
Savior in the DC Universe

John traversed into the vast DC Universe. Seeing the criminals revel in their chaos, John, dedicated to punishing evil and promoting good, felt powerless. Fortunately, his missions to punish evil came with rewards. Everything began with the vampires... Defeat and strip the abilities of the vanquished! Until one day, a Marvel dimensional cover appeared before John, and he suddenly realized that perhaps it wasn't he who chose the dimension, but the dimension that chose him! ... Strip abilities and fuse corresponding concepts. The God of Vampires: The origin of all vampires! The War Knight: The pinnacle of human limits? The Fallen Angel: Impossible to be anchored! ... ??? : Omniscient and omnipotent... Years later, the brilliance of the Judgement Council pierced through the concept of the multiverse! [Raw: 美漫:从血族开始的救世主]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 10

"So you're saying all this is the Blood Master's, the progenitor vampire's, conspiracy?"

Vasiliy chuckled, feeling like he had just heard the biggest joke in the world.

"Hey, man, didn't you see what happened just now? Those pale guys were blood-sucking monsters!" Gus exclaimed, frustrated.

"Maybe those people were just infected with some disease. Vampires are mythical creatures; they don't exist!"

Vasiliy shook his head, thinking the strange people had mental issues since they hadn't attacked him.

"You idiot! John... why aren't you saying anything?" Gus, exasperated, turned to John, who remained calm and composed.

John, expressionless and composed, grabbed Gus, stopping him from following Vasiliy into the Rodent Control Bureau.


Gus looked at John, puzzled by the mysterious youth's thoughts.

"Everything must be seen to be believed."

John said calmly, standing at the Bureau's entrance, watching Vasiliy enter his workplace.

Knowing the storyline, John was aware that everyone in the Rodent Control Bureau had already transformed, including Vasiliy's love interest. Sure enough, moments after Vasiliy entered, the sound of objects crashing echoed from inside, as if a fight had broken out.

Gus was about to rush in but was held back by John.

"Relax, he needs to experience this to understand."

John had confidence in Vasiliy's abilities. He was one of the most formidable supporting characters in the Bloodline series, even surpassing Gus in some respects.


A furious shout echoed from inside. John frowned, sensing something was off, and quickly rushed in.

The first thing he saw was Vasiliy on the ground, a pale figure lunging at him with a tendril shooting towards John.

"Oh, fuck!"

Gus exclaimed in shock. The scene happened so suddenly that John couldn't dodge in time. As the tendril touched his neck, it suddenly recoiled as if burned, accompanied by a sharp scream from the vampire, who then retreated.

John didn't intend to let the vampire escape. He became a blur, swiftly appearing before the monster, his silver sword slicing through its neck like lightning.

In Vasiliy and Gus's shocked eyes, the vampire's head slid off its neck. John pulled out a tissue to wipe off the special fluid on his neck.

Through the fluid, John saw several dead worms.

Praise be to the Mosquito Repellent! John silently praised. Without the Worm Resistance ability, he wasn't sure if his Progenitor's Body would have resisted these worms. The thought of those worms burrowing into his body made him sick.


Gus hurried over. John had explained earlier how vampires converted people.

He nervously examined John's neck but found no wounds.

"Worms can't harm me!"

John said, looking at the decapitated female vampire. If he wasn't mistaken, she was Vasiliy's love interest in the series. He hadn't expected Vasiliy to not open the curtains and kill her with sunlight as in the original storyline. "The plot has changed again!"

John glanced at Vasiliy, who was holding his head in his hands, clearly in pain. He saw the suffering in Vasiliy's eyes. Gus walked over, patting the tough guy on the shoulder.

"Brother, my condolences."

Gus had realized something.


At night, Vasiliy returned to his former home. Looking at the small, dimly lit house, he seemed conflicted.

As he knocked on the door, an elderly man peered out.

"Vasiliy, what are you doing here?" The man's gaze was distant, with a hint of something unsaid.

"Dad, please leave the city now..."


"For my sake."

Vasiliy looked dejected and left without waiting for his father's response.

The old man silently watched Vasiliy leave. He despised Vasiliy for working as a rat catcher, thinking it disgraceful, but he still loved his only son deeply.

Leaving the yard, Gus excitedly extended his fist toward Vasiliy, but Vasiliy didn't respond.

"Man, don't be so dull!"

Gus sighed, while Vasiliy looked at the silent John.

"John, what should we do to stop this disaster?"

Vasiliy didn't want to waste any time.

John smiled. With these two helping, his plan seemed closer to fruition! "First, we need to make people aware of the impending disaster!"


For several days, Vasiliy handed out flyers, which detailed warnings about avoiding strange-looking and behaving individuals.

He gave a flyer to almost every passerby, while Gus did the same on another street.

At first, most people looked puzzled and then discarded the flyers. Most scoffed at the warnings.

However, Vasiliy and Gus persisted, because John only needed people to have some reaction, good or bad!

In a dark sewer, John walked through the dim tunnels, unafraid of the monsters lurking in the shadows.

A crimson gaze fixed on him.

As John walked deeper into the darkness, the hidden monsters didn't dare attack.

"Why are you immune?"

A low voice echoed in the darkness. It seemed to be the Blood Master's voice, but John knew it was just a vampire possessed by the Blood Master. "Because I am the one who judges all evil. How could I fear the tools of evil?"

John spoke cryptically. He knew the Blood Master was hiding in the sewers, but even with his knowledge of the storyline, he couldn't pinpoint the exact location. His main goal now was to collect white blood from some vampires!

"Impossible! God would never allow your existence!"

The deep roar echoed through the pitch-black tunnels. In the next instant, countless tendrils shot towards John.

The slender sword gleamed in the cave, accompanied by the monsters' screams...

(End of Chapter)