
Scarlet Warlock

(I do NOT own neither Harry Potter nor Marvel) Harry saw the world differently, maybe that´s why he was feared later on his lifetime, or maybe it was due to his powers, destined to be greater than everyone else. From the start of his life he was smart, he saw people as they were, even the disgusting family he had. So what happens when a smart child, with a destiny like no other, and a demon, who saw potential on the child and decided to teach him what she knew? Just one word. Chaos

joq_tdd · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

The start of true chaos

If one was to be born in a toxic family, they will grow up accepting that this was the norm, that everyone experienced this.

Only when one was grown, once they opened their eyes, blinded by the excuses of their family, will they realize that what they experienced was not okay, the way their feeling were never important, or the way that they cried themselves to sleep, the hurt they felt, that the pain of the soul scars were not in fact something that they should have to deal with.

Some never truly took off the blindfold of lies the family spewed, but those who did take that blindfold off, well they only truly saw the way the world was when they were older, maybe when they were around twenty years old. However there were exceptions, people who were brought up in horrible conditions yet it only took them a few years to say 'fuck you' to their families and tried becoming better.

Harry was one example of this.

He, at first, believed that all that happened to him was his fault, or that this was the way things were, he was beaten, starved and locked in his room, if you can call a cupboard a room.

However while he grew, he saw how his cousin, Dudley, was spoiled, and treated way nicer than he ever was, which lead to the first questions, which was just like the begging of a snowball, which would grow, until it was big enough to destroy the house where his uncle, Vernon, his aunt, Petunia, his cousin and he lived,

He was three when he started to ask questions, first he wanted to know who his parents were, which only lead to being lectured about asking questions and then he was told that his parents were dead. They were stupid, freaks, drunks, useless, careless, and he was just like them.

At least that´s what Petunia told him.

Then he got curious about why he was forced to do chores, which consequently started right after the first question.

It started slow with just dusting a bit, then he had to vacuum the floors, then he had to take care of the garden.

And by the time he turned four he did most of the chores.

So he asked his uncle, why did he had to do chores. Which lead to a extremely long rant, in which Vernon insulted him, calling him a freak, his mother, calling her whore and his father, for having himself and his wife die by being drunk while driving. In the end he got even more angry as he realized, that the only reason Harry was able to do so many chores was the fact that Harry was freak, which made him so angry that he Harry was starved and locked in the cupboard for two whole days.

While the two years and a half he spent of his life with the Dursleys was agonizing, he always returned to the only secret he kept.

He knew the stance the Dursleys had on magic, so he never told him what he could do, in fear of being beaten.

While what he did was magic, it was extremely easy to do for a normal wizard who had a wand, however, he was four, not twenty or more, and he didn´t had a wand.

What did he do with magic, you may ask, well he levitated objects, small ones, really small ones, but still it was impressive, and helped Harry keep his sanity.

The moment harry completely took his blindfold, when he saw the Dursleys by the monster they were, was the first time Vernon had a business dinner at their house with his boss.

When Vernon´s boss came, he came with his wife and two daughter, who happened to be twins.

When he saw how well they were treated, and how bad he was, he realized, this, all this, was not his fault, and it was definitely not normal

So now he was on his room, or the cupboard, and he was currently training his magic. After he realized that this was not normal, he decided to be stronger, so it was time to step up the training of his magic.

He was five now, a year had passed of Harry training and well, his magic grew, he now could make around seven really small objects levitate, or make two small objects levitate.

Every day Harry woke up, cooked breakfast and cleaned around a little, then he got to take care of the plants on the front yard. He began to quite like taking care of the plants, and he took notice of the fact that they tended to grew faster and stronger than those of the neighbors.

Then Harry locks himself on the cupboard and starts training his magic. He usually got to train for about an hour before he had to go make lunch

After that he had to clean the whole house and do the laundry

His day would finish by eating whatever the Dursleys gave him as diner, which he did not have to cook yet, and he once again, trained his magic until he fell asleep.

Harry was now on his room, carefully holding two toys with his magic, while he did not have strength to make big things levitate he did have lots of control, so he was currently playing.

He was imaging that one of the toys was a burglar and the other was a policeman, and the both of them were fighting, so Harry used his magic to make the two of them fight.

While he was playing he heard his uncle shout at him.

"FREAKKK!" Uncle Vernon´s voice resonated through the house into the ears of Harry who stood up and went to see why he was called.

He was expecting a beating, for what, he didn´t know, but he was hoping that whatever he had done, was not deserving of being starved, he did not eat yesterday so he was hoping to today eat something big, maybe he could sneakily steal a few pieces of cheese while cooking dinner, and steal a few pieces of chocolate from the room of the little whale.

He was expecting almost everything, however this was unexpected.

"Look freak, I want you out of the house for the next few hours, we have some guests and I would like to not have to see your ugly face for the rest of the day, so come back once it´s darkening."

Harry just took all the information, but despite being just a little bit angry at being insulted, this meant good things, one of which, was that he could go and try to go to the playground, where he had been only a couple of times, or maybe he could try to pet some animals, that would be awesome. Maybe if he was lucky, he could meet people that hadn't been influenced by his cousin, some that would actually like to be his friend

Mr. Whale took a look at his nephew and scrunched his nose, but on his mind, he was patting his shoulder. He was doing a great job, he was keeping the freak in his place and also being so nice, yes, the freak deserved to be treated worse, after all, he only got a couple of beating.

'Next time he breaks something i´ll snap his arm, yes that would be great.'

Without saying anything Vernon went back to reading his newspaper, while thinking of which thing to do to impress Mrs. Rey


Harry was currently walking through one of the streets near his house, he was on his way to the playground, when he saw a strange lady.

She looked to be quite old, Harry would say she looked like she was on her seventies, she was wearing a blue dress with a purple cardigan, and using a cane to help her walk.

Alongside the lady was a little cat, which to Harry was weird, she hadn't been outside that much but he had never seen someone walking a cat.

No matter how weird it was to him, Harry walked to where the lady was.

Once they were at a few feet away, the lady's eyes widen hard, right in front of her was something she had never expecting to see.

"Miss do you mind if I pet your cat" Harry asked while trying to be as polite as possible, he didn´t want to make the lady angry.

It took a few seconds for her to gain her composure back, but when she did, she decided to answer.

"Oh honey, I do not mind at all"

Harry didn´t hesitate and began to pet the cat´s fur, and his green eyes made contact with the yellow ones of the cat. His eyes then shifted to the old lady´s blue ones. As soon as they made eye contact, the lady decided to speak.

"What´s your name honey?"

Harry stopped petting the cat and got a little embarrassed, he couldn´t believe that he forgot to introduce himself

"Oh I´m Harry, what´s yours?"

"I´m Tamar, it´s nice to meet you." The old lady extended her hand asking for a handshake, Harry took her hand with his own, and they both shook. "I have to ask, what´s someone so young doing alone"

"My relatives, well they, uuhhh, they kicked me out because they were having guests.

"So you´re just walking around without a purpose"

"I kind of am"

"Ok, would you like to go to my house then? It´s quite near so don´t worry about that"

Harry thought hard, he didn´t know what to do, if he had been taught not to go to strangers houses he wouldn´t have accepted.


As Tamar had said she lived quite close, just a couple of blocks from where he lived.

Her house was pretty weird, in the outside it was just the same as every other house, however once Harry entered he was shocked.

It was strange, it had weird objects, and seemed way bigger on the inside that it was on the outside. It also had a door with way too many locks, whatever there was there, Harry guessed it was too precious to lose.

"Would you like some hot cocoa?"

Harry looked at the blonde and then nodded, he actually would like some hot cocoa, he had never drank hot cocoa before, so he would love to taste it.

When Tamar finished making the drinks, she told harry to sit at the table where the two of them drank their drinks quietly.

Harry looked at Tamar, he had to ask something very important.

"Why did you invite me to your house" He asked nervously.

"Well, I thought we were similar so I decided to help you and try to better your day" She answer while finishing her tea, she understood that Harry might find kindness weird, after all on their way to their house, she had asked Harry about his age, and finding out he was five was shocking, as he looked small for his age, and also looked quite underfed.

"Thank you miss" Harry said while smiling, he had never been treated good before so right now he was feeling great.

Time passed as the two of them talked, Harry was telling her of random things, while Tamar listened and sometimes tell a story about her life, which Harry really liked.

As soon as it began to darken, Harry went on his way to his house quite sadly, he wished he could have stayed with Tamar, she was nice, really nice, and she seemed to care for Harry, even just a little bit, which to him was amazing.

When he arrived at his house, he saw a man exit the house and after he left harry came into the house.

He didn´t say a word while he entered and just headed to his cupboard quite tired and hoping to being able to see his new friend again.


As it turns out, the Dursleys loved to have him away so once or twice a week they would just kick him out, and Harry would intermediately go towards Tamar house where they both spoke about life and everything that they could think of.

Today was a day as such, he had been going to Tamar´s house for a little over two months, and was currently walking towards there.

On his way over he bumped into a strange man, who looked quite strange, he was wearing lots of clothes and had his face covered.

When they bumped into each other it seemed to awaken something in the man and he turned to face Harry.

"Hello little kid, do you want to come to my house? I´ve plenty of candy."

Harry was scared, really scared, because now that he had something caring from him, he was made aware of a rule, "stranger danger" so he was not gonna have himself killed, so he just shook his head and went on his way to Tamar´s house, but the man put himself on the way

"You didn´t seem to understand, I have candy" The man told him again, now mad that he couldn´t get Harry to go to his house.

"No thank you" He spoke really scared, so he tried to ran but before he could a hand grabbed his shoulder. Harry turned around to see that now the mans face wasn´t covered and he could see his eyes which seemed to be quite red, like he had done some drugs.

"I´m not really asking you´re coming with me, lit-" The man shouted but before he finished, a red ball of energy slammed into his back and they man passed out.

Harry looked to find his savior and saw Tamar there with a hand full of red smoky energy.

"Come here Harry, we have some things to talk about."


The two of them walked to Tamar´s house in complete silence, as Harry was thinking about what happened really hard, and Tamar was preparing her self for a long talk.

When they arrived Tamar went to make some drinks for the two of them, as this was not going to be easy for neither her nor Harry.

Harry decided to stop thinking about whatever happened and decided to ask questions, he wanted to know what was going on.

"What happened there?"

"Well let me start from the begging, that was magic, I´m a witch, and so are you"

"Wait how did you-"

"Witches know when they meet another one, it something that usually happens when you´re more experienced. As you see, I know magic, one day you will to"

"For how long did you know?"

"As soon as I saw you I knew what you were" Tamar took a big breath before speaking again "You see there are few witches in the world, so when I saw you, a little one, with lots of magic, I decided to help you, to make you become a trained witch, as I know you will become great."

"Wow that´s a lot, thank you for telling me, I also have another question. I-"

"That question would have to wait as I have one too" Harry knew what the question was going to be so he decided to be honest "Have you done magic before?"

"Yes, at first it was just some things I couldn´t control but now." He stopped and then made the cup he was drinking levitate "Now I can make thing float."

"Honey you´re amazing, to have such control while being so young, you´re a prodigy, no, a prodigy among prodigies. However, I have another question, would you like to live here?"

Harry was a little shocked, yes he kind of know who Tamar is, but this was a big decision and if he said yes, then that would mean a lot of things, however if he was being honest, this was something he had dreamed about multiple time so he accepted.


As the sun fell and it became night Tamar and Harry went to his old house, where Uncle Vernon, Dudley and Aunt Petunia lived.

With a little help from magic they unlocked the door of the house and sneaked in, they went to each room where they were, and Tamar changed their memories, she made them think that Harry was dead, and that they didn´t know where he was. Tamar also took the chance to cast a little curse, which would make the bones brittle.

After cursing, and erasing memories, they both went to have a little ice cream, as they joked and talked about different things.

While they were talking they agreed on different things, one of which, was that he was going to be taught magic by her, and that he would try to learn everything he could as fast as possible.


A/N: I hope you liked this first chapter, I´m already working on the second, this story will be quite long, and the other story I´ve been writing will be left to rest while I write this one, I will try to finish this one as I have lots of ideas, thank you for reading, and please leave a review or comment