
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Measuring the danger

I gulped at what she said. Earning a smile laugh from her.

"I think I already know the answer and I know this might be a stupid question but can you take these chains off? It's just that even though my party taught me a lot of things they didn't teach me how to last long in chains." I say. She started laughing at my statements.

"I'll let you out." She says surprising me. "But you have to wear a collar." She says narrowing her eyes at me.

"Do I look like a fucking dog!?" I ask offended. She looks taken aback.

"Wait didn't you want the chains off so you could escape?" She asks.

"Listen I already know I can't escape. I mean you attacked in broad daylight! And you already faced me. So you're probably gonna be a lot more on guard. I was struggling before so there's definitely no way I'd win now." I say. She seems to scan my eyes for dishonesty.

"Fine. Since you're being honest! I'll let you out of the chains. But only when I'm here! Just to make sure you don't do anything stupid." She says.

She unchains me and I stretch. I hesitantly stand up. I just got the chains off I don't want to get them back on.

I walk away from the entrance. Just to prove I won't run. I immediately stop and turn around to walk the other way.

"WHAT!? Do You Think You're Doing!?" The dragoness says.

"I didn't take your treasure! I was turning around as to not touch it!" I say defending myself.

Yeah sure she kidnapped me. But that doesn't mean I can touch her treasure. And shoot w/ her being a fucking powerful ass dragon that could kill me in a blink of the eye.

I would rather stay on her good side. Or as close to it as I can get!

"Really? I took you and brought you to my den. Said I wanted you. And you're worried about touching my treasure? Well more like not." She says amused.

"Just because you kidnapped me doesn't mean I can touch your things. Especially your treasure!" I say.

"You know most humans would try to steal my treasure even if I let them stay to rest for a bit. I grew tired of humans doing that so now I kill them when they get on my territory! At least I did till you came along." She says.

"And you're the first to respect that this is mine even if I'm nice to you." She finishes.

Yeah nice. Kidnapping me then saying you want me sure is nice. I think.

"Well regardless of how I'm treated. It's still yours till you give it to me. Which I know for certain you won't do." I say

"Well I know humans tend to give gifts to the ones the love. Well treasure you can pick something you like out of my horde." She says stunning me.

"That's okay! And did you call me treasure?" I ask confused.

"Yes I did." The dragoness states plainly. "Are you hungry?" She asks.

I shook my head no. I was starting to get a bit hungry. But if I had said yes I would have to go back in chains. That's something I definitely don't want happening.

"Anyways. So when you get bored of me can I go back to my old life or am I going to be killed?" I ask. She narrows her eyes.

"I'm not letting you go and I'm not going to kill you!" She says. Almost growling. I flinch at her tone.

"So then what are you going to do to me when you get bored of me?" I ask.

"You still don't get it do you?" She asks getting closer to me. I instinctively step back.

"You're mine! I want you! Not temporary! Permanently!" She growls out pinning me to the wall.

"S- seriously? But what good does this really do you?" I ask shaking.

"You'll be the mother of my hatchlings. Does that answer your question?" She asks cocking an eyebrow.

"The Fuck?!?" I yell. Pushing her off me. I move from the wall to get away from her.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"You Just Told Me That I'd Be The Mother To Your Kids! 1 I'm pretty sure that's impossible! 2 I don't fucking even know your name! Why would I have your kids if it was even possible!?" I state.

This made her growl dangerously low. I back away from her more.

"Listen I heard that for humans forcefully impregnating your mate is bad. So I won't. Instead I'll just kill your 'party' as you called them. Then the towns people." She says.

"If you lay a finger on them! I will make sure you never get what you want!" I say balling my fist and clenching my teeth.

"Oh? And how will you do that?" She asked amused and smugly cocking an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure I could jump and fall to my death." I say. She starts to look a bit worried.

"Even if I can't get the chance to jump. There's always different ways." I say w/ a evil smirk.

"I tried being nice and playing by your standards!" She says suddenly on top of me w/ my hands pinned above my head.

"But it looks like you've mistaken something important!" She adds as she moves her free hand to my stomach.

"I'm in control! You are mine! I'll do whatever I want w/ and to you! Is that clear!" She says getting closer to me.

Her grip on my wrist tightening. She's staring me in my eyes and I'm staring back defiantly. 

*Roar in the distance*

"We'll continue this later." She says reshackling me. Then she flies off.

'The fuck did I unknowingly get myself into?!'