
Scarlet Unicorn Monster School

Cassie Olsen discovers she's not human, she's far from it. According to her mother's ' acquaintance ', Cassie is a ' black blood ' and she's not the only one of her kind. Cassie is taken to S.U.M.S where she finds out more about her true self and that there are many secrets about her and her family that she is yet to uncover. With the help of her new friend, Linda, they both discover surprising things about themselves and S.U.M.S

Kim_Vallie · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter Six

S.U.M.S detention center

"What brings a pretty monster like you here?" A lady who was in her mid 30s asked Linda.

"That's none of your business".

"Ayy, no need to be so secretive. No matter what crime you've committed, there's always another monster who committed way worse".

"Was that supposed to be comforting?".

"Yes. Now tell me, what'd you do?" The lady asked moving closer to Linda.

"Why are you so interested?" Linda asked moving further away from the lady.

"I've been here for 10 years now and I still have like more than 59 years to stay here and I'm bored out of my mind. I've watched people enter and leave but I can't even go to the bathroom alone".

"You must've done something really bad. What did you do?".

"I saw the future".

"And what's wrong with that?". The lady chuckled.

"I know what'll happen in the end. The chaos that'll soon unravel. You see, I'm not a dark blood, I'm a white blood".

"White blood? I've heard my mom say that word before. What does it mean?" Lisa asked with keen interest.

"It means I'm not a monster like you. I'm a seer but most monsters call me a witch".

"What's wrong with being a white blood? Is that why you're here?".

"People like me shouldn't be allowed to walk free. Those were the words of your principal. She has hunted and killed every one of my kind and kept me alive like I'm a trophy. I've been sentenced to die here but I can't even kill myself. She won't let me".

"I didn't know she was that cruel".

"Oh she's cruel, very cruel. That's why I want to ask you for a favor".

"What do you want?" Lisa asked. She felt deep pity for the lady that she didn't know when she moved closer to her.

"I have a magic pendant that was taken away from me years ago. I want you to help me get it back. With my pendant, my powers will be back and I'll'll be able to conquer and rule over everyone with you by my side".

"How do I do that? I can't leave here".

"Oh you can. You'll be released after two weeks and I ask that you don't forget me and that you return to me what is rightfully mine" .

"Don't worry, I'll help you get your pendant, no matter what".

2 weeks later

"Lisa is being released today, do you want to go see her?" Cassie asked Linda who was reading a book.

"I want to but I don't think I should. Who knows, she might still want to kill me".

"True, I'll see her alone then".

"Be careful, Lisa is dangerous when she's angry".

"So am I" Cassie said with a smile and left.

She went to the detention center but she couldn't find Lisa.

"Excuse me but by any chance do you know where Melissa Stilton is? I've checked all the holding cells but I can't find her". Cassie asked the officer-in-charge.

"She isn't here any longer, her family came to take her home". Cassie left feeling disappointed. She really wanted to see her again.

"So how did it go? Was she happy to see you?".

"I don't know Linda, she wasn't there. I guess your mom came to take her home".

"Well that's the safest place for her and everyone".

"Why don't we go hunting? It's boring staying holed up in here" Cassie suggested.

"I would've gone with you but my mom told me that my doctor said I should resist from turning for now".

"Oh okay, I understand. I'll go hunting with other monsters then. See you later Linda" Cassie re-tied her shoe lace and left.

Lisa dropped the book she was reading and started smiling.

"She still can't tell the difference, being a twin isn't that bad after all". She said and opened the closet.

"Oh sister, you just have to stay here a little while" she said to Linda who she tied up and sealed her mouth with a tape. She looked at the map the lady gave her and headed to the basement.

"Hey stop there!" A voice said which made Lisa to stop. Her heart was beating fast, she didn't want to get caught. She prayed silently as the footsteps drew closer.

"Linda, have you seen Cassie?. She's yet to return the crossbow I lent her" Bella asked.

"Crossbow? Why would she need one?".

"You're her friend so you should know she hates hunting with her bare hands".

"She left the dorm a while ago. She should be downstairs by now".

"Oh thanks" Bella said and left. Lisa took a deep breath and continued walking till she came across a great stone door. The lady told her it could only be opened by a dark blood. Lisa took out a pen knife from her pocket and slit her palm. She then placed her palm on the left side of the door and went a few steps back. The door slowly opened and her jaw dropped when she saw what was inside. The place was filled with all sorts of relics and ancient things of magic. She walked in, looking around for the magic pendant. Her eyes came across a glowing object, she moved closer to it and it was the perfect description the lady gave her. She took it and put in her pocket and ran away as fast as she could till she reached the dorm. She was to wait for dusk to arrive so she could hand it over to the lady. She brought it out of her pocket and took a closer look at it. There was a strange writing on it, she had seen it somewhere. She picked up the book she was reading before and scrolled through the pages until she came across the same writing. It was a language that only the first founders of S.U.M.S knew, she heard footsteps and she quickly put the pendant back in her pocket. Cassie opened the door, blood splattered all over her face and shirt.

"Turns out hunting with bare hands is more thrilling. Get well soon so we can try it together". Cassie said heading to the closet to take out a clean shirt.

"You need to head to the wash room, you can't walk around looking like this" Lisa said.

"I know, I just want to lie down for a while. Hunting is thrilling and it's also tiring". Cassie replied and climbed to the top and laid down.

"Rest all you want, I need to go for a walk" Lisa said standing up.

"Okay, can you tell Bella that I'll return her crossbow tomorrow. I'm too tired to leave this bed".

"Sure" Lisa replied and left. The sun was slowly setting so she hurried down to the detention center.

"I really need to go to the wash room. I reek of blood" Cassie said to herself and slowly climbed down.

"Where's my green hoodie?" She asked looking all over her closet for it.

"It should be in Linda's closet" She said and walked towards it. She opened it and she screamed in shock when she saw Linda sitting there tied up.