
Saymor's Exploits

The exploits of an upstart criminal reborn in DC

Crunchy_Sgt · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs


 "So, Saymor, what can I do for you?" Andre asked as he looked at the niniteen year old teenager in a three piece black suit seated in front of him. Saymor was a contact one of his boys had told him that had hardware enough to make the ATF have a boner. He doubted that very much.

 "It's nothing much, Andre. I just have merchandise that needs to get off my hands, is all. I asked around and I was pointed to one of your boys who then brought me to you," Saymor answered, his voice emotionless like the blankness of his face. Andre couldn't get a read of him and it was quite freaky. He had been around people who show so much emotions it became second nature, meeting someone who seemed quite heartless was a new experience for him.

 "So you came to New York to sell guns and coincidentally just found about me?" Andre asked, aggressively. But, Saymor didn't show a flicker of emotions on him, even when some of his boys started reaching for their guns.

 "I came here to do business. If you're not interested, I am walking. I don't have time for all of these theatrics, my time is money," Saymor, unphased by everything happening around him, said coolly before he started to get up. Andre remembered the pictures of the hardware he had been shown, hardware that would put him in the top of his game in these streets.

 "Wait, wait, hold up," Andre reproached, putting a friendly smile on his face. Saymor gave him a glare that had more emotions than his face before he sat down. "You can never be too careful these days. We got a bat freak a town over, you can never be too careful."

 "That is your problem. Mine is making sure these merchs get out of my hands. Now, I was told you could buy them all, was I being lied to?" Saymor, ever expressionless, continued like Andre never intrupted his deal. 

 "I wanna see the merch first," Andre said. Saymor nodded before slowly reaching to his pocket and fishing out a sleek looking pistol that had all of Andre's people aiming their guns at him. However, he appeared in bothered as he put the pistol of the table and slid it over to Andre.

 "This is a prototype Grail .45 pistol that has not yet hit the market," Saymor said as he started listing every detail about the pistol like a salesman. Andre listened on as he looked at the pistol in wonder.

 "It looks maginificent!" Andre said as he took the Grail and cocked it, to see there was no ammunition in it. He aimed it at a cup before clicking the trigger and giggled like a school boy that had stowawayed candy. "Feels so much more comfortable in the hand, like it's your God given right to always hold it."

 "It was build to be safe and easy to use, mostly intended for cops because they are idiots. But the design got scrapped and the already made products were put for destruction due to this. But, I managed to get a crate full of them and I'm willing to sell it to you," Saymor said as he got comfortable.

 "How much per piece?" Andre asked, regretfully putting the Grail on the table.

 "Thirteen grand per piece," Saymor answered. 

 "That's mighty cheap if you compare it to your sales pitch. Makes me wonder if they have a problem you're not telling me," Andre was suspicious, as one should be. His price was dirt cheap compared to what his pitch suggested.

 "The price is cheap because the product is hot. Nobody knows about it, it's not in the market any where in the world this no parts for it. Any one who buys it will get flagged by any government agency thus, for their trouble I decided to lower the price to this," Saymor answered without missing a beat. Andre was still suspicious. "How about this, you will test out all of the guns and if you're satisfied, we can come to an arrangement. Deal?" Andre hesitated to take the hand before he half heartedly shook it. "The merchs' in my car out back."

 Andre signalled his boys before they all followed Saymor out of the building where a car that looked like an austin martin but wasn't was waiting, in it was a young blonde woman that was waiting listening to music. She saw them coming and became a little nervous before relaxing when Andre gave her a nod. She nodded back and popped the trunk where a wooden crate was sitting.

 "That's a nice car!" Andre whistled in amazement.

 "Private order," Andre answered before carrying the crate out of the trunk and onto the ground before opening it. In it were ten more Grail .45. Andre inspected them all, one by one before nodding at Saymor. "Nice, nice. I have to agree these are nice. I'll take your word for it provided you leave me a means to reach you?"

 "Sure," Saymor said and gave him a card that had his first name and a phone number. "If you need any more merchs, don't be a stranger." He closed the trunk before looking at Andre with raised brows. 

 "Yeah, the money," Andre nodded awkwardly before nodding at one of his guys. The man went back into the house and five minutes later, came out with a duffle bag. Saymor looked at it once before taking it. "Not gonna count it?"

 "Take it as a show of faith from me to you, from one friend to another," Saymor answered before getting into the car. 


 Ellie watched the deal go down with a feeling of anxiousness gnawing at the back of her neck. When she saw Saymor been given the duffle filled with money, she started the car's engine. When Saymor got in, she drove off instantly.

 "Slow down, you're going to make them suspicious," Saymor warned her, making her slow down about, but she was still speeding.

 "Do you think they bought it?" Ellie asked as she looked at the rear view mirror expecting to see a car following them, only to sigh in relief when she saw none.

 "Don't worry about it. It's going to be over soon," Saymor assured her before looking at his watch. "This is going to end soon." Suddenly, they heard an explosion in the direction they had come from, making Ellie almost lose control of the car when she whipped her head behind if he hadn't got hold of the wheel. She laughed in nervousness and incredulity

 "I can't believe it. We just took down the entire East side upper echelon gang members and they even paid us for the bombs!" Ellie laughed.