared to express them. They lost contact long ago! When they meet again after 7 years , things are really awkward between them ! And it is really hard for Sara as the feelings she thought she had gotten over starts returning! Will Ivan realise his feelings for Sara ? Follow me on instagram @roxy_author

ro_xy_042210 · Urban
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I hate you and myself

Ivy and Jake left to Maui from Honolulu. They went to Hamoa beach. They were enjoying the euphoric beauty of the vast sea and the thick forest of Hala trees. They walked through the sea shore as the sea water hit their feet. Ivy smiled as the cold water touched her feet.

They were both lost in the beauty of nature, but then Jake noticed someone capturing their photos. Jake immediately pulled Ivy to her by waist . Ivy looked at Jake confused.

"Someone is taking our photos!" he whispered near her ear. Ivy shivered as his hot breath hit her face, it tickled her. Their closeness made her feel safe and uncomfortable at the same time. It's not their first time being this close with each other, but she never felt like this before. She felt her cheeks heating up. She looked like a tomato with her pinkish red cheeks.

Jake pecked on her cheek slightly.

"Whatvso you think you are doing?" Ivy asked through gritted teeth.

"I am acting. This is how a newlywedded couple should be!" Jake said, but only he knows how much wanted to kiss her on her cheeks and forehead the way he did 5 years ago.

They spent that day like this , acting like a lovey dovey couple. They checked in to a beach side resort

After showering, Jake found Ivy sleeping on the couch. Her legs were too long to fit in there and she was laying in a pretty uncomfortable position. Jake slowly picked her up and laid on the bed and slept beside her, hugging her.

The next morning, Ivy woke up and found herself on the bed. She tried to get up, but Jake's hands were on her waist. She pulled away his hands and got up. This caused Jake to wake up.

"How in the hell did I end up here?" Ivy asked angrily.

"It is so uncomfortable…."

"Don't you know that it's inappropriate for a girl and a boy to share a bed? "

"Ivy, we used to sleep like this 5.."

"Please don't start with your ' 5 years ago'! How many times do I have to tell you that we are not the same as 5 years ago. I changed, you changed, our situations changed and our friendship is no more. Let me make one thing clear! I got married to you because of my reputation only! I hate you! And I hate myself for getting fooled by you 5 years ago!" Ivy shouted and stormed into the bathroom.