
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
95 Chs


In SSHQ's health facility, Zede's eyes fluttered open. The sterile environment, the beeping machines, and the worried faces of doctors greeted him. He tried to sit up, his body protesting with every movement. The doctors rushed to his side.


"You need to rest," one of them insisted.


Zede shook his head. "No time for that. I need to get to the control room."


The doctor blocked his path. "Absolutely not. You're in no condition to be running around."


But Zede's resolve was stronger than his weakened body. With the help of Diego, his loyal robotic bull companion, he forced himself to stand. Ignoring the doctors' protests, he stumbled out of the room. They moved quickly through the corridors of the health facility.


At one point, Zede paused to look through a window where doctors were wheeling a patient into the ICU. He felt a pang of guilt for leaving his bed but knew he had to keep moving. He continued down the hallways until he finally reached the control room.


Inside, the atmosphere was tense. Monitors displayed the ongoing battle in Deca Deca Town. Zede took a deep breath, ready to contribute whatever he could.


Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Ferric, Kohaku, and Cupid were locked in a fierce struggle with Alex. The chaos of their fight left destruction in their wake. Ferric's phone buzzed, and he quickly answered.


"Got it," he said before hanging up. He turned to his comrades. "Change of plans. We've been ordered to move Alex to the Baby Hills on the outskirts of Deca Deca Town."


Kohaku, his eyes blazing with determination, glanced at Ferric. "How do you propose we do that?"


"We either throw him or make him follow us," Ferric replied. "We need to lure him out of the town."


With a nod, they adjusted their strategy. Ferric's fighting style shifted, focusing on pushing Alex back. He used his immense strength to throw powerful punches, aiming to create distance. Cupid and Kohaku coordinated their attacks, trying to corral Alex towards the outskirts.


Kohaku's amber weaponry flashed brilliantly as he struck at Alex, each blow calculated to move their adversary. Cupid used his copper powers to create barriers and obstacles, directing Alex's path. Despite their best efforts, Alex resisted, his immense power making it difficult to maneuver him.


Ferric received another call, and this time he grinned. "Alright, time to finish this." He signaled to Cupid and Kohaku. "We need to get him to jump towards us."


Kohaku raised an eyebrow. "How do we do that?"


Ferric smirked. "By making ourselves the most annoying targets he's ever faced."


With renewed vigor, they taunted and attacked Alex, drawing his ire. Alex roared in frustration, his focus shifting entirely to them. Ferric, Kohaku, and Cupid moved towards the Baby Hills, Alex following in a blind rage.


As they neared the outskirts, Ferric called out, "Get ready! This is where we make our stand!"


Alex charged at them, and with a final coordinated effort, Ferric, Kohaku, and Cupid unleashed their most powerful attacks, driving Alex back. The combined force sent Alex tumbling towards the Baby Hills.


Ferric and Cupid were relentless, launching distant attacks to keep Alex at bay. Their strategy was clear: drive him towards the portal Mendle had created. With a powerful leap, Alex lunged towards them, and just before he entered the portal, he grabbed Kohaku's hand, pulling him along.


Ferric and Cupid exchanged stunned glances before Mendle, in a split second, transported them all to the Baby Hills. They arrived just in time to see Alex and Kohaku emerge from the portal onto a flat expanse surrounded by hills. Kaal and Zede were positioned on a hilltop, overseeing the operation. The surrounding hills were capped with blast cannons, their designs unmistakably were what Metalloids, Zede and Kylan created.


Ferric recognized the cannons and looked at Kaal, who nodded. "It was Zede's idea to test this innovation here."


Without hesitation, Kaal ordered, "Fire the cannons!"


A deafening roar filled the air as the cannons unleashed their power, enveloping Alex in a dense mist. Alex screamed, "I am the embodiment of Alexander the Great! I can't be defeated!" When the mist settled, Alex was trapped inside a massive hollow metal ball, with only his head protruding. His arms and legs hung limply inside the sphere, effectively immobilizing him. However, there was no trace of Kohaku; he had vanished without a trace.


Back at SSHQ, cadets were shifting the massive metal ball containing Alex into a secure chamber. Meanwhile, Zede was being held captive by the Savior Society for the unauthorized experiment that had caused such widespread destruction. Kaal stood before him, his expression stern.


"We already warned you, Zede. After this, you will be punished. And when Kylan regains consciousness, he will join you too," Kaal said grimly.


Diego, Zede's robotic bull companion, tried to explain, "It was a mistake, Kaal. You have to understand—"


Kaal cut him off, capturing Diego as well. "Keep him somewhere away from Zede," he ordered the cadets.


As the cadets began to take Zede away, a portal suddenly opened, and Aayam stepped through. Kaal and Mendle looked on in amazement as their brother emerged. They rushed to hug him, relief and joy evident in their faces.


"Where have you been?" Kaal asked, his voice thick with emotion.


Aayam shook his head. "I'm not here to rest. I have another expedition to undertake." His eyes shifted to Zede, who stood surrounded by the cadets. "But first, we need to address this."


Hey everyone! The Deca Deca Adventures Arc has come to an end. I'd love to hear your thoughts and which character you loved the most. I've been away for three months due to exams, but I'm excited to share these chapters with you now.


Please show your love and support by sharing this story with your friends. If you'd like to connect with me personally or share your suggestions, follow me on Instagram @culturedweeb2021. Thanks for your support!