
Scarlett Female Detective No Case is Unsolved

Scarlett has been assigned to the Pelican Peak Island case. Small children with terminal illness are being kidnapped. Scarlett receives clues from the supernatural to solve the case. Can she save the children? What are they doing with them? Scarlett is promoted to detective. The Blue Lagoon case is her first case. A serial killer is running loose in the community. He is killing young women in the town. She scalps them and leaves them to die. There are no signs of s****l assault. Scarlett has help from the supernatural to help solve the crime. She must catch the killer. She is marked as his next victim. Scarlett is assigned to the Cathedral Panoramic Park case. Young women were being raped in the park. A serial rapist is plaguing the park. The Best Friends Festive is taking place in a couple of weeks. Will the rapist being on the lose effect the outcome of the Festive? Scarlett has spirits visit to provide her with information. She also receives assistance from the supernatural to assist with solving the case. Scarlett is assigned to a new case. Cloe the daughter of a Minister and School Teacher is missing. Cloe lived a sheltered life. When she was at school her mother was there. The family was always involved in Church activities. The only time Cloe was away from her parents is when she was doing charity work. Carl the star footfall player is also missing. The football teams sees Carl kissing a man after practice. Carl dreams of being a Professional Football Player. If his homosexuality is exposed he may never accomplish his dream. Both are missing can Scarlett find them? Are they still alive?

SylviaRussell · Urban
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5 Chs

Pelican Peak Island Case

Scarlett and Brad were having a romantic day on Sunset Beach. They were lying on a blanket watching the pelicans fly in the sky. Pelicans are exceptionally large birds with exceptionally long bills characterized by a downcurved hook at the end of the upper mandible, and attachment of a huge gular pouch to the lower. The lower bill and flexible tongue muscles form the pouch into a basket for catching fish, and sometimes rainwater. They have a long neck and short, stout legs with large, fully webbed feet. The wings are long and broad shaped for soaring and gliding flight. Scarlett enjoyed watching the pelicans soar in flight. They would catch large fish with the bill-tip, then toss them up into the air to be caught and eaten. Scarlett thought it was amazing to see the birds find the fish while soaring in flight. Fly down into the water and catch them. She wondered how a bird could see the fish from so far in the air. They sit for hours on the beach watching the pelicans run over the water while beating their big wings and pounding the surface of the water with both feet in unison to get enough speed to takeoff. It was amazing to watch the pelicans throw their heads back and swallow the fish whole. The telephone rang. It was Colonel Andrews. A baby was missing, and Scarlett would have to return to work.

Scarlett went to the supermarket and requested to review the video footage of the parking lot. In the footage, a blue van was seen, driving by the shopping the van left. Steve was no longer in the shopping cart. He had been abducted. From the review of the footage, the tag number could not be seen. Scarlett was walking outside of the supermarket into the parking lot at the location of the abduction. She had a déjà vu experience. Although people interpret déjà vu in a paranormal context, mainstream scientific approaches reject the explanation of déjà vu as precognition or prophecy. Rather, they describe it as the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. Despite the keen sense of recollection, the time, place, and practical context of the previous experience are uncertain or believed to be impossible. The parking lot was no longer a parking lot, it was a wooded area. Scarlett saw a man taking a baby to the altar to worship God. After worshiping God, the man gathered wood and placed it on the alter. Then the baby boy was laid on top of the wood and tied to the alter. The baby was going to be used as a sacrifice to God. Sacrifice is an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure. The man was standing over the baby with a dagger.

A dagger is a knife with a very sharp point and usually two sharp edges, designed for being used as a thrusting or stabbing weapon. Daggers have been used throughout human history for close combat confrontations. Cultures have used daggers in ritual and ceremonial contexts. Due to the historical use of the dagger, it is associated with assassinations and murders. In rituals, daggers are used in body modification such as circumcision. Circumcision is the cutting off the foreskin of males that is practiced as a religious rite by Jews and Muslims and by others as a social custom or for potential health benefits such as improved hygiene. Scarlett was left wondering if the boy was going to be sacrificed or circumcised.

The crime lab enlarged the image of the van on a monitor. On the bumper of the van was a sticker "Tiny Treasures Milk Bank." Scarlett researched the name "Tiny Treasures Milk Bank," which is a place to donate Breast Milk. Breast milk is something only a mother can do. It is a generous gift that can truly have an influence on the lives of fragile infants who are in the NICU. Breast milk has been proven to be beneficial for all babies, but when it comes to babies who were born prematurely, it can be a lifesaver. Breast milk provides a protective effect against respiratory illnesses, ear infections, gastrointestinal diseases, and allergies. Often, mothers of premature infants have a tough time providing their own breast milk. The donor milk can provide nutrients that meet the baby's additional needs. Breast milk has been clinically demonstrated to improve health outcomes in preterm infants. Steve was abducted on Jan. What was the connection? Was Steve abducted by the "Tiny Treasures Milk Bank" for research? Was Steve being sacrificed, circumcised, or used for research?

Scarlett walked into her office and had a déjà vu experience. Scarlett was walking along the bank of a river, and she saw an ark among the rushes. She waded into the water and recovered the ark. When she opened the ark, a three-month-old baby boy was inside crying. Scarlett turned to her sister and stated, "Go and find a woman that she may nurse the baby." Her sister returned with a woman to nurse the baby. The woman took the baby and nursed it. After the baby grew, he was returned to Scarlett and became her son. Scarlett had no idea what all the déjà vu experience meant. Scarlett knew it was for a reason. To help her find Steve.

Scarlett returned home from duty. She had planned a night with the family; her husband Brad, daughters Katie, and Allison. Family Night was set aside once a week to have pizza and watch a movie with the children. It was a special night for the family. The children loved pizza and they chose "Chicken Run" as the movie to watch. The film tells a tale of a close-knit community of chickens "imprisoned" on a farm in England. Ginger, the leader of the hens, attempts to escape time, but she is caught. Rocky, a charming rooster who appears to know how to fly, drops onto the farm. He stays and teaches the chickens to fly. The chickens all work together to get themselves off the farm. All the chickens show their love for each other by working together. The children loved the movie. Scarlett and Brad told the girls how they were blessed to have them.

After the movie was over, the children went to bed. Brad and Scarlett sat and talked for hours about what the girls meant to them. Remembering the night they were born. They reminisced about the first time the children walked, first word, first day of school, the memories of the children filled Scarlett and Brad with happiness. A happiness that could be lonely experienced by parents. As the night hours passed, Scarlett became sleepy. She went into the bedroom and looked at the dream catcher that Ms. Daisy had given her. It was still on the wall above her bed. Scarlett went to sleep and began to dream. Scarlett dreamed of walking through the woods and seeing a man with a baby boy at the altar praying. The man walked around gathering wood to build a fire on the altar. Steve was tied to the altar with rope. The man had a dagger in his hand. He held the dagger over his head. Scarlett heard Steve crying. She stood there speechless and could not move. The man started to kill Steve. Suddenly, a messenger from God stops him before the sacrifice finishes, saying "Now I know you fear God." The man looks up and sees a ram and sacrifices it instead of Steve. Scarlett woke up with tears running down her face. Her heart was pounding. She was afraid. Scarlett immediately walked into the girl's bedroom to make sure they were all right. Scarlett was afraid to go back to sleep that night. She stayed in the bedroom with the girls until sunrise. She then went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast for Brad and the girls. It was rare for Scarlett to cook breakfast for the family on a weekday. They usually had cereal for breakfast with a glass of juice. Scarlett called Jan and requested her to come to the station for an interview.

Scarlett had no understanding of what was going on. The Chief questioned her about it. Scarlett requested that Jan be brought in for questioning. Something was wrong and she had to figure it out. Scarlett needed a moment to get her thoughts together to determine how to manage the investigation. She walked into her office and had a déjà vu experience. Scarlett was walking in the storage room of the supermarket. In a special freeze, she saw a man placing packages of breast milk in the freezer. Then she hides in the corner of the room. A man walked in and requested to purchase the breast milk. The appearance of the man indicated that he was a bodybuilder. The man purchased the breast milk and left the supermarket. Scarlett was suddenly standing in her office. She began conducting research. Breast milk is packed full of vitamins and minerals vital for a baby's growth and development and it is not just babies who are reaping the benefits, but male athletes too. Male athletes are turning to breast milk as an alternative to energy drinks. Bodybuilders claim breast milk helps build muscle mass more than any other food. On the illegal market, the price for breast milk ranges from under $1 to $2 per ounce. Scarlett had suddenly put the pieces together. The Milk Bank was selling Black Market Breast Milk in the supermarket.

Scarlett would be working late tonight and would miss the girl's beauty pageant. She called and informed Brad she was sorry but would not be able to attend the pageant. Leads were developing in the case, and she had to finish the investigation. Brad knew the girls would be devastated. Scarlett was planning to help them get dressed and fix their girls. Scarlett called her sister Faith and she agreed to step in and help the girls. Faith also made sure that the pageant was recorded, and Scarlett could watch it later with the girls. Faith was always willing to lend a helping hand. Faith was unable to have children and the girls were a treasure to her. Brad reassured Scarlett that everything would be all right. They could make a special night for the girls while watching the pageant at home. They could invite all the family over to see the pageant that they were not able to attend.

Scarlett called Jan and requested her to come to the station for an interview. Scarlett talked to Colonel Andrews and told him about her suspicions of the Supermarket running an underground breast milk shop outside the storage room. Colonel Andrews looked at Scarlett and started shaking his head. He thought Scarlett was pulling a joke on him. Scarlett was serious and wanted him to go to the supermarket and check out her suspicions. Colonel Andrews worked out in the gym every day and had a fit body. He had the muscles of a weight trainer. Colonel Andrews agreed to check out the supermarket. She walked into the back door and asked to purchase the special milk Jimmy sent me. Jimmy was one of the guys at the gym that worked out all the time. The man instructed him to go over to the freezer and get the milk. He paid for the breast milk and left. Andrews called Scarlett and told her the results of the investigation.

Scarlett's suspicion of the Underground Breast Milk was correct. But how did all of it connect to the kidnapping of Steve? Scarlett was faced with unanswered questions. The Attorney for Jill, Mr. Cooperman, entered the police station and requested to meet with his client. Mr. Cooperman and Jill were provided a room to meet in. After the meeting was over, Jill agreed to talk to Scarlett with her attorney present. Scarlett began the questioning by asking, "Does the delivery van deliver to the supermarket?" Jill responded, "The van delivers supplies needed for women that at breast-feeding their babies." Scarlett asked, "Who was driving the van on the day Steve was kidnapped?" Jill responded, "I don't know." Scarlett asked, "What can you tell me about the kidnapping of Steve." Jill then responded, "He was not kidnapped." Scarlett asked her to please explain her answer.

Jill responded, "Steve was not kidnapped. His father had picked him up at the supermarket. Steve was diagnosed with kidney disease and was only given 6 months to live. His mother would not allow him to be placed in an experimental research hospital that could cure him. Joe arranged with Jan to pick up Steve for the weekend. Steve was then flown to the hospital to receive treatment. When Jan found out Steve was in the hospital, she reported him as being kidnapped. Jan was supposed to notify the police that Steve was fine and receiving treatment. Any parent would have done the same thing to save the life of their child." Scarlett did not know what to say. She knew Jill was right. She would have done the same thing to save her child. Scarlett asked, "Where is the hospital?" Jill responded "It is on a secluded island. She didn't know where it was located." Scarlett asked Jill, "What is your involvement in the Black-Market Breast Milk being sold at the supermarket." Jill responded, "I have no involvement in it." Scarlett began to wonder why she would not talk to her with an attorney present. If she was telling the truth, she had nothing to hide. Scarlett felt there was more than what was being said. Jill requested to be released from jail and all charges against her dropped. Scarlett wanted Jill to stay at the station until the investigation was completed. She still had to interview Jan.

Scarlett walked into the interview room to question Jan. Scarlett asked Jan, "Do you know where Steve is?" Jan responded, "Steve was kidnapped." Scarlett then asked, "Have you heard from Steve or where he is at?" Jan responded, "No." Scarlett then showed her the police sketch of the man on her porch and asked, "Can you identify him?" Jan responded, "That is Steve's father." Scarlett received a telephone call from Colonel Andrews, "Two children were missing, and she needed to report to the location." She discontinued the interview with Jan.

Scarlett was walking outside to her car and had a déjà vu experience. He was walking in a hospital filled with small children. The children were five years old and under. The hospital was filled with hundreds of children. Babies were recovering a drug addiction, and had a terminal illness. Scarlett's heart was broken by seeing all the children. She walked outside the hospital and saw a sign that read, "World Alliance Medical Training Center." The center was in the middle of an island. The hospital was filled with children of all nationalities. In a small building outside the center was a Tiny Treasures adoption agency. Scarlett suddenly realized she was walking to her car.

Scarlett arrives at the address provided by Colonel Andrews. Scarlett began to interview her mother, Ruby Nyla. Ruby had returned from the supermarket on fifth avenue from grocery shopping. She laid down the two children, Craig, a 3-year-old boy, and Cathy, a 1-month-old girl, for a nap. Ruby then laid down and took a nap by herself. When she woke up, the children were gone. Ruby had no idea where they were or who had them. There were no signs of someone breaking into the house. Ruby did not hear anything. Scarlett interviewed the neighbors, and no one saw anything except a blue van that was parked outside in front of the house. Scarlett immediately thought it was the same van that kidnapped Steve. She asked Ruby to come into the station for an interview. She wanted to know if Ruby recognized the man in the picture. Ruby agreed to meet her in an hour. An AMBER alert was issued for Craig and Cathy.

Ruby arrives at the station for Scarlett to interview her. During the interview, Ruby began twitching and jerking. She was continually looking around the room. She had sores all over her face and arms. She suddenly started scratching her arms. Scarlett requested that Ruby receive a medical exam to determine what was wrong with her. Scarlett knew she was displaying signs of drug abuse. Ruby ran out of the office screaming, you are going to kill me." You took my children. Now you are going to kill me. Ruby was having a paranoia experience. The officer contained Ruby and sent her to the hospital. A blood test revealed that she was on meth. Scarlett wondered if the kidnapping had anything to do with the World Medical Training Center. Scarlett now had to find the Center.

Scarlett went to the hospital to question Ruby. Ruby was afraid to answer any questions. Scarlett advised her how important it was for her to help find the children. Scarlett asked her to identify the man in the picture. Ruby responded, "He works at the Milk Bank, and he is my brother Mark." Scarlett asked, "When was the last time you saw him?" Ruby responded "When I was at the grocery shopping. He helped me put the groceries in the car." Scarlett asked, "Will you tell me about him?" Ruby responded, "He is a wonderful brother. He helps me take care of the children. He works as a medical scientist at the Milk Bank. He is doing research on milk to make baby formula better. He loves children and dedicates his life to helping children. Sometimes, he helps people with small children. He is a volunteer in the health department and collaborates with the doctors. His face lit up when he told me about the babies he helped deliver." Scarlett asked, "Ruby, do you think it is possible that Mark has the children?" She responded, "He loves the children he would not have taken them without telling me." Scarlett was now faced with having to find Mark.

Scarlett called Brad. She was heading home and wanted to watch the tape of the pageant. Brad placed a pizza in the oven and began to prepare for the special night with the girls. The family sat and watched the pageant and ate dinner. The girls were so excited. It seemed like days since they had seen their mom. Katie won the Little Princess Pageant. She was dressed as Cinderella. She was the most beautiful Princess at the Pageant. She felt like a real Cinderella. Katie received a $500 saving bond and a $5000 scholarship to be used at college of her choice. Allison won the most Photogenetic Award. She received a $500 saving bond. Scarlett was happy the prizes would be saved to send the children to college. Scarlett and Brad always rewarded the children by taking them to a special place. This year they wanted to visit the Zoo.

After watching the pageant, it was bedtime for the girls. Scarlett helped the girls get ready for bed. She read the girls a story about fairies. Most people think of fairies as tiny creatures, flitting about on gossamer wings, waving a magic wand, but history and folklore tell a different tale. When belief in fairies was common, most people did not like to mention them by name and referred to them as little people or hidden people. Explanations have been given for a belief in fairies. Saying they are like ghosts, spirits of the dead, or fallen angels. All fairies can appear and disappear at will. Belief in fairies has not completely died out. They fell asleep while Scarlett was reading them the bedtime story.

Scarlett went to bed and was awakened by Mark standing at the foot of her bed. Mark ensured that his children were all right. They were in the hospital to receive the best medical care in the world. They were not going to be able to receive care if they stayed with their parents. Mark disappeared. Scarlett felt the children were safe from harm. It was still her job to find them. If they were kidnapped, it was still against the law and he would be punished. The case was getting complicated, and Scarlett had no idea how to manage it from there. She only knew the children had to be found. Scarlett went to the Milk Bank to talk to Mark. Mark had died of a heart attack during the night. Scarlett knew he appeared to her as a ghost to let her know the children were all right. A ghost, sometimes known as an apparition, haunt, phantom, poltergeist, shade, specter, spirit, spook, and wraith, is a soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear to the living. Ghosts vary widely, from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy-shaped, to realistic, lifelike forms. How would she ever find the children and the hospital?

Colonel Andrews called Scarlett. A little boy was missing. Scarlett responded to the scene. The little boy was 5-year-old Harold Simmons. Scarlett interviewed his Mother Sandy. Sandy notified Scarlett she had taken Harold to a doctor's appointment at the local Children's Medical Services Department. Harold was playing in the children's area and Sandy went to the restroom. When she returned, Harold was gone. The client in the waiting room stated the nurse took him to see the doctor. A search for a building was conducted, and Harold was not found. An Amber Alert was issued for Harold. Sandy had no idea who would have taken Harold. The Children's Medical Services is a collection of programs for eligible children with special needs. Harold had been diagnosed with Hemolytic uremic syndrome. Hemolytic uremic syndrome is a rare disease that is often caused by the Escherichia coli bacterium found in contaminated food, such as meat, dairy products, and juice. Hemolytic uremic syndrome develops when E. coli bacteria lodge in the digestive tract and make toxins that enter the bloodstream. The toxins start to destroy red blood cells and damage the lining of the blood vessels, including the glomeruli. Most children who get an E. coli infection have vomiting, stomach cramps, and bloody diarrhea for 2 to 3 days. Children who develop hemolytic uremic syndrome become pale, tired, and irritable. Hemolytic uremic syndrome can lead to kidney failure in children. Mark had died and could not be the kidnapper. Who else was kidnapping these sick children and why?

Scarlett interviewed Sandy. Harold was a sweet little boy with medical conditions. The state stepped in and helped provide the medical care. Sandy had been working at a minimum wage job and her father worked at the Milk Bank. The Milk Bank provided enough money for them to survive but the medical bills were too much to manage. Sandy started taking Harold to the Children's Medical Center in hopes of providing him with the best medical care. Transplant patients may also be required to provide financial proof that they can maintain the organ they receive post-transplant. Patients can be denied an organ they are matched with if they cannot afford the financial maintenance of the organ after surgery. Anti-rejection medications can run thousands of dollars per month. Harold needed a transplant, and they could not afford it. All the children kidnapped had serious medical conditions. All of them had a link to the Milk Bank. Mark worked at the Milk Bank and Harold's dad worked at the Milk Bank.

The Milk Bank was the connection. What were they doing with all the children? Why were they kidnapping them? Scarlett left work and went to see Ms. Daisy. Ms. Daisy invited Scarlett to come in and sit down at the dinner table. Ms. Daisy went into a trance. She begins telling Scarlett the children are in an Underground Medical Treatment Center. The Center is not governed by any state or federal laws. It is a place for experiments. The children are sent there to experiment on. The children die. The children have no hope of recovery. This is the last resort to help them. The hospital is illegal. The hospital is on an island that has no governing authority. The island is Pelican Peak. It can be extremely dangerous for children. It can also result in the children being cured. Once the children are cured, they are placed up for adoption. The children that died were harvested for their organs. The adoptive parents reimburse the hospital for medical expenses. The hospital is funded by the Underground. Scarlett was now faced with having to find Mark, children, the sale of organs, and donations. Now Scarlett had to figure out how to put all the pieces together and stop the kidnapping. The hospital had to be closed. The children were used to experiments on them like they were rats.

Scarlett searched for the Island of Pelican Peak. There was no island known as Pelican Peak. Scarlett contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigations to assist with the investigation. This was a case that Scarlett knew she could not manage on her own. It was complicated and involved issues that she had not crossed before. Scarlett understood wanting to help the children. But she could not justify experimenting on babies. There had to be something done to protect the children. It was more than just kidnapping.

Mr. Coker, the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, meets with Scarlett. He could not believe what he was told. That someone would really experiment on babies. How could someone be so cruel? The thought of the babies unnecessarily suffering. . Biomedical research is the broad area of science that involves the investigation of the biological process and the causes of disease through careful experimentation, observation, laboratory work, analysis, and testing. The underground hospital on Pelican Peak Island had no regulations to comply with. They were free to do anything they wanted. The Federal Bureau of Investigation started with the closing down the Underground Breast Milk Bank. The documentation from the bank leads them to the science lab that was used to study the milk. After months of investigation and with the help of the United Nations, the location of the hospital was discovered. When the hospital was discovered, scientists and doctors from all over the world participated in the hospital. The underground hospital was closed and reopened as the World Medical Research Hospital. The Hospital is governed and funded by the United Nations. The hospital continued to do groundbreaking research for the benefit of everyone. The United Nations scientists, along with doctors, scientists, medical professionals, and others United for one cause to Save The Children.