

They said that he's a robot - cold and emotionless. Some women find it cool and some find it annoying. In Hana's case... "Isn't it your day off today? Why are you here?" Jacob was glaring at her but she ignored him and just looked for a seat where she can see him from afar. "Are you here to sketch me again?" "Of course. Isn't it obvious? Are you becoming dumb now?" she retorted back while arranging her art materials on the table. Among all the cafe staff, she's the only one who's got the courage and guts to talk to their boss. Jacob crossed his arms on his chest while watching her helplessly. "I don't care about you sketching, drawing or painting me. But don't you fall in love with me." "Heh! Are you serious? Did you think this is some kind of novel plot where a CEO makes a contract with his girl? Seriously?" Hana rolled her eyes and started flipping through the pages of her sketchpad. "Don't worry, I can assure you that it won't happen." "I'm holding you accountable with your words." Jacob said before he left her alone and continued to do his work. "As if I'd tell you that I've fallen in love already." Hana smirked at the thought. MEANWHILE... "Your Majesty, aren't you sorry for your own daughter? What if the Queen, her highness, comes back and finds out that you've banished your daughter?" the small wind diety Airiaj, asked with concern while looking at the huge water mirror in front of them. "Hmp! It would be better if she really comes back." The Cerulean King sneered without any care that his daughter was going through difficult times. If her mother didn't ran off somewhere, Hana wouldn't have a hard time in the mortal world. She would've gotten married already! **** cover isn't mine ORIGNAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN FROM: "Holy Chef, Crazy Empress" -a comic owned by LINKSURE it's edited by a friend https://discord.gg/XkurxZGR

_frieyaVida · Fantasy
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246 Chs


After shift, Adam picked her up again and gave Lily a lift back to her dorm. Lily and Adam talked about different things in college but she remained silent along the way.

Even after dropping Lily off, she wasn't saying anything. "Did you get into fight with your crush?" Adam teased her but she didn't react at all.

Until they arrived home, she stayed silent and ignored him.

"What happened to your sister? Did you cause trouble at her work?" Rudolf asked his son. They stopped him from leaving earlier but he was really stubborn and even tricked them. Now, he reaped what he sowed.

"There was a little trouble but it was resolved as soon as it started. She wasn't like that in the morning. It was after her lunch break that she turned out like this." Adam informed them to get himself out of trouble.

Hana went up to her room with dejected mood. She was upset that the day ended and she hadn't reconciled with her boss yet. And the next day was her day off because it was the 30th of the month.

"What should I do?! What should I do?! What should I do?!" she questioned thrice with no one to answer her. She hated it when they parted in bad terms. "It's not like we are close so it's fine. At least, it wouldn't be painful when he found someone to love."

She changed her mind immediately and walked towards her work desk. She pulled out her clear book and took out her sketch pad from her bag. She tore the sketch from its very base and placed it inside her clear book.

"I will never tell him how I truly felt." Hana murmured with a smile. After all that happened in her past relationships, she learned to keep her feelings to herself. She learned to become stronger amidst the accusation of being a stalker and she just let them pass from her ear to another.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

Hana opened the door and found her mother standing there. "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet? We need to leave in two hours. Remember your 24-hour observation day?"

"Sorry, I was thinking about something. I'll change my clothes now."

"Be fast. We need to eat dinner before we leave."

"Yes Ma." she closed the door again and looked for clothes that she can wear. It would be another troublesome day for her.

Outside the cafe, Jacob was standing in a daze while waiting for his friend. It was his sister's birthday today and they were planning to throw a little party for her. His best friend was invited so they wanted to go together.

They had to pick her up from the hospital since she was still working and brought her home with them. There wasn't anything grand, just a simple gathering of families and friends.

While waiting, he thought back to the events during the day. Somehow, he felt a little guilty. He noticed that Hana was looking sad but he didn't say anything. He didn't try to comfort her or even talk to her.

"Did I cause her sadness? Is it because I didn't reply to her apology? Oh right!" he slapped his forehead in frustration when he realized his mistake. "I forgot to apologize to her! I got distracted and forgot about it."

"Who are you going to apologize?"

Jacob turned around and found his bestfriend standing behind him. "Why are you sneaking behind me?"

"I wasn't sneaking behind you. You just didn't notice me."

"Whatever. Let's go." He walked ahead of his bestfriend and went to get his car. Even with the huge earning from the bar, his best friend didn't buy a car. Why? Because he was afraid of driving. He didn't want to drive and he didn't dream of having his own car. He would rather buy several houses than buy a car.

"What time will your sister clocked off?"

"She should be out half an hour past eight." Jacob answered him. He opened the car door and got inside. His best friend used the other side and sat on the front seat.

Jacob drove out of the parking lot and made his way to the city hospital where his sister worked.

Hana and his family arrived at the hospital around eight in the evening. Adam carried her bag for her, her parents following them as they walked to the fifth floor of the building.

"Will you be fine?" he asked his sister who looked a lot better compared to the time they arrived home.

"This is no longer new to me." Hana winked at him cheerfully. "Let's all be grateful that I am doing fine so far."

'How can I be happy? I knew how this will end and it isn't something worth to be happy.' he thought to himself, walking along side his sister.

Hana went inside to a room that she always use and took her bag from Adam. "I am actually fine staying in a General ward. This place is very expensive and I hate the idea that you have to spend so much for me. Spending so much won't change anything."

Adam flicked her forehead in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you that we won't have any issues when it comes to money. Just let us do this for you."

"Thank you." Hana smiled at her brother. Just as she was about to hug him, a certain someone was looking at her from the outside of her room. 'Oh shit!' she cursed mentally but she put a smile on her face. "Boss! How come you are here?"

Jacob looked at her and to Adam who was standing on the side. "I am picking up my sister. How about you?"

"Oh me? We came to visit our relative. We always make sure to visit her every month." Hana lied naturally which made Adam smile with a raise eyebrow.

'Relative my ass.' he thought to himself but he didn't say anything.