
Scarlet Lies| Sleepy Ash X Reader

After finding a lost kitten, Y/n L/n decided to take it in. Only.. this creature wasn't a cat, but the servamp Sleepy Ash. Y/n then has to battle a man named tsubaki to save her home and new friend... or maybe he means more to her.

Cina_Marie · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Servamp

"C'mon guys! I'm not kidding. This cat really is a vampire! Where is Sakuyka? He'd be all over this!" I showed the black kitty to Mika and Ryusei.

"Um, is this a joke?" Ryu looked annoyed.

"Honey, that's just a cat." Mika tried to calm me down. I'm as calm as hell!!

"No he can talk, turn into a human, c'mon show them Ash." I said to my kitty. Please prove to these guys that I'm not crazy. "C'mon Ash! Say something!" I shook him in frustration. What the hell!? Why did he decide to shut up now?

"Um, y/n? Have you been getting enough sleep?" Mika looked worried. I sighed.

"For sure. You've over loaded yourself." Ryu smirked teasingly. That pissed me off.

"That isn't it! I'm perfectly able to do all of that stuff myself!" I huffed and looked away. I then saw some kind of shadow. "Huh?"

"Greetings and salutations!" A man with long pink hair appeared next to us out of no where. "Students as you wandered onto a worthless path here, why not stop and watch my amazing show!" The creepy guy said as he pulled three swords out of his hat.

Everyone around cheered. "Thank you thank you! For your applause."

Mika clapped her hands together and smiled, "woah amazing! It's Some kind of street performer."

Ryu ignored the guy with an eye roll. "Just Lame magic tricks let's go." The creepy guy put a hand on ryusei's shoulder and talked in a low and dangerous voice.

"Hey kid." Ryu asked why the man touched him and then the man's voice then turned back to normal. "Good question. Tell me audience why do you think I stopped this petulant brat? Is it 1. Because he ignored me, 2. Because he cut in front of me, 3. Because I'm very hungry or 4. Um.." his voice turned menacing. "Because he ignored me!!"

"The answer is.." the man then bit into Ryusei's neck and blood spewed from it. The people around us screamed and ran. "Ryu!" Mika started to cry.

"All of the above! This idiot's dead! And I'll kill anyone else who ignores me!" The man screamed in anger then his eyes turned to me and Mika.

Mika was so scarred that she just stood there with a look of fear. I was terrified too but made eye contact. He is a vampire, But he is nothing like Ash.

"Ryusei!" I ran to Ryu and Mika followed. Ryu was bleeding heavily, he fell to the ground with an audible thud.

The pink haired guy swung from a pole laughing meniacly. "Thank you! Thank you! I love your enthusiastic cheers!"

"C'mon Ryu hang in there!" I said, tears started to spill down my cheeks.

"The crowds always get more excitied about blood shed more than magic. I guess it's because it's more rare to see a vampire on the streets then a magician right?" The man swang back and forth with a dark look on his face.

"Ah you should know. Yes. You picked one up.right? Yesterday!" The man looked at me with an evil smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"Why would you do something like this? Who are you? Are you a friend of ash's?" I wiped my eyes clean of any lingering tears.

"Aaaan." He then jumped off of the pole with a joyous smile on his face. "No. I hate that little black cat. Bleh, bleh. The absolute worst!" He then pulled swords from his hat again and ran his finger along it. "That's why I'll Skeuer you if you try to protect him."

The pink haired man then turned back to his happy face. "Now let's hear some applause yes! Come here kitten! Where are you sleepy Ash? Make an entrance. Give us a show! Vampires should show more provado! Let's kill all of these humans, after all he wishes for it to be this way."Geez, this guy is crazy. Sleepy Ash? Is that ash's real name? He?

Before another thought could enter my mind, a foot collided into the pink haired guy's face, sending him flying into a shop window. Wait, is that? "Ash?" I called out. "What's that guy talking about?" I asked.

"More importantly for now.." Ash changed into his cat form. "Let's run!" He said dragging me with him.

"Wait a minute, Ash!" Said as everyone disappeared from view.