
Can this stop?

Ava's P.O.V

I overheard a bunch of rumors that some girl died a few blocks down from me. I shiver as I remember my coach died. I used to be in basketball even though I'm small. It was fun though! I hear a knock at my door so I walk over to go answer it. Great it's Wendy.

"Do you need something?"

"I don't want to be alone..."

I look up at her and notice her eyes are all red and puffy. Her pale face is red. She's been crying. I let her in and hug her tightly. I can hear my heart beat in my chest as I feel my shirt get wet from her tears.

"Hey..what happened are you okay?"

"M-My g-gi-girlfriend....kil-killed hers-herself."

I felt my eyes get huge. So Wendy is a lesbian? For some reason that makes me happy. It's weird because I'm straight. Well I don't know what my sexuality is anyway.

"Hey let's go to my room. My Dad and brother helped me unpack everything so I can make you something. Is that okay?"

She only responded with a nod. I lead her upstairs to my room. She plops down on my bed and I instantly cover her up in my favorite fluffy blanket. I run downstairs to make her Ramen well it was beef Ramen since that was all we had.

"What are you doing?"

I dropped the metal spoon on my foot as I heard Axel.

"Axel you dumbass you almost made me drop the pan!"

"Jeez sorry. Also did you hear about that girl who killed herself. Apparently she had a girlfriend. I wonder what it must feel like to be a lesbian haha."

"I wonder what it must feel like to be a creep. And yes a girl did kill herself. And guess what dumbass. Her girlfriend is over here and I'm making her Ramen so move it."

"Wait what? She is here? I have so many questions."

I look at Axel annoyed and see my Dad walk in.

"Axel you're not a detective. And Ava you did a good thing helping her. Also Axel if I find out you make her feel uncomfortable you're grounded for a week. Got it young man?"

I snicker as Axel looks at our Dad in disbelief.

"Yes sir."

I move swiftly up the stairs to find Wendy curled up in a ball on my bed. I walk over to her and sit down next to her holding the Ramen.

"Hey I have Ramen for you."

Wendy peeked her head out of the blankets and gently took the Ramen and scarfed it down.

"Hey mind if I stay here?"

"I don't mind. You're hurt I understand."

"Thank you."

She hugs me tightly then let's go. For some reason I leaned into her face and kissed her. She pulled back quickly and looked confused. My heart was beating out of my chest, I could feel my face begin to burn. She leans back towards me and we kiss longer.