

Hmmm where is this judai said, looking around you could see a tiny room with a kitchen, bed and some equipment.

But this is not what surprised him.


Judai was sitting in the plane he looks quite average but that's only on the surface Judai is a assassin that kills for money, he has killed hundreds if not thousands of people although most of them are guilty that still doesn't justify what he does.

Judai is a orphan he never met his parents since they died when he was 2 years old at the age of 8 years old he found out that he could be an assassin and simply found it fun ( yeah crazy ) he liked to slaughter the strong, he was a prodigy at the age of 15 he already had mastered several martial arts and is quite smart.

Judai also never really had someone precious to him except a old man that adopted him when he was 3 years old it is also through him that he learned about assasins but since he was old his time was short he unfortunately died when Judai was 18, ( he is now 36 years old ) he basically did what he wanted after he didn't care about being rich or whatever he just killed and killed since he liked the feeling.

Well as cruel as he might be he still liked to watch animes, novel etc such as Naruto, Bleach, One piece basically the big 3.

Well let's continue when he was sitting in the plane suddenly, the airfoils where on fire his expression still indifferent he wasn't scared of death since he would leave nothing behind but if he could he obviously would wish to live, since he had many enemies he always takes extra measures and this was probably one of their attacks he had a parachute in his bag he opened his bag to double check when he suddenly saw a hole in parachute meaning he wouldn't make it, he wondered how this happened.

Hmm he said he was suspicious because it's impossible for this to happen even when he's sleeping and that's isn't even the weird thing the plane got caught on fire, and he still hasn't doesn't even have an idea on how it happened since should've already seen someone or atleast something that was the cause for this.

Oh well seems like the end huh can't say I lived a good life but it wasn't that bad either I guess judai muttered, he began to close his eyes he didn't even try to resist because he sees no point in living anymore he has seen everything and anything this world has to offer.

I hope I atleast have a good next life he said, its already been about 3 minutes I should have felt something when he opened his eyes he saw himself standing in a tiny room with a bed and kitchen.

He didn't freak out or any of the sort since he has mastered his emotions and could quickly adapt to any situation.

He looked around and said hmm where is this, when suddenly he heard a mechanical sound

| Host has met the requirements |

Judai already had a idea of what was going on did I transmigrate, and this voice should be a system he said.

| does host wish to accept the memories of the previous owner of this body |

Accept Judai said when in his mind images appeared of the predecessor of his body,

This person seems to be quite similar to me he said this person also knows as zeeka lived in konohagakure but he moved because of the wars he now lived somewhere in the middle of nowhere he managed his own food since he was a quite skilled ninja ( a jonin ) he killed animals to get his food and he had a river nearby so he had enough water ( I wonder if you could drink water with water jutsu but I don't think so ) he just wanted to live in peace and was also a orphan he didn't have anyone that was precious to him or anything.

So I am in the naruto world interesting.

System judai called out but he didn't get the reaction he wanted so he imagined the system in his mind since that's what he mostly saw in those novels then a holographic screen appeared.

System what are your functions

| Host has the status function, the inventory function, shop function |

Status! Judai said

| Judai |

| age 19 (36) |

| Race: Human |

| bloodline : Uchiha |


| SKILLS ( Slow time ) ( Accelerated memory ) ( Accelarated healing ) |

Hmm pretty simple but why is there only speed.

| Because host will be savitar ( the god of speed ) |

Hmm system did a god or whatever do this to me

| Host has unrequired information but I can guarantee host that the system is not gifted to host because of a god or a being |

Hoo that's good seems like I'm not controled, I've been wondering this whole time the plane and the parachute it just magically got a hole and the plane was on fire quite suspicious indeed if my theory is right it must've got something to do with the system oh well let's leave that for later.

So system I noticed i don't seem to have quests.

| host is right and wrong hosts only objective is to become the strongest in the world and the more host kills the more rewards also the stronger the better |

Alright seems good enough for now so what year is it judai asked in his head

| Year 1987 |

So the 3rd great ninja war already started well I don't plan on appearing anytime soon probably till the 4rd great ninja war, I'll just sometimes go and kill some people well first things first I noticed I am Uchiha It seems I have the 3 tomoe

Sharingan, it goes perfect with my speed.

But the problem is the mangekyou Sharingan I don't have anyone close to me so how can I unlock it.

| Host doesn't need to worry as host kills more and powerful opponents host is eventually gonna unlock the mangekyou sharingan |

Alright as expected now then since we got all that out of the way he said turning around and looking in the mirror.

I saw a person standing there with black cargo pants and a black shirt his hair a bit curly .

I look like that guy what was his name again sung Jin woo was it well since he isn't that bad looking it's oké I guess.

Lets test it he said before walking to the kitchen he took a knife and said here goes nothing he cut a bit of his finger instantly not even 3 seconds later it was already healed his expressions still indifferent he didn't really feel any pain, hmm let's test it's limit after that he cut his whole pinky ( bros def crazy ) after 10 second his whole pinky was already healed .

Well I was planning on just killing some people and then with the help of the system I could probably heal my finger but it seems I underestimated these abilities.

Chapter 1 |

Note: English isn't my first language also I will be nerfing the speed of naruto characters and changing some timeline events