
Scandia (try)

Warning! This is the test run before the real book starts publish. A man dies and reincarnated into his game avatar. Basically it.

KAABS · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

What Happened

Kaplan awoken with the most disgusting feeling he ever felt. He still did not open his eyes but felt terrible.

He did not know how to explain the feeling, but it felt like something in his body was missing; not a limb or anything, but something inside, and the feeling was enchanted by the dizziness, soreness, and headache.

Kaplan opened his eyes and saw the world in blur. He rubbed his eyes with a struggle and tried to lift himself up, but he could not.

He was still too weak to move. He tried to remember what happened; after couple of seconds later he remembered what had happened the day he got blacked out.

"Mother," Kaplan muttered and looked at the blue ceiling. "Shit!"

"Good morning," Kaplan heard an unfamiliar voice next to him. He glanced to his right and saw a man in military uniform. A possible soldier of the seas, what was they called again?

'Levent was it?' Kaplan thought.

The man was a demi-bull. Two curvy horns were on each side of his head, red eyes, bald head, and bulky body, like he got steroid all over his life.

"Who are you?" Kaplan asked tiredly. He was speaking hardly as he was still sore all over.

"I am Seyit, a corporal in the Levent Corps," he said politely.

Kaplan looked at him with the face that said 'so?'

"I have my orders to take you to Koylucity," Seyit said.

Kaplan inhaled a slow breath. "I am busy as you can see," he muttered with a certain sarcasm. He sighed with exhaustion and closed his eyes slowly. "Why me?" He asked weakly.

"I have no information for that," Seyit said and shook his head. He eyed Kaplan and could not help to ask.

"You appear to be calm after everything you went through."

"Really?" Kaplan asked. "I am not calm, not at all, but anger will take too much of my energy," he said as he clenched his fist as much as he could.

It did not have much power, and that pissed Kaplan more; He opened his eyes and glanced at the colonel. "What do you know about what happened?"

"You didn't know?" Colonel asked.

Kaplan looked at Seyit with annoyance. "Can you answer the question instead further questioning?" He asked in irritation.

"Yes, sorry," Seyit apologized. "Apparently, you got stabbed by your heart, seven times, and got slashed more than a hundred times. The people who made this intent to make you die slowly by blood lost."

"I see," Kaplan said coolly. "Too much damage to heart for a simple blood lost, no?" he murmured and Seyit looked ashamed to the basic mistake on his part. "What happened to them?"

"I informed the mayor about what happened here. The people, Bordi if I recall correct, managed to escape. Well, your father in the other hand found dead in one of the valleys," Seyit said, he sighed and continued. "But we could not find your mother."

Kaplan clenched the curtain and tightened his grip. "I see," he managed to say that calmly. "So, she might still alive," he said with a little hope.

Seyit did not want to hurt him anymore. Bordi guy seemed suspicious. If he managed to escape, it was probably because he knew someone influential enough to let him escape.

Since he opened a brother in here, and want Kaplan's mother, only made the situation worse. Bordi probably kidnap Gimila Darkerlight, and if the townspeople were correct, Gimila was a beautiful woman, at least the most beautiful in the town.

Those things aside, Seyit understood why army wants Kaplan. He just stabbed on heart seven times, got cut more than a hundred times, yet he was still alive. He would be a strong soldier in a proper training.

"She might be alive, yes," Seyit said with a sad smile. He looked at Kaplan and stand up, went to the door, and locked it.

"Look," Seyit said seriously. "I know you went through hardship, and I know you want revenge."

Kaplan glanced him and nodded. "Yes, I need to find Bordi," he said. 'At least that is my priority,' he thought.

"Okay, you can come and see Ferik Admiral. He wants to see you," Seyit said. "I am not sure why but if you convince him, he can help you to find Bordi."

Kaplan closed his eyes again. "Fine," he said coolly. It would seem he had most chance at there anyway. "Let's see what he wants."



Abray gathered the people she found trustworthy to meeting room in her mansion. The air in the room was serious, like Abray's face, and not even a single sound uttered before the young sultan.

"I have bad news, gentlemen," Abray said seriously. She looked around and saw four people were sitting on the chairs respectfully while she was standing in front of a board.

The desk in front of them had the map of The Western Beast Empire. They were two pieces were on the two different places of the map.

"One big problem is, the most dangerous one at the very least, a gate that linked the monster island had opened on the Kus Island," she said as she observed the shocked and horrified faces of the people in front of her. "Currently, my father went there to stop the beasts, and cut off the gate if possible."

Mahmud Pasha was one of the sitting people. He digested the words and looked at the Abray. "It is indeed bad, but what is the other subject, my sultan?" He asked.

Abray sighed and pointed the piece on the map; the piece that on the Beastistan.

"Beastistans," Abray growled. "They are preparing for war," she said with frustration.

Mahmud Pasha and others stood there in silent. No one speak for certain amount of time before Mahmud Pasha spoken.

"I assume there is more than that, considering Beastistans, in normal situation, has no military power to oppose us. It would irrational them to break the peace treaty."

Abray nodded. "I will be blunt. They were well organized for couple years, and we suspect they were funding the barbarians and terrorists for years. We had no proof, so we sent someone to spy on them but..." she took one of the magician pieces and put it on the Beastistan.

"Our spy sent reports for two years. It took him two years to reach deep side of the government, the upper circle; then he saw a person no one knows. A magician... wearing a white cape and iliac eyes," Abray said.

"The same appearance with the person who opened the portal at the Kus Island," Abray added with frustration. "If the townsfolk saw it correct."


[The Magician]

It was not an easy task to open a portal at the Kus Island.

Well, opening was easy but linking it with the Monster Island was hard. I must admit it was luck instead of skill.

I did not want to talk about escaping from those beasts without alarming anyone and came back this shithole.

"Insan, are we ready to attack?"

Ah, the man of the charge. A pity religion corrupted the... No, I guess the correct words would be... Corrupted people used the religion to use people like tools.

A pity they are too idiotic thus easy to manipulate.

"No, I need to enchant people. We need detonations to distract the army." I said happily. I was sincerely happy to any Beastistans people's dead. "I can hide the enchantment on them, so they can blend in society without caught easily."

Mortil, which was a strange name really, looked at me understandingly. He was looking at me with a joy and bloodlust.

"I see, finally the religion will win over the Empire!" Mortil basically shouted in joy. He truly believed he will win the war between two kingdoms.

How stupid can you be?

You cannot win against them; they were developing science and magic for more than 600 years now... The Beast Empire was a really developed country, and instead of being corrupted by people who use religious, they decided that they'd split religious in government.

Yet, what Beastistans did? Pray the god? For six hundred years?

I mean The Theocracy of Mariatle uses their supposed to be god's powers to kill Elves, so I can somewhat understand. But what did your god do to you?

You need to work hard; your god said that… Well, I guess you do not care.

Honestly, a real disappointment... And I had to part of them for now... What a disgrace.

"Yes, we will win soon. I estimate it will take about a year or two to conquer all the lands."

Heh, as if. Well, Mortil seemed to agree to it at the very least.

He beamed. A disgusting smile formed in his fat face.

I honestly forgot sometimes that I was working with a man who likes to marry 6 years old girls. A real disgust, and I hate it.

"I heard the infamous Abray Sultan is a beautiful young woman..." he licked his lips. "I want her to myself. My bloodline will be the greatest in all the world!" He yelled in joy.

Well, you can take the bastard's daughter like I care.

Mortil, after some laughing later, looked at the one of the guards besides him. "Well, clear the spouses room. Kill the older ones, I will need free spaces soon," he said happily.

The guards went to kill the women; they were, like others, brainwashed by the religious.

"I will tell the folks that if you kill the people of the Beast Empire by any means, you will get 79 angels to do whatever you want in heaven," Mortil said with a cheerful laugh as he continued. "I am sure they will like it."

After his laughed ended, he thought something else, to add a new rule, I guess?

"Or should I say every kill will grand 79 angels... If they were soldier you will get the beauties ones for each soldier you've killed," Mortil hummed.

Religious, what a scary concept. I guess it was easy to manipulate uneducated folks with it. But, for how long?

While I was in my thoughts, a guard entered the room.

"Sir, a family wants to donate their daughter to you," the guard said. "An attractive one," then he added.

"How old is she?" Mortil asked.

"11 sir," the guard answered coolly.

"Good, bring her in," Mortil laughed merrily. "Well, magician. I need to see my new wife to be, so if you excuse me," he said and left the room happily.

Honestly, I am not sure if I could wait to kill Mortil before that bastard.

A real pity, my feeling for vengeance was still stronger than my pride.