
Chapter 436 The Goodwill of Multivision Association

Lin Xun pondered for a long time before he came back to his senses.

The two versions of the prophecies were diametrically opposed, seeming as though they might have been deliberately fabricated by two opposing Schools.

It also felt ridiculous, as if by covering all possible answers, they would never be wrong.

Yet the leaders of both Schools were figures of Divine Level status; would they make careless prophecies for such reasons?

A Prophet is called so because what they know precedes common knowledge.

Therefore, the two different versions of the prophecies likely represented two different futures foreseen by the Great Prophets, which were the most probable outcomes.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the Prophets, no matter what choices the messenger made, the end would not escape the content of their prophecies.

But, in Lin Xun's view, he still preferred the prophecy of the Polyvision School a bit more.