
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Teaching Qian Renxue

"Huo Wushuang is awesome..."

"The goddess Huo Wu is invincible..."

After a brief silence, enthusiastic cheers erupted like a mountain whirring and a tsunami.

For civilians, the value of beauty is justice. Compared with the fat-headed rough guys in the Elephant Armoured Academy, the audience clearly hopes that the Blazing Academy will win.

However, the participating teams from various universities saw the other side.

They cried out in disbelief.

If Blazing Academy is regarded as an opponent...

Then they are too strong.

For the entire Heaven Dou Empire participating teams, it is definitely the number one rival.

With this strength as a seed player, the other Heaven Dou Teams are not an opponent to them at all, right?

Many people already have this idea in their hearts.

In fact, even the big names on the VIP table at this time were a bit unable to sit still.

Especially Platinum Archbishop Salas.

He is a senior in the Spirit Hall, and he has a deep understanding of the internal affairs of the Spirit Hall.

Didn't it mean that the golden generation of the Spirit Hall is not the strongest among the younger generation?

But what the heck is with this Blazing Academy...

In his mind, at this time, he has secretly made a comparison, that is, it is really hard to say whether the golden generation will win or lose against Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu.

After all, the process of Huo Wushuang's instant killing of Huyan Li was too impressive.

At this time, Salas had secretly decided that as soon as the game is over, he must report the strength of the Blazing Academy to the Hall of Souls as quickly as possible, and let His Majesty the Pope personally decide whether to target Blazing Academy or not. So as to start some plans.

At the same time, Emperor Xue Ye next to Salas also clenched his fists subconsciously.

He was also shocked, to know that such a young Soul King is the pillar and hope of the empire.

Given time, he will surely become a powerhouse of Titled Douluo level. He will be a powerful boost to the empire.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Emperor Xue Ye being so excited, after all, there are not many Titled Douluos in the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

Not to mention the Underworld clan of the Star Luo Empire, a clan that has two Titled Douluos recently emerging.

Although they were all new to Titled Douluo level, they were Titled Douluo anyhow.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

Just when Emperor Xue Ye secretly looked forward to the bright future.

Tang San feels really bad at all that is happening.

The eyes of the surrounding teammates became increasingly unkind.

Those eyes seemed to be questioning.

No, you can remove the word seemed.

Fortunately, this was not absolute, Dai Mubai did not question Tang San, he was questioning himself.

"Am I really wrong? It doesn't seem to be a very wise decision for Tang San to join the group.

Tang San's martial spirits and cultivation became useless, and his mind is not working well.

Although he was willing to pretend a little bit before, he can pretend to be within his controllable range. It's not like it's now, he is just saying something without boundaries,"

Dai Mubai really doubted life.

The battle between Blazing Fire and Elephant Armoured Armor ended so quickly that it exceeded people's expectations. He remembered Tang San's analysis,

Thinking about it now, it's just like he is joking.

That was obviously a crushing game. You actually told me that it was a war of attrition, and I agreed with you at the loss. I really believed in your evil thoughts.

In fact, this time he really wronged Tang San.

At this time, even the teachers of Blazing Academy didn't expect things to happen like this.

He still remembered how sad he was seeing those seven armoured figures.

He thought that the relaxed and confident smiles of Huo Wu and others were them pretending to be relaxed.

Thinking about it now, it turns out that this is not to comfort me, but the confidence brought by such terrifying strength.

That terrifying flame was able to burn the rough-skinned guys of the Elephant Armoured Academy.

Just ask, who can stop such a terrifying flame power?

My Blazing Academy is out of the woods now. We will rise!


Lin Yan is really not interested in watching the last game today.

What's so good about someone who wants strength but have no strength, wants fame and has no fame?

It's just some tricks that he can't even bother to remember their names.

However, when Lin Yan walked out of the arena, a waiter respectfully greeted him.

Looking at his attire, Lin Yan knew that he was from the palace.

"Mr. Lin, His Royal Highness invites you."

"His Royal Highness?"

Lin Yan was startled. What is Qian Renxue looking for?

"The specific matter, the little one is not clear."

This waiter is also good at observing words and colors, but he really can't answer Lin Yan's question, he can only show a wry smile.

"Okay, Qing'er, Rongrong, you go back first. I'll go and see what's going on."

Lin Yan turned around and signaled the others to leave first.

To be honest, he was still very interested in the palace of the Heaven Dou Empire.

He is even more curious to why Qian Renxue is looking for him.


The prince's bedroom is majestic and magnificent.

The waiter stopped outside the hall, then turned around and left.

Lin Yan was left alone with Qian Renxue.

In the next moment, he saw a figure with their back facing him, seeming to be waving a few splashes of ink.

"His Royal Highness, do you need something from me?"

After thinking about it, Lin Yan couldn't help but interrupt her.

After all, she was looking for him, what is he going to do when all she does is showing her back to him.

"No, no... this is not the correct way to write it."

However, Qian Renxue seemed to have not heard Lin Yan's words, as she muttered to herself.

It looks like she is possessed by a devil.

Good guy, there are people who are really addicted to learning and can't help themselves.

As a master of calligraphy, he can naturally see what Qian Renxue is copying constantly there.

After Lin Yan approached, he realized that he was too familiar with the things on the corner of the table.

It was an envelope with a few large characters written on it.

Isn't this the letter I wrote to the prince?

And the sheets of white paper scattered on the table are exactly the failed products that Qian Renxue copied repeatedly.

They have one feature in common, which is the word 'snow'.

"It's too difficult...I'm afraid I will never learn it..."

Obviously, Qian Renxue has really entered a state of selflessness. She kept chanting that this word is really too difficult and that she will never learn it.

Lin Yan laughed blankly, what's so rare about this?

Watch this master take you to fly.

Thinking so, he stretched out his hand.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue felt a big warm hand covering her tender little hand.

"Don't move, remember this feeling,"

Lin Yan bowed his head and said this by Qian Renxue.


Hearing the familiar voice, Qian Renxue's heart was panicking like a deer, but on the surface she was calm.

At this moment, she realized the good qualities of an actor.

In the next moment, Lin Yan held Qian Renxue's hand and used the brush to write the character 'snow' deeply on the paper.

"I wrote this?"

Qian Renxue stared at the word blankly, with an expression of disbelief.

'After writing for so long, a word that I am satisfied with finally appeared.'

"Practicing calligraphy is like life. You also need to understand the various states of life, and there are ups and downs in the words. These are all you need to understand."

Lin Yan said so.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for teaching..."

Lin Yan's hot gasp brushed Qian Renxue's ears and hit on her skin makiy her tremble, and her whole body became a little soft.

Turning his eyes slightly, the perfect cheek was almost close to her face.





You may be wondering why we have a World Mosquito Day when these animals are responsible for the transmission of malaria. Well, that is what this day is all about; raising awareness regarding this, so that more people will be safe and protected. It is also important to recognize that all animals and creatures play an important role in the circle of life, whether they are harmless or not.

World Mosquito Day was created in order to honor the discovery made of the link between humans, malaria, and mosquitoes. This is something that has changed the health industry considerably, ensuring that humans can be protected.

Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry, which is caused by a parasite. It is curable and preventable, yet sadly, it still threatens the lives of millions of people across the globe. It is important to note that not all mosquitoes transmit malaria; only infected female anopheles are able to transmit this to humans.

You may be wondering how malaria is transmitted by a mosquito. It is as simple as a bite. If a mosquito bites you and it has been carrying malaria, the parasite is going to be released into your bloodstream, which can infect your entire body. Mosquitos are typically most active at night and dusk, and so they do not usually bite during the day. However, it is important to make sure that your body is protected at all times.

The latest statistics show that approximately 435,000 people die of malaria every year. Not only this, but there is believed to be approximately 219 million cases of malaria every year across the world. These are pretty big statistics, right? A lot of people do not realize just how serious the problem is, especially those that live in areas that are not at risk.

Malaria can be found in over 100 countries. It is a condition that typically impacts the world's tropical areas. Nevertheless, roughly 70 percent of the malaria burden around the world is concentrated in 11 countries. One being India, and the rest being on the African continent.

If you are going to be travelling to a country that does have a malaria risk, it is imperative that you take the steps to protect yourself against this disease. You should sleep under a mosquito net, use mosquito repellent, and take malaria tablets. Of course, the best thing to do here is to book an appointment with your doctor before you travel so that he or she can make sure that you are prepared and protected.

Facts about malaria

Travellers that are not-immune and come from malaria-free areas are extremely vulnerable if they are infected with the disease. In 2010, singer Cheryl Cole became incredibly ill after she contracted malaria while on holiday in Africa. This should be a warning to everyone regarding just how dangerous the disease is.

Malaria parasites have developed resistance to a lot of the drugs that are commonly used, including artemisinin and chloroquine, and this resistance is spreading quickly. As a consequence, the battle for malaria continues and a lot of health professionals continue searching for better medicines that fight against malaria.

Malaria was eliminated from Greece officially in 1974.

In a lot of the high income countries, the disease is under control. This is because of effective monitoring and aggressive prevention measures.

World Mosquito Day was first established in 1897, when the link between mosquitoes and malaria transmission was discovered by Sir Ronald Ross. It aims to raise awareness about the causes of malaria and how it can be prevented, as well as fundraising for research into the cure of malaria. It is also a salute to the groundbreaking work of Sir Ross and scientists who have followed him.

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine celebrates World Mosquito Day with exhibitions and parties designed both to entertain and to inform, while other celebrations include Malaria No More's 'Mozzy Air' campaign, encouraging people to take anti-malarial when flying to malaria zones, and Nothing But Nets' twitter campaigns to provide mosquito nets for poor communities.