
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasy
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86 Chs


In the far space where King Deimos and Prince Edmund with all their people were travelling here and there in the search of a habitable planet. "Sir a Luke named man is not doing well. I think that he grew a some sort of disease." a soldier said to prince Edmund. "Who? the person who always roam around in the rugged blanket" asked prince Edmund.

Prince Edmund ran towards the main cockpit and asked a doctor to examine him. "Prince we are near to the star named A9973." said the doctor. "So what?" Prince asked. "Its radioactive nature allows a certain kind of bacteria to survive on both of the planets that revolves around this star. May be he came in the contact with those bacteria and developed Nail plague. Remember we landed our ship for a tune up on that second planet." said the doctor.

"But how? Our species is immune to those bacteria. We haven't seen even a single case from the last 200 generations. I know it because my ancestors used to fight battle around these planets. So, How is it possible?" asked Prince Edmund. Doctor gulped and said "Prince, It is possible. It is a one in a billion case."

"May be he is not from our species" said King Diemos while he was entering that cockpit. "I think he is an intruder who is trying to betray us" King raged and tried to grab the blanket of Luke. Prince Edmund grabbed his hand. Kind freed his hand with a jerk and said "Is this the way to address your father?" "Dad I was trying to save you from this disease. This person is infected with nail plague." said Prince Edmund "I am immune to this disease. There is nothing that can kill me." said King Diemos.

"King I advise you to keep yourself away from this person. May be this time the disease is upgraded" said the Doctor. A Minister from the back murmured to king and after that king left that room.

"So what are the measures to act upon to stop the spread of this nail plague?" asked Prince. "Prince first we need a separate micro spaceship to isolate him from other Edmoniuns" said the Doctor. "Ok so you can take him to that spaceship. Let me call my soldiers to take you there safely" said Prince. "No, No Price we can't afford even a single mistake at this moment let me take him to that spaceship." said the Doctor. Doctor opened the door to go out from the main space ship. There was a narrow but a long bridge between those two spaceships.

Luke and that doctor started walking on that bridge. Prince Edmund was standing behind them. Prince was ensuring their safety by standing there. But when the doctor and Luke reached at the middle of that bridge a Space Ryu took a bite of that bridge along with the doctor and luke over it and flew away. Noooo! Price Edmund screamed and came out; out of the rage he jumped and landed over that Ryu.

"Spit them out" Prince Edmund said and tried to insert his sword in Ryu's neck but that Ryu took a back flip and threw him in the space, he again tried to hit that Ryu but the King who was standing over the main cockpit threw a glowing rope towards prince Edmund and drew him back. "Wake up you fool, I appreciate your daring decision but it was a space Ryu. That creature gulped them" King screamed and slapped Prince.

"I already lost my elder son Ethalius, when our planet got destroyed." King then hugged the Prince. "Dad I understand but how do we…." "-that's enough Edmund" king said. Prince looked back at that Ryu and went inside the cockpit.

After reaching a certain distance that Ryu pucked them out and exhaled heavily. Luke and doctor stood up on that planet and Luke started pampering that Ryu. "Good job Sheron" that ryu licked Luke and felt really happy. "Welcome Prince Ethalius" a sudden voice came from the behind of Luke. "This is the last time I am forgiving you for calling me a prince. You know that I don't hold that position and I don't really like that word as well" said Luke while cuddling the Ryu.

"Forgive him Ethalius. Come here" a man in the warrior outfit said by spreading his arms for a hug. Luke turned and smiled "After a long time Leontis". "So how the search is going?" Luke (Ethalius) asked to Leontis. "First you tell me how you spent your time in that place? Is your little brother all right?" asked Leontis to Ethalius. "Ya very much. He is doing most of the civilians related works by himself. I collapsed with him multiple times, just to test his calm. He will surly become a great king" said Ethalius.

"Ho ho hello mister" an old man called Leontis from behind. "Is this the man for you were waiting? Is this okay to keep him here sir." the old man continued. "Yes he is (Loudly). Don't be afraid Mr. Hawker" said Leontis. "But why they were inside the mouth of Sheron?" that old man asked. "Oh! Come on Mr.Hawker, Sheron is his pet. Let me explain you, This man is the elder son of that so called kind Diemos. And..." "What is… is he the son of King Diemos" Mr.Hawker shouted. "Let me complete first (Leontis grabbed Mr.Hawker's upper arm and looked into his eyes) He was there for a mission. If this thing will get leaked to anybody out of our group then I'll…." "Hey you (Prince Etalius dragged Leontis back) My apologies sir, (Ethalius Bowed down) I think my comrade is not behaving well. Please forgive us for our misbehave. And thank you for taking care of Sheron while I was on a mission" Prince Ethalius said. "Apology is mine your highness, for considering you a normal person" said Mr.Hawker. Prince Ethalius said that it is ok and advised him to not to use the word your highness.