
Abandoned: Part 1

Muji POV

"Honey please!!"

"I'm sick and tired of this shit Cecile!! You're all just holding me back!! You can keep the damn house just don't follow me!!"

"T-Then let's leave the kids! J-Just take me with you! Please!"

The man walked out the door...and that was the last time I had ever seen my father. My name is Muji (Moo-jee) Akuma, currently five years old. I have short black hair and purple eyes. The man leaving is my dad...he doesn't want to be with us anymore.

My mom doesn't like us either, there was once a time where she loved me, but things changed a bit after my sister was born. She had just gave birth to my new little brother. They didn't bother to give him a name, so I decided to name him.

"From now on, you're Daiki! Karin, say hi to Daiki!"(Die-key)

I looked at the other small child, her name was Karin (Kah-reen) and shes two. Just like me she had black hair and purple eyes too. I also named her because my parents didn't care about her. My mom just drinks something everyday, but it makes her mad and cranky and my dad was always at work.

Mom always hits me...but it's ok because she never hits Karin. I think Dad left because mom had another baby, he always said he doesn't make enough money to provide for four people.

Now that Daiki is here, I guess he had enough.


My mother always sat in a chair and looked out the window silently. When Karin or Daiki would cry, she wouldn't bat an eye. I always made sure to calm them down, afraid that mom would get mad and hit them.

Even right now, she sat there quietly.

"Mom...are you ok?"

"Go away Muji."

I looked down in sadness.

"B-But mom...Karin and Daiki are hungry and we have no food."

She clicked her tongue and smacked me across the face, causing me to hit the ground and tear up a bit.

"Figure it out yourself. You're a smart boy right?"

I sniffled and nodded before leaving the house upon her wishes. I was afraid to leave Daiki and Karin home with her, but I couldn't just let them stay hungry.

As I walked on the ground, my feet hurt a lot. The bare street was painful and hot, and I didn't want to walk on it. I seen everyone around me wearing these things on their feet.

I wish I had them.

I walked up to a stand where I seen some fruit out for display. Bright Orange Apples, I've never had an orange apple but I was hungry and so were my siblings. As I cleared my throat, the woman turned around, signaling I had her attention.

"E-Excuse me mam...c-can I have some of those apples?"

The woman laughed a bit.

"Those aren't apples sweetheart. These are oranges."

I never knew there was a fruit based off a color.

"O-Oh...I-I see. Can I have some oranges then?"

She hummed.

"Well little guy, do you have money?"

I shook my head.

"I-I'm sorry...that's why I was asking."

The woman hummed once again.

"Ok, just this once, you can have 2."

A wide smile formed on my face.

"T-Thank you so much!"

I bowed my head as I grabbed two of the oranges and began to ask other people. When I was done I managed to get 2 loafs of bread, 2 oranges, an apple, some grapes, and two sticks with meat on them.

I was so happy I managed to get so much food.

It was hard to carry it, but I managed to get all the way back home. When I arrived, my feet were pretty much bleeding, but it was ok.

I put all the food on the table when I walked through, then I headed to Karin and Daiki's small crib.

"H-Hey guys! You miss me?"

Karin smiled and said hi before hugging me. Daiki was only a few months old at this point, so he couldn't really speak.

"I'm hungy Muji."

I smiled.

"Don't worry, I got some food for us!"

I exited the room and came back with some of the food I got before feeding my siblings.

"Eat up Karin, don't eat too fast though. I'll feed Daiki."

I looked at the food and then my younger brother, I wondered how I was supposed to feed it to him.

"Hold on, I'll be back."

I walked over to mom, a bit afraid of being hit again.

"M-Mom? H-How do I feed Daiki?"

Mom turned her head slightly, looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"I couldn't care less."

I looked down sadly before walking away and going back to the room. I looked at Daiki and began to think.

"Well he's small and this food is too big...so I should just make it smaller." I thought to myself.

I went and washed my hands before I began to break his food down into miniature pieces.

"These still look pretty big for him."

I then decided to mash it up even more until it became a pile of mush.

"This'll have to do..."

I walked back to Daiki and began to feed him, to my surprise, thankfully he could eat it. After feeding Karin and Daiki I ate a bit myself before putting Daiki to sleep.

"Muji! Muji let's play!"

I shook my head.

"Not right now Karin, I have to learn how to do this stuff."

I looked down at the book in front of me, it was labeled Math. I learnt how to read but my parents haven't taught me anything else.

"N-No! Play!"

"Sorry Karin, I'll play later."

Karin looked down sadly, causing me to sigh.

"Ok maybe just a bit."

Karin smiled widely before she began to run around a bit. I smiled and chased after her, laughing alongside her.

After Karin was tired out and went to sleep, I began to try and learn math once again.

"So this is called addition..."

As I continued to teach myself all sorts of math, I could feel someone looking at me. I turned around and met eye contact with mom, but she just turned back around.

"What was that?" I thought to myself, an uncomfortable feeling entering me.

I blew it off as nothing and continued to read. I hoped it meant nothing.