
Says the person who tripped into another universe.

If you're gonna fall into a fantasy world, you should probably do it better than I did.

Foxflowers_Moon · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Step One; don't run into people.

A loud glass-shattering shriek tore through the trees and wrecked havoc on the ears; it was actually a scream of excitement. Meilin knew humans were real, and there was one here in Sharpteeth Woods!

Those overblown puffblots called teachers would eat their words at this!

Sparking joyously, she raced back to her town; before stopping because of a revelation. She left a human alone in Sharpteeth Woods... She left a Shaiya damned human alone in Sharpteeth Woods! No, no, no, no!

Meilin set the forest on fire in her panic. The trees crackled merrily in her wake as her flames propelled her back the way she came. It was no contest; trees: zero, spirit fire demon: one.

Screeching, Meilin slammed into something soft and kind of curvy. A glance down, explained it; who knew humans had such soft chests. The old stories didn't have that detail. Also, the human was turning very red; did they all do that?

"Get off of me ya, pervert!" The human tried to push Meilin off. It didn't work.

"Human, what is a pervert?"Meilin tilted her head curiously, while scrunching her nose cutely. Was it something you could eat?

Instead of answering, the human just groaned and looked pleadingly at the sky.

"Lord give me patience because if I get strength, I will strangle this bitch."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Also, Meilin refused to be called anything else.

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