
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Chapter 57

"Sect Master Ning, thank you for your kindness, but this thing is too expensive."

Lin Yan quickly refused. Let's not talk about how he got it.

If he remembers correctly, this thing involves the test of Poseidon. If you are a soul master, of course you can give it a try. But how can I join in the fun, being an ordinary person?

"How can this be, you must accept it..."

Ning Fengzhi said, but Ning Rongrong had already stepped forward, and a pair of small hands pressed tightly on the treasure.

Dugu Bo's eyelids twitched.

Is this treasure that horrible? You are pushing around as if it is so disgusting?

"The main thing is that I can't use this thing.

It is not for me."

Lin Yan insisted.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred.

The treasure in Lin Yan's hand suddenly burst out with a strong light, and it actually pushed everyone except him back more than ten meters.

Ah this?

What happened?

Can't use it, you said it?

We almost believed it.

Lin Yan was stunned.

Eh? I don't take the initiative, but you did it automatically?

Then, he looked at everyone innocently. "I can't explain what is going on."

At this time, the treasure spirit hidden in it thought: "Good thing I did that. If not the big boss would think that I am useless and destroy me."

"All right, in that case. I will accept this gift."

Since it is useful to him, Lin Yan certainly would not refuse.

As for whether Tang San's journey was intercepted, and that the Douluo Continent's plot would change in the future. This is out of his consideration.

He now has the opportunity to see the Poseidon Island.

After keeping the Han Hao Qiankun cover on the table casually. Lin Yan sincerely thanked him.

"Mr. Lin is being polite."

Seeing that Lin Yan has accepted the gift, Ning Fengzhi also breathed a sigh of relief, and then went directly into the subject. "Actually, Fengzhi has one more thing to request, please find it in yourself to fulfill it.."

"Just say it."

"I hope that my little girl can study under Mr. Lin."

Ning Fengzhi made a sincere and deep bow.

"All right."

Lin Yan was helpless about this.

I knew it would be like this, and the ones that should come will come.

No one would be courteous for no reason.

He is not a fool either. After Ning Fengzhi entered the door, it was not difficult to see that the man was not here to play.

It's just that he doesn't know how Ning Fengzhi was convinced by Ning Rongrong to actually agree to let her worship someone like himself as a teacher.

"Rongrong pays respects to the teacher."

Ning Rongrong was overjoyed when she saw this, her eyes were full of satisfaction.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi taught her: "Rongrong, You have to learn from Mr. Lin in the future, all right?"

Lin Yan: Learn how to ' bluff ' from me?

However, Ning Fengzhi's next words surprised everyone. "I won't bother you anymore, I will take my leave."

Are you leaving already?

Lin Yan was startled: "Why not leave after eating?"

Bone Douluo thought, and winked at his Sect Master. I came here for this meal.

If you didn't expect it, you are lying.

"No. The sect has some matters that need to be done."

Ning Fengzhi also has his own ideas, and he has gained enough today.

You have to maintain balance.

There is still time to meet again from now on anyway.

"It's just right, I should also go home and see my unruly granddaughter. Why don't we go together?"

To Lin Yan's surprise, Dugu Bo also said goodbye at this time.

Dugu Bo certainly has his own plans. It just so happened that Ning Fengzhi is here, and he just wanted to show his attitude to him.

After all, the two sides are now friendly forces.

After sending everyone to the door.

Suddenly Lin Yan remembered one thing and stopped Ning Fengzhi and Dugu Bo.

"Brother Dugu. In the place where you practice, is there a...very weird grass. The rhizomes and leaves underneath are all vines and tents, finely combed. But at the top is a golden tulip?"

Dugu Bo was startled, how did you know?

"There is such a thing."

Fortunately, it was not abused by Tang San's fellow...Lin Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "That herbal medicine is useless if you keep it. How about selling it to Sect Master Ning?"

He remembered that this thing had an evolutionary effect on the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

It is something that is obtained by chance.

Now Ning Fengzhi has a friendly relationship with him. Of course, he has to find a way to make him stronger.

Because he remembered that within a few years, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect had been destroyed by the Spirit Hall.

Although he am not a compassionate saint there is nothing wrong in helping him.

Not to mention his relationship with Ning Rongrong, they are so respectful to him, and there is nothing bad about them. He can help as much as he can, it's okay to do so.

"What is there to talk about, if Sect Master Ning needs it, I will give it to him directly."

Dugu Bo's eyes lit up.

How much are the flowers worth?

He was worrying about how to ease the relationship between each other, the boss, seeing this helped me.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Dugu."

Ning Fengzhi is also very grateful.

He has a hunch that the herb mentioned by Lin Yan must be unusual.

"You are welcome."

Dugu Bo smiled.

After that, Lin Yan exhorted: "Sect Master Ning, this flower should not be swallowed directly. You need to lightly absorb the stamen, and slowly ingest the essence of the flower, and then circulate the spirit power slowly, so that the effect of the medicine spreads all over the body."

"Fengzhi understands."

Ning Fengzhi kept it in mind.


Three days later.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

The arrival of Bone Douluo awakened Ning Fengzhi who was thinking.

"Sect Master, this is something sent by Dugu Bo."

What he holds in his hand is a red lacquered wooden box with exquisite workmanship.

Ning Fengzhi took it and opened it eagerly.

Suddenly a faint golden light overflowed.

This is exactly the Qiluo Tulip that Lin Yan said.

Bone Douluo was a little uncertain. "Sect Master, do you really want to take it?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded. "Since it was Mr. Lin's guidance, I believe it will be my chance to change my fate."

Without any hesitation, he absorbed the herb in the way Lin Yan said.

After that the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Tower with colorful halo gleamed quietly in front of him, and the seven halos flickered. It is set off by a layer of rich golden light.

This golden light is released from Ning Fengzhi himself, with a strong tulip fragrance, the golden light continues to strengthen as the precious light flows. This makes the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda look more and more dazzling.

Not long after.

In the great brilliance, a bright color suddenly appeared.

Bone Douluo was shocked immediately and his speech wass a bit incoherent.

"This, is this a breakthrough?"

He knows what this means.

Ning Fengzhi's long cherished wish for many years is finally fulfilled.

However this is not the end.

This time Bone Douluo opened his mouth wide, because with the rotation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda, another light appeared.

That is so dazzling that it blinded his eyes.

Nine kinds of light!

It turned out to be a nine-color treasure.

He was so excited that he couldn't breathe.

This means that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has officially become the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Ning Fengzhi's upper limit has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is really worth it... Ning Fengzhi also opened his eyes at this moment. The joy in his heart was all over his face.

All the hard work was not wasted.

"Congratulations to the lord, from now on, your path is unobstructed."

Bone Douluo was happier and more excited than Ning Fengzhi.

However, after feeling surprised, Ning Fengzhi was a little complicated. "It turns out that all this has been calculated by the boss. There will be more Titled Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect because of me."

What does it mean?

Bone Douluo didn't understand at first.

But when he saw Ning Fengzhi holding a fruit basket, he suddenly realized.

"This kindness is a big debt."

Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed. "Uncle Bone, if you have a chance, remember to help Poison Douluo."

After all, Qi Luo Tulip comes from the other side as a gift.

Although it all depended up on Lin Yan's decision, it is still a favor.

"Don't worry Sect Master, there is a chance to repay the favor." Bone Douluo smiled mysteriously. "There is a piece of news that has swept the entire Douluo Continent like a storm."


"Five days later, Dugu Bo will fight Chrysanthemum Douluo in Spirit Hall capital city."





National Old Stuff Day is all about…well, old stuff. Bits and bobs that have been gathering dust for ages in your home, trinkets, and toys up in the attic, antiques and old electronics – you're bound to have some old stuff knocking about. And today is all about appreciating it. Because what's better than uncovering something really awesome from days gone by?

It's so easy to let things gather dust. If we don't use them every day, some things can get pushed to the side and stay there. And that's not just the things in your home – technology advances so quickly, new toys come out all the time, new books are constantly being published. In the age of new information, it isn't easy to stay mindful of what built the foundations for what we have now. Today is all about remembering the things we sometimes leave behind.

National Old Stuff Day can mean different things to different people. Most people use this day to cherish their old but significant belongings. This could be a book that you have had since you were a child or a family heirloom that has been passed down generations. You can hunt through your belongings for something special and appreciate it on this date. However, you can also see National Old Stuff Day as an opportunity for you to break out of your typical habits.

National Old Stuff Day also gives you the push that you may need to try a new experience. When someone asks you how you are or what you have been up to, how often do you reply with the saying "same old, same old?" If this phrase is in your vocabulary, you're definitely going to benefit from National Old Stuff Day. It is a day for you to do things differently. Try something that you would never usually do before. Break out of your typical routine and live life differently, even if it is just for one day only.

Of course, when we are talking about old stuff, there is always the question, how old is old? Well, for an item to be considered vintage, it must be 30-years-old, at least. For an item to be deemed antique, it needs to be at least 100 years old. For something to be old, well that's subjective! You could consider something old a day after you have purchased it if you're the type of person that falls out of love with things quickly.