
Scarlett Lestrange and The Book of Wonders

Scarlett Lestrange (who starts at Hogwarts in her third year), daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, looses a Magic Book, given by Albums Dumbledore, which she has to keep safe and return after a week of having it.

Kaeji_reader · Book&Literature
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Scarlett Lestrange.

Thirteen years before the letter, Scarlett Lestrange, was born from Bellatrix Lestrange (with unknown father). The woman knew she would teach her daughter the fun of being evil, and to support Lord Voldemort, but as Scarlett grew up, she noticed that being good instead of bad and mean isted of evil, had more of her... interest. So when the letter to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she hided it immediately from her mother. She escaped home with a few savings and got ready for her school life.

She knew it wasn't going to be easy, because of her last name, everyone would know he she was and that would be a huge problem.