
Scarf | A Yeager Story

She was murdered in the first world because the devil who granted humanity the Power of the Titans saw her existence as a threat. In the second, she saw her parents being treated cruelly and how, decades after the rumbling, the world had descended into anarchy. So, for her third and last world, she vowed to give her parents the ending that they deserve. Because they, of all people, have the right to be free. OR In another universe, Eren and Mikasa had a daughter who was determined to give her parents a happy ending. COPYRIGHT! Attack on Titan ⓒ Hajime Isayama Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS! Read at your own risk

Artuven · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

A Night of Preparation (1)

Ymir Fritz's POV


Even as an ancient being, courtesy of what the young Yeager calls me, I have never once tried to comprehend how the mind of humans works. It's such a common thing to see, but for every living organism, there are those so unique that even I could not comprehend where they came from.

But of course, there are certain exceptions to the usual norm, and I am currently watching these kinds of people interact, mesmerized by their conversation. 

After 'Mina' finished explaining her plan to her superiors, I kind of expected them to retaliate, the prime example of which was Hange Zoe. However, even I must admit, watching Erwin Smith completely put his faith in that little bastard's idea forced me to lift my eyebrows in astonishment.

So, this is why the Eldians managed to reclaim Wall Maria. His very existence is a threat, one that the devil halted during their fight with the Beast Titan.

Shame. I wonder what could have happened if the 13th commander of the Survey Corps had been alive during the rumbling? 

"Have you thought about why she defended the female titan, Hange?" Erwin Smith asks the brunette once the young Yeager has dashed off to treat her wound, as ordered by her worried captain. I was about to follow her, but it seems that the conversation in this place is much more interesting to watch compared to that little runt. "And why did she use the word puppet to describe Annie Leonhart?"

The brunette sighed as she tilted her head upwards to show her exasperated expression. "Hah, I don't know anymore! Mina's smart, I can give her that, but defending someone who killed our comrades, our friends, just doesn't make sense!" 

"Didn't she tell us her reason, though?" The old Ackermann intervenes, his eyes narrow and alert. "She didn't save that bitch just because she knows her; rather, Mina wants to use her for something else."

"A leverage for negotiations…" The man with thick eyebrows scoffed, earning the attention of both captains. "Even I haven't thought of that option. Just how far is she seeing?" 

"Enough to probably make her insane," I whisper to myself, knowing full well that no one would hear it. 

Honestly, even I wonder how she's keeping her mentality intact since she knows everything that will happen in the future. Well… she almost lost it in the second world – she probably did, can't remember – but the "Mina" right now shows exceptional mental prowess, one that even I can't endure, and most certainly not Eren.

"Is that it? Are we going to give Annie to her?" The brunette asks one more time, forcing me to roll my eyes. In the process of doing so, it immediately fell off my socket, making me think how stupid this lame spirit body is. 

"Yes, Hange." The commander didn't even hesitate to respond as his icy blue eyes wandered off to stare at the distant stairs. "If we can't get anything out from Annie Leonhart, then forcing her to join our side will help in humanity's survival. Besides, the fact that Mina deduced that it was Annie right when the female titan appeared in the expedition means a lot." 

"..." After a short pause, the brunette suddenly opened her mouth to speak. "Say, Erwin, why do you believe so much in her? Not that I can't relate - 'cause I do - but if it's you…"


So, this is where it all led, huh?

With all of her shenanigans, plans, and refusal to follow orders, there was simply no way that the young Yeager's superiors wouldn't suspect her. In any case, I'm surprised that it only happened now.

And yet, even after everything that she did…

"Because she has a goal," Erwin Smith answers, his eyes glowing like that of the sky, proclaiming just how much his faith is. To say the least, seeing him like this left me baffled. Was he always like this in the other worlds?

Or is it because there is now an unknown variable added to the mix, one who supports the leaders here in Paradis who want change to occur?

Realizing what he had meant, I couldn't help but produce a small smile.

"What do you mean?"

After hearing that question, Erwin Smith simply chuckled. But that momentarily smile eventually faded as he responded to the brunette's question. "Think about it. In the meantime, let's plan how to cover Annie's 'frozen' state. The guards that will be stationed here should be kept in the dark as well. Hange, from now on, only us three, including Mina, can enter this dungeon."

"But" Damn girl, how stubborn! Looking at her reminds me of how messy they were during the rumbling, one that the little bastard is trying to fix in this world. With a sigh, the young Yeager's captain took a sharp intake of air before finally succumbing to the wishes of their commander. "Fine, there must be a reason why your belief in Mina is so strong, so I'll believe in both of you."

"Thank you." The commander responded before he finally took a step outside this cell, leaving only Hange and the older Ackerman. 

Without missing a beat, Levi Ackerman spoke. "How was your talk with the crazy pastor?"

Crazy pastor?

I hummed for a bit before finally recalling to whom he was referring. "Pastor Nick!"

"He's intent on keeping it a secret." Hange Zoe laughs, but there is no merriment in her voice. With a pause as she showed a tiny bit of hesitation, one that she refused to show to her friend, Hange eventually straightened her back as she, too, made her way toward the exit. "It's time. We can't keep the soldiers stationed in Wall Rose waiting."

With a grumble, Levi agreed. "About fucking time."

Once the two of them finally exited the dungeon, the smile that was plastered on my face widened in satisfaction. 

The four-eyed brunette is right. Starting from this point of the story, time is of the essence. 

I wonder what your next action will be. 

With a giggle, I whispered. "Don't you dare disappoint me, you hear me, young Yeager?" 


Mina's POV

"Only when a person stops fighting do they lose." A man with short blonde hair tells his teammate - as dedication and courage are evident in his features. But then the scenery changed from that of peace to terror and anguish. 

Mike Zacharias seethed with rage as he got up from his slouched body, saying out loud his next words. "As long as we continue to fight… we are not beaten!" 

Then, he screamed. There, he poured out everything that he was currently feeling. Fear, rage, regret, and courage. He was a man worth remembering. He was a soldier who was sincerely dedicated and offered his life for humanity. 

But all of it comes down to one single and fragile fact: That he, along with thousands of others, is a weak human being. 

"You can move now." The voice of the beast titan reverberated in my head, one that I would want to rip apart wholeheartedly because the next thing I knew, another strong and loyal soldier lost his life due to his body being dismembered by three titans.

"So, you can speak." The beast titan mumbled to himself before turning his bored look away from the gruesome scene. "I must say, what a clever idea."


"No! No!"

Stop it!

"Stop! No!"

Captain Mike!

Then, with one last scream, one full of despair, his head was forcibly ripped apart from his body, claiming his life as death finally devours his tragic end. 

And with that, I woke up.

Having a nightmare isn't new for me. Heck, I even welcome it with open arms. But that… that wasn't a nightmare. It's too vivid, too real to be one. 

"So, that's how Mike Zacharias died," I whisper to myself after making sure that no one but me is present in this room. "Why did you show that to me, Ymir?" 

"Not going to call me a horrendous being?" 

With a grunt, I replied. "Stop fucking with me and answer. Why?" 

It took a while, but with enough patience while gripping my hand as hard as I could, she eventually did. "He's a friend of someone you respect. Thought you might want to know." 



"Since when did you become sensitive about this stuff?"

I expected her to answer it with her usual tactless self, but this time, she only gave me silence. I'm sure this kind of thing happened back in world number two, but for some reason, I can't remember when she did it.

Probably during the rumbling? There are too many tragic scenarios to pick from. 

"Oh? You're awake." The voice of the doctor who treated me entered my ears as I tilted my whole body to see him by the open door. "How are you feeling?" 

Tired, nauseous, mad, and useless. I'm feeling many negative emotions. Which one do you want to hear from me?

Instead of saying those words out loud, I replied by basing them on my physical state. "I'm good. Is it time for us to go?"

"They're readying outside." 

After giving him one last thanks for treating my wounds, I finally suited up before exiting the building. Not forgetting what was on my wrist, I immediately proceeded to pull it out to tie my hair. 

If I recall correctly, our mission right now is to assist the remaining Survey Corps soldiers who are currently battling the Titans that have 'entered' Wall Rose. I would have loved to tell the commander what would happen during the battle. Still, as usual, certain scenarios can't be remade, especially those that helped develop Eren's growth. 

But won't THAT happen afterward? Damn it, time doesn't allow us to breathe.

"Mina?" When I looked up, Captain Hange was there, along with two other people: Captain Levi and Pastor Nick. "How're your wounds?"

With an unconscious tap on my bruised and bandaged neck, I could only give her a small smile to ease her worry. "I'm good, captain."

"That's a relief. Let's go. Erwin will chew me out if he finds out we're late."

"He probably does already." I heard Captain Levi grumbling as I began to walk alongside him. For a second, the image of Mike Zacharias flooded my vision, forcing me to close my eyes to calm the guilt arising within me.

Not now. Silently, I walked beside him, trying to soothe my enraged heart. There are other pressing matters to attend to. 
