
Scarlet Midnight

Ruby finds herself reincarnated into an extraordinary world. She is now the Lady-in waiting for Princess Diana and needs to learn how to be, tackling all sorts of obstacles, like magic, evil and ronance.

Sandyit_Novpap · Fantasy
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8 Chs

After Midnight

I woke up to running and scurrying all over the clean tiled floors. I opened my eyes to see a gold ceiling with a magnificent chandelier hanging on it with the brightest and most beautiful lights. I regain full vision of the area and examine the marvelous doors and artifacts all over the room, with outstandingly weird painting on the walls. I lift myself from the floral smelling bed I lay on and walk to the nearest door. I gently open the door and to my surprise I see a dozen women running and cleaning the area as fast as light.

I step out of the room and everything stops. All eyes are on me and I try to get out of there but the nearest door was a lifetime away from where I was. The women that stand before me start whispering to each other and point their fingers at me. I gather up my courage and boldly asked where I was. A blond lady, somewhere in her 50s, told me that I was I the country of Peaceville and I was currently standing in the royal palace of Peaceville and the Lady-in- waiting of the Princess Diana. My jaw dropped open, all I could remember, was me being an old, grumpy woman who had lung cancer due to my severe habit of smoking.

" Did I reincarnate into this world or its just a dream I'm having?"

TO BE CONTINUED...........