
Scarlet snow

This is a remake of my first book I made my Z diaries. But I think it’s a lot better and I hope you do too

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Chapter 1

Everybody I knew hated snow, I never knew why it was such a beautiful thing to see. But now that I think about it ,back when I always wondered why they hated it. I know why now, it was more beautiful than they could ever be. With their corrupt personality and greed.They hated it because how it covered up all the bad and made it look good. Made it so easy to cover up how bad the world really was and how hard they had to try to do the same. But what they don't know is ,snow is much more easier to corrupt.

It all began that night, The night I lost the most important thing I ever had and the Night I lost something part of me. Something everybody has, something that defined us as being human ,something that I'll never get back.

  I was home alone that night it was a quiet too. It was usually loud in the house because my younger brother would be annoying me 24 seven. We were twins I was older than him but it didn't really matter because I was the disappointment in the family.But I didn't care because I had my little brother ,yes he was the favorite of them but he didn't like our parents. Because he hated how they were to me, that's why I always thought it was funny that I was the older one and not him. He cared about family so much ,and he would do anything for them.

The reason why our parents didn't like me because I was different than most kids. I like to be left alone doing my own thing but my brother on the other hand, he was a social Butterfly. So he was the pride of the family, the only thing our parents ever cared about. It was because I care about what other people thought of them. They want to make everyone see that we are like every other family or even better. We lived in a community, every house looked the same. It was a lot of houses that look the same so it was like a maze to most people who took hours for people who never lived there to get their way out. To me and my twin brother it was a game when you had to get out of that place Faster and faster each time we challenged each other. It was funny you would think he would win but now he may be fast but he was always the one terrible direction. So when we were small I would always have to go find him and he would be bawling his eyes out saying "big sis big sis please save me."It was one of the cutest things ever ever say. Sense that aids stick by my side like he would die without me.

  And because he hated leaving my side so much that night he begged and bagged me to go with him to the party he wanted to go to. It wasn't really a party per-say it was a school dance. I knew if I went, I would get a loud glares from allot of people. And our parents were on their annual date night which they had once a month. So that mean I got the whole house to myself and the big screen TV in the living room. During that night I was watching one of my favorite movies "zombieland". When the movie was almost done I heard the door opening and I knew It was Maddy that was the name of the little brother. It was funny We look to fairy similar to each other only difference that I was female and he was me we both had blonde hair blue eyes and pale skin. Once he got through the door he came running and jumped right on top of me. Well he was running yelled " I'M HOME SIS." Right into my ear. So I pushed him off of me and said " if you do that again I'm not going to go find you when you get lost." Right when I said that he made a pouty face and said in a sad tone " but sis I was going to find me you know you're the only one that ever find me." I just laughed because he was right ,he always ended up in the weirdest places when he got there it was super funny sometimes. And that's why I was only one could ever find them. He may be very athletic and have good looks but His sense of direction was his worst feature. And when he did get lost those are the times I remembered why I was this big sister.