
Scarred and Beautiful

Aduke's world is turned upside down when she loses her parents, and she is left to fend for herself in a cutthroat society where people take pleasure in using her for their own gain. With the weight of societal pressure bearing down on her to rely on a man for her every need, Aduke is forced to make a life-altering decision: succumb to societal expectations or forge her own path and risk losing everything she's ever wanted. With her future hanging in the balance, Aduke must navigate through this harsh world and discover her true identity.

Goudc · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Aduke locked her door and walked down the long narrow corridor. St peters hostel which is usually noisy was extremely quiet that morning ,so quiet one could hear the echo of a pin dropping on the ground. The music players, the early morning fighters, the gossipers, the no reason noise makers have all gone home due to the strike.

Some students stayed back because of work and other reasons, she stayed back because home wasn't welcoming, she didn't see herself lucky enough to have a home to return to. She opened the gate gently only to be run into by a tall and frail looking boy, probably ten years of age. He looked tattered, wearing a washed black jean and faded cream coloured polo.

"Aunty please help me, I haven't eaten since morning, any amount will do". the boy begged in a shaky voice.

She checked the time, it was already 11am. Her heart felt for the young boy. She wondered how hungry he must for him to go about begging, not caring who lends him as long his stomach is filled.

"I have food, will you eat? ", she offered. The boy looked at her in disbelief, he wasn't expecting such hospitality. He looked down, fidgeting with his clothes, contemplating whether he should take her offer or not.

"I won't hurt you" she wooed, flashing him a sunny smile. He looked at her dazzled, nodding vigorously in agreement. She laughed, beckoning on him to follow her. He obeyed without a word. She opened her door and they both walked in. The young boy gaze around the room in awe.

"Beautiful.", he whispered. She chuckled.

"Sit down", she motioned with a sweep of her fingers. He stared at the chair for seconds.

"Let me sit on the floor instead. I will dirty the chair." He said, looking down. She snorted.

"I said sit, i am not complaining, besides you a very neat boy", she praised.

He blushed helplessly, he took his seat without another word. Aduke went straight to the kitchen, warmed the rice and stew and dished it in a plate. She poured orange juice in a plastic cup, her movements swift and smooth. She arranged everything in a tray and carried it to the room and dropped it on the reading table. On sighting the meal, his mouth fell open.

"Aunty, it's been long i tasted beef", the gratefulness in his voice could be clearly seen, his eyes teary. She wore a smile.

"It's all yours dear, you should enjoy." She said smiling. He nodded and grabbed the spoon, digging in with relish. He ate with a renew vigor as she watched him with compassion.

"What's your name?". she asked, when the food had drastically reduced and he had began to eat at a slower pace.

"Gbotemi", he replied.

"You are even Yoruba?", Her eyes lit with excitement.

"Yes ma, my mom is from Ondo state and my dad is Itsekiri. I have never met him before though." he confessed, with a sad look etched on his skinny face.

She studied him carefully, wondering how he must have felt growing up and realizing his father walks on the face of the earth but doesn't exist. How will a man, after bringing a child into the world concludes that he prefers to remain faceless?. What happens to such child?. Isn't it better he died than for him to be alive and be useless to his own flesh and blood. She had come to the conclusion long ago that the man who birthed her had died and she had no regrets.

"What about your mom?"

"She is a hustler", he replied casually, his grip had tightened on the spoon and she took noticed.

"She's always travelling, i don't get to see her. Last time i asked, they told me she was in Asaba. She is just like my father...useless." he spoke with bitterness, while looking down at his food.

She immediately felt connected to the boy. It was like whatever he was going through, she understood more than anybody else.

"So you stay with family members? "

He forced a weak smile and continued eating. Aduke waited patiently, she didn't want to rush the boy, she understood how hard it must be for him to open up. He was a young boy, he deserves to be happy in life. He deserves a welcoming home he could return to after school, parents who would gladly pamper him and also scold him when necessary.

"I stay with my aunty." He replied, his voice shaky.

"She doesn't give me food, i believe that mom sends her money for my upkeep but she spends it all on her own children. She lets me starve all the time and she beats me too". He added, his eyes sore red.

Her eyes travelled over his arms not covered by the polo, they had nasty scars on them. She wished she could see this aunt of his and give her the beating of her entire life. She had no reason, no right to hit him. He had a useless father and mother, useless and worthless family. They left him to the streets, not caring if the dangerous streets takes his life or made a monster out of him.

"For sometime now, i help a woman that sells food down the street wash plates, she gives me food. I didn't go today because her son came visiting. He hates and beats me all the time, he said i should have been aborted." He explained bitterly.

"Do you attend school?"

"Yes ma, i attend the government school at the second street, you should have heard of it. I like school." He admitted, he had finished his food and even emptied the juice. He looked livelier than earlier. Aduke smiled at him and he blushed, his fair ears red like cooked lobster.

"Gbotemi, i am a student and i don't have much but i do understand what you are going through. If life gives you lemon, what do you think you should do with it?".

He became serious for a while, thinking deeply about the perfect answer to give. He didn't want this beautiful aunty to be disappointed in him.

"Make lemonade? ", he replied timidly.

"Very intelligent answer!. You make the best lemonade dear and while you are making it, some people would make the process unbearable but you squeeze some part of the lemon right in their eyes," she smiled with devilish mischief. "life is harsh, you have to be strong, be rugged, be a thug if necessary, just make sure you prove everyone wrong. You are the very best, Gbotemi, the smartest kid in the world and no matter what people say, just see it as the mere words of an hater. Haters become blind and then their blindness affect their reasoning and kills them." She lectured.

His eyes became cloudy with unshed tears. This was the first time someone had called him smart or intelligent. It felt so good hearing it from her. He really did like her!

She searched her bag and brought out a thousand naira note, she passed it to him, and he stared at the neat currency in wonder. His comical facial expression was so adorable that she laughed. She wished she could take his pictures.

"I don't have much but you should come every Saturday afternoon for pocket money and make sure you come with your school books! If there is anything you need to buy in school ,let me know. If you don't meet me at home on Saturdays, check room 4 or 10, i will drop the money with them. okay?"

He kept mute for a while, a shocked look written all over on his face. The unshed tears began to fall in torrents. He stood up swiftly and prostrate on the floor, holding unto her legs, she was dumbfounded.

"Thank you aunty ", he appreciated, his voice choked up. She bent down to pat his head.

"Stand up Gbotemi."

"No aunty! Let me remain here, i don't know what i must have done to make you show me so much care. Let me die here!". He ranted on. She laughed at the sight of him but managed to pull him up.

"If you die here, what use would be of my help", her grin was wild and her eyes filled with amusement.

"Instead, always ensure you read well and i need you to promise me something, don't go around begging people for money. The world isn't smiling at anybody. Don't beg and don't eat outside, come to me instead. Promise?"

"Promise!" He confirmed, sniffing, his nose, eyes and ears all red. He flung himself at her in a tight hug, staggered backward from the impact. He wrapped both arms around her waist, burying his head just below her breast. He wished he could remain like that forever. She was so soft and smelt heavenly. Aduke hugged him back, they both smiled warmely.

After some seconds, she faked a cough, he understood her intentions and released her, staring intensely at his feet.

"Don't sleep out late and when your aunt beat you, always remind yourself that no bad situation lasts forever. It will help you endure. Always try hard to get in touch with your mom, and tell her you love her. I am sure she doesn't hate you at all." She advised and he nodded.

She cleared the table and took the dishes to the kitchen. He neatly tucked the money in his jean pocket. They both walked out and she locked her door. When they got to the gate, he stared at her, a satisfied smile playing casually on his lips.

"Ma, when i grow up and make the money, i will marry you" he declared with all seriousness. Her eyes widened for a moment. She laughed heartily.

"Will you wait for me? " he asked, the smile on his face had turned into somewhat of seriousness and determination. She forced herself to stop laughing, and she draped a hand on his bony shoulders.

"Time cannot be underestimated, neither put too much hope upon. We don't understand time, we just watch it control our lives. Maybe i can wait, maybe it's impossible to wait. When you grow up, you are gonna have a thousand girls flocking around. You would have become so handsome. Who knows if in the next five years, i already have two kids or even discover that i am barren. What we can do is watch, while preparing and waiting. I want you to work hard, starting right now with your books". she said gently. He flashed her a sunny smile.

"Okay! Let me go and start first!" He said in excitement, he stole another quick hug before running down the street with a reddened face. She stared at his retreating figure, laughing hard.

She turned the opposite way he had ran to and trekked down enjoying the neat crispy air. A car horned behind her, she ignored it and moved farther away from the road. Benin drivers are a mentally derailed set of people, especially the younger ones among them. They could do the unthinkable, she didn't want any car splashing the muddy water on her today.

Rain had fallen last night and the whole Edo street was a stinking mess. The car soon passed, it was a black coloured Lexus. She didn't bother checking out who was behind the wheel, it didn't concern her.

Her phone began to ring, she stopped to check who it was. She was so engrossed rummaging her bag that she didn't notice when the car packed by the roadside and the driver came out and walked towards her.

"Aduke!" Someone called out her name in excitement. She quickly looked up to a tall dark guy walking towards her. He wore a green coloured Lakers sweatshirt with black shorts. On his feet were black Nike latest sneakers. He had an aristocratic and masculine vibe around him. She didn't know whether to laugh or frown. He was among the last person she expected to meet again.

"Truth", she whispered. He grinned towering over her. She moved back a little. She didn't want him touching her.

"I almost didn't recognise you, just two years and you haven't changed a bit. Still on the slender side but curvier and dang! You glow!" He commented. She forced a plastic smile.

"Hope your curves are natural? Benin girls and those body enhancement shit. Some claim they are not using a thing but it's all lies, all silly lies" he quickly added. Her fake smile dropped.

"It's none of your business ", she replied with all seriousness.

"You shouldn't complain, not a man like you who cares about breast and buttocks. You are moved simply by what you see and nothing more. If a girl who after being body shamed decides to change her look to please men like you. Who the hell do you think you are to complain? " she added calmly, and he whistled.

"Wow, still haven't changed. Do you leave here?" he asked looking around.

"Yes. What are you doing in Benin? "

"I remembered telling you that i came here to see my mom. I miss her, and also to see few friends " he replied. She nodded, making a show of checking her wristwatch.

"Where are you heading?" He asked. She wanted to lie but changed her mind, there was no point doing so.

"A client is waiting for me at Nadia bakery, i have goods to deliver to her."

"Great, heading my way. I am famished, let me give you a ride." He offered. She stared at him, he smiled at her. She didn't protest and walk towards the car.

He rushed forward to open the door, she entered without a word. The cold emanating from the air conditioner hit her, she shivered slightly, holding her bag closer to her chest. Neither said a word to each other until the car had mingled with other cars on the narrow road.

"You just disappeared after that day i came to your house to ask after you, your cousin told me you instructed him not to say a word about your whereabouts ." He said breaking the deafening silence, and she turned to glare at him.

"There was no point looking for me. You should have your name changed, you can't be called Truth yet lie all the time." she snorted.

"How's your fiancée? " she quickly added, he chuckled.

"She's not my fiancée, i just posted her to make you mad". He replied.

She smiled, she wasn't surprised. He had claimed to hate girls with all he had, even vowing not to get married. He had gone ahead to narrate how he caught his best friend and the girl he loved in bed. She never believed any of his stories but she always played the fool even sympathising with him and giving him advise to get rid of the hatred in his heart.

He must have mistaken her gentleness for naivety and tried sleeping with her the very first time she visited him. She refused and they fought, she had left after smashing the champagne glass on his head, vowing never to have anything to do with him again.

He was silent for two weeks and started chatting her again, she ignored all his messages. He called her repeatedly, she didn't pick any of his calls. He began posting a beautiful, fair and physically endowed girl on his social media platforms, claiming she was his fiancée.

She never bothered asking who she really was. She blocked him the day she prepared for school, deleting his contact along with several others.

She laughed at the memory

"So it was all fake, the pictures and the captions, all fake. You shouldn't have gone through such trouble to make me mad. I stopped noticing you the day you tried sleeping with me". She said, looking out the window.

He stole a quick glance at her beautiful face before facing the road.

"You are too proud, acting all haughty mighty and untouchable. At the end of all of this, you will still end up in a man's arms, just like every other girl. There is nothing special about you Aduke." He said, his deep voice a pitch higher. She laughed heartily and it infuriated him the more.

"You are absolutely correct , i am not special neither am i different from any other girl. I might end up in a man's arms even after all my pride..." she paused, turning her gaze to him slowly, giving him time to let each of her words sink in.

"But the most beautiful thing about all of this is that you will never ever be that man. The man who i will give up my pride for will never be you, nor any man that thinks the way you do". she said slurring each words, a pleasant smile plastered on her serene face. His grip tightened on the staring wheel, his handsome face contorted in anger.

"Who do you think you are! What exactly do you have to make you so proud? You have no money, your family ain't rich either. Just a night with me can change your life. I don't understand why you are pretending, deceiving no one but yourself ", he finished harshly.

"I have no money, no riches and no good family but i have something that you lack. I have understanding. I understand that a man who talks trash about women will treat them like trash. When we first met, on the very first day, you had said a thousand negative things about my gender and not a positive one.

I listened carefully, not because i agree with you but there was no point changing your perspective, it's better you remained blind. There is no perfect man, i am aware of that but it is only a foolish woman that will settle for a man who sees her as a toy, whether he is rich or poor." she explained.

He sighed, and scratched his head. He find it difficult that he was seven years older but had always lost to her when it comes to words.

"Tell me your ideal kind of man. Tall, dark and handsome with a touch of godliness? " he mocked. She smiled warmely.

"I would love to tell you but i wouldn't want to waste our time on that. Its not like you are really interested anyway. You are just looking for a way to mock me. I know what i want in a man and i do not need a perfect man, am not a perfectionist. My ideal kind of man cannot be found in you".

"Neither is my ideal kind of woman be found in you! I like my women quiet, gentle and submissive. With that mouth of yours, it would definitely get you killed." he ranted with rage. She laughed as he glared at her with venom in his eyes.

"Good luck finding her." She said in mockery.

He glared at her before focusing back on the road. The rest of the drive to Nadia bakery was spent in silence. When they got there, she opened the door and got out without saying a word to him. She searched with her eyes and saw her client a mile off, already waiting for her. She walked towards the dark skinned, chubby lady leaning on a black Toyota.

"I am sorry i kept you waiting Ofure." She apologised flashing a sunny smile. Ofure looked up from her phone with an it's okay expression.

"Never mind babe, i delay you sometimes too. Maybe it's an unintentional payback time ." She said cheerfully. They both laughed. She collected her package from Aduke with all smiles.

"I bet this is the original version of the zara dress. You should see the one Naomi bought, so fake. Those Igbo boys are cruel and cunny." She complained.

"You know i sell the very best. Naomi wanted the cheaper one and she got it. One more thing, who ever told you Igbo boys are responsible for every fake thing? stop being bias, anybody could come up with fake things."

"Tsk! Igbo boys are worse, there is nothing you can tell me to make me think otherwise!" She snickered. Aduke rolled her eyes.

"Aduke, tell me who is that handsome guy who just dropped you? His eyes are all over you baby." Ofure whispered. Aduke looked at Truth, their gaze locked. She hastily faced ofure.

"I thought you were occupied with your phone!"

"Oh please! I can see clearly. Please tell me, he is not your boyfriend." ofure pleaded. Aduke sighed.

"He is not my guy".

"Fantastic! Share me his digits, let me buzz him up. Don't tell me you are dulling yourself again. This guy is handsome and look at his smooth ride, he's fucking rich."

"I will report you to your boyfriend. He should beat greed out your life". Aduke threatened.

"Forget him! Boys have gone mad, you can't put all your eggs in a basket. Orobosa can wake up tomorrow and tell me he's no longer interested". She pouted.

"Truth is not a guy you should mingle with, he has no regard for women." Aduke warned, Ofure snorted loudly.

"Tsk! Who among them still have regard for women, they are all the same. Nobody cares about regard anymore, all we need is money, that's the realest drug to all sicknesses."

"Ofure, I am going to leave here right now and walk back to him. If you take a step forward, i will tell him you are just a desperate HIV patient. I will let him know that you just discovered your boyfriend got you infected and that you are a bitter bitch who wants revenge." She whispered in her ear.

Ofure mouth fell open in utter shock, the words stuck in her throat. Aduke used that opportunity to walk away from her.

"I hate you bitch!" Ofure shouted loudly. Aduke paused in her tracks, people turned to watch them.

"Stay with your boyfriend, ashewo". Aduke shouted back. They both laughed. Passersby smiled before minding their business.

"Let's just grab a few snacks ." Truth offered as soon she was standing close to him. She nodded. He draped his left hand on her shoulder which she quickly slapped away.

"Ouch!" He winced. They ordered for what they want, She made sure she ordered what she could conveniently pay for. They both ate in silence. His intense gaze refusing to leave her face but she focused on her snack.

"I still want you Aduke, nothing has changed. Even if it's just once. I will pay you." He spoke up at last.

"I don't want your money and i don't want your stupid manhood, i have absolutely nothing to offer you". she said, hot rage rising from the deepest pit of her stomach.

"Stop being so stupidly stubborn. Girls are rushing to have me and you are here pretending to have some dignity.

"Who knows if you aren't even intact. Maybe you are just another used girl, a walking corps. I have had several ladies, stop claiming saint and cooperate. Your mates are sleeping with the white men's dogs for money. What makes you think you are different from them? Those girls who sleep with different dogs are way beautiful than you are, why pretend?". he questioned calmly.

Aduke stood up abruptly and delivered an ear deafening slap on his flawless face. People paused to watch them, even the waitress who was busy serving food had stopped to watch them. Truth was too stomped to retaliate.

"Since the woman who birthed you is a dog, because it takes only a dog to train a dog. You should go and fuck your mother". She said with a forced calm.

Those who heard her gasped in shock. She grabbed her snack, threw a thousand naira bill on the table and walked away. She barged into Xander at the entrance, he hugged her, held her hand and led her to his car. His white Camry soon pulled away from the car pack.
