
Scandalous Midnight.

What are the possibilities between a virtuous detective wells and a scandalous Bridget midnight? *** Agent Wells is the best agent in the agency and compounded with virtues. He is trusted with the case of the assassin, Midnight and the agency has agreed on a shoot-on-sight. The unexpected outturn of the assassin being female allows Detective Wells to make a mistake of a lifetime and let her slip through his fingers. Trouble is the smallest thing that is knocking on his door. Refusing to gun down an assassin is just as much a crime as falling in love with her. Or could there be a scenario where it isn't?

Lilyr4se · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

chapter 5

Agent wells

Wells was very much disconnected and lost in a daze when Carl appeared in front of him with nothing but the disdainful expression he always wore whenever he gazed at him. His feet came to a halt as he eyed the way he was staring into space. "Something came up"

He muttered with the left side of his brows; arching slightly at him. Wells jerked out of whatever daze he was lost in as Carl's words registered inside of him.


"Ten women were found dead in broad daylight."

Natasha; flamboyant red hair flowing behind her due to the wind uttered; signaling for them to come over.

They walked down to the room to see the case displayed all over the screen. It was one very messy scene of blood without anything tangible aside the bullet holes shot straight to the heart. Jennie rose her nose in somewhat disgust; tossing a file wells way.

"9:45 am. Gunshots were heard in that district after strict investigation it was discovered that it was coming from a provision store"

Her lips pursed; turning to look at Austin who caught her signals and pressed on the keyboards to display the other files on the screen.


She shook her head at the brutality. "Ten women died nothing specific, merely a bullet straight to the heart-"

Natasha eyed the display. "Any catch?"

Jennie whirled her chair somewhat halfway to look at her before shaking her head at the lack of more Intel. Tori's feet creaked from behind; a short gun spun in between her fingers with some files hanging in her left hand.

"There is"

She tossed that into carls hands, he was flipping through the pages thoughtfully. "It's related to the Mr.Collins case?"

He uttered to wells surprise and on mention of his name he couldn't help but think midnight. His chest made a tug of something. Was she that vicious?

Austin made a tired groan. "Why does every case always lead back to Midnight"

Carl cursed; his fist tighten in obvious anger at the ruthlessness before him. "Why would he kill those women?"

Tori's lips pursed; glancing at the other file in her hands thoughtfully. "Who knows?"

She muttered; tossing another file to the table so she could have a better peek at it. Jennie sighed; gazing at it from the other side. "He is a Maniac person. What do you all think he is doing this for?"

"Is it revenge?"

She added after a while and that caught well's ears, for some reason he felt very enrage.

Natasha frowned; something else creeping over her features. "Revenge?"

She arched her brows. Carl shook his head. "A stupid quest"

Jennie; passed Midnight's file to Natasha to get her to catch up with things while Carl was gritting in annoyance as time swept past them.

Natasha's eyes widened. "He is an orphan"

"Not the first to be"

Carl muttered in a very loathsome tone. It was obvious that he hated midnight to the core and Wells thought that it wasn't barely for the evil things of recent.

His feet moved firmly on the ground as he picked up his jacket from the edges of the table at the other side of the room. He turned to gaze at everyone who was watching him spit fire around.

"You're an orphan? You never told us that before"

Tori muttered, the same shock that was glittering in her eyes; sparkling in the balls of everyone else.

He didn't answer to the question; instead busied himself with hooking his jacket at both sides of his arms. "We must catch that animal anyway we can and put an end to him"

He uttered instead. Everyone gave him a somewhat sympathetic nod. Wells sighed; his hands unconsciously going through his hair before his wristwatch beeped; telling him that his timer was up. Everyone turned to look at him expectantly.

"I collected hours off today. I have something to do at home"

He informed; dropping the files in his hands on the table; and walking over to pick up his things. "Send my greetings to Vera"

Carl shouted after his fading figure and Wells didn't answer him both because he didn't want to and also because he was lost in his thoughts with so many questions haunting him.

He couldn't help but feel uncertain about a lot of things. He walked outside; fixing his keys into the door of his car to get it unlocked. He opened it and brought the engine to life, deciding to drop by at his apartment to change out of his office clothes before heading down to his family house to attend the whatever party.

He drove for about twenty-five minutes before arriving in front of the similitude of his apartment. He got down from his car; walked towards the building and jerked the main door open. He moved into his house; walking up the stairs to where his room was located.

He pulled open the doors of his room; switching the lights on only to see a very familiar figure. Blue eyes; signature grin enhanced with dimples at both sides of her lips and a distractive posture of her slender legs down to her opened thighs on full display resting against the window frame.

He halted on his feet; his hands tightened against the doorknobs; he kept his eyes fixed on nothing else aside her face as he uttered somewhat lower.
