
Says the person who tripped into another universe.

If you're gonna fall into a fantasy world, you should probably do it better than I did.

Foxflowers_Moon · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Please don't trip on the metaphysical daisies.

If a person is usually graceful while moving around, it just so happens that their clumsy moments look more like two blind hippos trying to tango. Unfortunately for me, during my moment of clumsiness, I tripped on metaphysical daisies. Which caused some problems, because the person in front of me looked a little to on fire to be a cosplay.

Said person who was on fire, actually ran away screaming. Rude, I didn't look that bad. Sure I'm no elegant beauty, but I wasn't hideous either.

Climbing to my feet, I noticed something odd; the trees were purple. I mean the trunk was a deep red almost like blood, and the leaves looked like a toddler had decided to dump neon purple on them.

I had a very bad feeling, and the dragon that just flew over didn't help. Either I was hallucinating, or I tripped, literally, into another world. Dreaming was out, because I hurt to much with all the scratches and scrapes. Well, I'd either stop hallucinating or actually find out this was real.

Murphy's Law, at that moment, decided it was behind schedule and needed to make up for it.

I don't have an editor, so please let me know if you see any mistakes, something is not making sense, or ect.

Foxflowers_Mooncreators' thoughts