

Connor is trying to survive an abusive parents all well going to school and trying to raise his little sister. When a boy at school notices him his whole life changes. But will it be for the better?

Solaini_Vincent · Fantasy
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10 Chs


(Levi Point Of View)

I would normally be happy to hold my baby in my arms but I can't stop thinking about that stupid ass hole that hurt my baby. I can't wait to get my hands on that man so I can tear him apart, just imaging sinking my teeth into him is getting me excited.

Connor's eyes start to filter revealing his light blue eyes. He quickly jumps out of my arms and to the other side of the couch. "Sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" I don't understand why he did nothing wrong.

" I...I… keep crying on you and them...then...I fall asleep...on you." His voice sounds so weak and full of pain.

" Never apologize for crying on me and I loved holding you I'm looking ford to doing it again."

He looks down at his lap. " I don't understand this, I feel like I can trust you but yet I barely know you. I weird and I don't understand it." He looks at me then back down.

" I wish I could explain it to you right now but I can't help but trust me when the time comes I will tell you. But I feel the same thing as you, It's not weird or crazy." God, I wish I could just take him into the woods behind my house and shift into a wolf but it's too soon, I have to make him love me first so he won't leave me. Just the thought of him leaving me breaks my heart in half.

A loud bang from the front door opening rings through the house My dad walks into the living room naked. " Shouldn't you be in school and who's the boy?" Out of all the times he could have walked in naked it just had to be now.

" Hey dad, this is Connor my um...friend." I look over to Connor to see that he is bright red.

" Hello Connor I'm Luka Coffey, it's nice to meet you." My dad walks over to him and extends his hand.

" Dad please put on some clothes." It's nothing for me to see my dad naked or any of the pack members, when we shift we have to take off our clothes or they will be shredded into millions of pieces.

"Oh yeah" My dad walks out of the room

" Sorry about that, he's kind of weird."

"It's fine. Um, what time is it?" He still looking at his lap, I wish he would look up instead of looking down all the time.

" It's almost two o'clock."

He jumps up real quick. " I have to go pick up Cali."

" I'll drive you." I stand up and lead the way to the front door. I grab my keys that hang on a hook next to the door. We walk outside and to my car that I barely ever use because Andrew also drives us places I walk over to the passenger side and open the door for him then walk over to the driver's side then get in.

I start the car and back out of the driveway. "So do you want to go to the mall after we pick up Cali?" I hope he says yes, I need to get them some clothes because I'm not letting them go back to that hell hole they call home.

"Sure" The rest of the drive is done in silence.

I pull into the school parking lot. Little kids stand in line waiting to be picked up. As soon as I park the car Connor gets out to find his little sister. I can't stop thinking about the scars on his chest, my poor baby. I can't even imagine the pain he's been through, having someone who supports to love you and keep you safe, beating you up has hurt not just physically but mentally. Connor opens the back door and helps his sister in. the back seat and walks around to the front.

"Who are you?" The little girl asks in a sweet voice.

"I'm Levi...Connors friend." I turn to face her and give her a small smile. I start the car and start driving to the mall.

"How was school?" Connor asks

" Really fun, my friend James and I played together in the gym."

"So Cali, would you like a new doll?" Maybe if I get her some new toys I can get her to like me and if she likes me maybe Connor will like me more and then love me.

" Daddy won't let me." Her voice sounds so sad.

"What do you mean?" Why won't he let her have toys all little kids need at least a teddy bear, I had like ten growing up.

" Daddy gets mad when he sees them and rips their heads off." I going to buy her like ten dolls just to make up for that evil bastard.

"Well I'm gonna get you one and you can leave it at my house." Not like I'm going to let her step foot in that house again.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." She sounds like a little puppy.

"Anything for you, Sweetcheeks." I pull the car into the mall parking lot and find a spot to park. Connor and I jump out of the car. He opens the door for Cali and helps her out then we all walk inside.

"Let's go to Kohl's first"

"What are you doing?" Connor pulls me closer to him and whispers in my ear.

"Nothing." I grape ahold of his hand and lace our fingers together. A large smile appears on my face as he doesn't pull away. Cali wraps her tiny fingers in his other hand.

"Does she need a car seat?" She's so tiny she most likely will.

"Yeah, she normally sits in a booster seat." I'll have to get one of them to make sure she's safe.

As we walk into Kohl's the smell of perfume and makeup burns my nose. I pull them to the little girl section.

I let go of Connor's hand and walk over to Cali and walk over to Cali and crouch down so we're at eye level. " Pick out any clothes you want." I stand back up and look at Connor.

"Why are you doing this is it out of pity or something?"

"Nope but I'm going to make you two come live with me. You two are going to stay at my house for a while."

"You don't have to do this." He looks at the floor again. Why does he always do this, we are equal, he can look me in the eyes.

"I want to" We follow Cali around as she looks at all the different shirts, after a few she points at a cute pink t-shirt with a gray dog face. "Cute, what size is she?"

"Small," Connor replies.

I pick up one her size. "Is there anything else?" I hope there is because if not I'm just going to start picking out random stuff.

"No." She whispers looking at the floor. What with them always looking at the floor? I walk over to a blue shirt with stars on it and pick it up, then a yellow shirt with a smiley face on it, a green shirt with a flower, a plain blue one, a plain red one, a plain black one.

"That should be enough." I look over to Connor and Cali, their eyes bulge and mouths hang open.

"That's too much."

"No, it's not, come one." I lead the little girl pants section. I pick up one of every color and design of tights in a size small. After that, I lead them to the men's section to pick out stuff for Connor. " So do I have to pick stuff out for you or can you do it?" I kinda want to pick out the stuff but I'll let him do it if he wants to.

"I don't need anything." I guess I get to pick out his clothes.

"What size of shirt and pants do you wear?"

"Medium and eighteen" He's still looking at the floor. I hand him Cali's clothes and start picking out stuff I think would be cute on him. "We only need one more thing."

Connor looks at all the clothes in my arms.

"Please tell me not all of that is for me."

"It is but like I just said there's one more thing we need to get. Underwear." I'm excited about this part, just imagining him standing in his underwear looking up at me gives me a raging boner. Maybe in the future, I could get him to model lace panics. I grab ahold of Cali's hand and pull her to the underwear section. I pick up a pick of girl's underwear with flowers on them for Cali and tighty whities for Connor.

"Okay, that should be all." I lead us to the cash register.

"Thank you so much but you don't have to do this." Connor puts the clothes in his arms on the counter.

"I know but I want to." I put the stuff I'm holding onto the counter. The old lady starts to scan our items. I feel a light tap on my lower arm. I look down to see Cali looking up at me with these huge blue eyes.

"Thank you." Her voice is barely above a whisper.

I scoop her up with one arm. "Your very welcome, Sweetie." I give her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Your total is one thousand dollars and ten cents." I hand the lady my card.

"You can't spend that much money on us." Connor states.

"I can and will" It's not that much money for me it doesn't even make a dent. Not only is my family in charge of a pack of werewolves but my dad's the CEO of a huge company. Coffey enterprise the biggest company to deal with the overseas shipment.

The lady hands us our bags. "Have a nice day."

"You too" I lead us out of that store and start walking towards the toy store. "So wOf0t's kind of toy do you like to play with?" I poke Cali's nose.

"Dolls and stuffed animals." She smiles

"Okay, you can pick out two dolls and two stuffed animals." I put her down as we enter the story.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" She runs off to the dolls. Connor and I follow behind her.

"Thank you so much, I've never seen her this happy before." Connor watches her look at all the dolls.

"She's a sweet kid." She doesn't deserve to grow up the same way Connor did. I will do anything in my power to make her happy.

"She is." As soon as Connor says that Cali comes running up to us with two dolls. One a beautiful dark skin girl in a bright yellow dress, the other one is a pale girl in a purple dress.

"Great choice." I smile down at her."Now let's pick out some stuffed animals." We walk over to them. She starts looking at all the different colors and sizes of teddy bears. Connor walks over to a stuffed wolf with brown fur mixed with red, just like what I look like in wolf form.

"Do you want it?" I walk up behind him.

"No" I can tell he's lying. "I just thought it was cute." Does that mean he would think I'm cute, I hope it does.

"Let's get it." I pick it up just as Cali comes running back to us with a pink teddy bear and an orange cat.

" Ready?" They both nod their head. We walk to the cash researcher.

"Connor." The lady behind the counter yells. "Why haven't you been at school?"

"Emma" Cali squeaks out.

"Hey, baby" This girl called Emma smiles. "Are you okay Connor?"

"Um yeah I'm fine"

"I know you're lying but I'll make you tell me later" She scans our stuff then put it in a bag and hands it to us. "See you at school." She smiles as we walk away.

"Who was she?"

"Emma, my best friend." We walk out of the mall and into the car.