
Saving the Witch

“You will be taking care of it.” Immediately after waking up into a new world, he is tasked with taking care of a heavily injured witch. Unsure of his surroundings, his survival depends on her. Steadily he begins to care for this lonely witch. The witch betrayed by her kingdom is clinging to life. After experiencing a heavy magical backlash she is left in a nearly comatose state. Her mind and body is in a state of chaos and decay, but she grows to finds comfort from the maid that is doing his best to keep her alive. ———————- Hi this is lark! I look forward to your support!

Alouette17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Out the dungeons?


She spared no time for him to answer and left. Common sense told him to follow her. The corridors outside his 'room?' 'cell?', were made of the same rough stone, except every yard or so there were was a flaming torch making up the only light source.

Was this a cult situation?

She walked quickly, making it hard to keep up with her. He tried his best to pay attention to his surroundings to plan his escape? in the future. Luckily there weren't many twists or turns, he was sure he could remember it well.

The woman never once turned around, which was fine with him. After going up a flight a stairs, they reached a door. She took out a ring of keys from her pockets, without any hesitation she plucked one out of the many keys he could see and unlocked it.

They walked down a long corridor, reaching another door. This one wasn't locked, she pushed it open, again not once turning back to see if he was behind her.

This corridor was more brightly lit, gas lamps now lined the walls, and instead of the rough stone these walls were wood paneled and painted a pale blue color.

The floors were carpeted, and at different intervals there were doors. He felt he was walking through an abandoned hotel.

Was this an "Oldboy" situation??

He could now make out more of the woman he was following, she was a head taller than him, her hair was black but was marked with various specks of grey hair and it was tied up into a tight bun.

She wore a long dark grey dress with sleeves that came to her wrist. He didn't know enough about fashion to describe it, but he knew no one had probably worn that style of dress in recent years.

Maybe this was a cult situation.

They stopped at a door that was marked with the Roman numeral for 23. The door was already open, the woman stepped off to the side, leaving him in front of it.

Was he supposed to enter?

Before he could ask, he heard an exasperated sigh "What are you waiting for? GO IN!" He hesitated, it was definitely a step up from the last place but was he really just going to let himself keep being led around?

"HAVE YOU GONE STUPID?!" With a sharp 'THAWCK' to his back she shoved him into the room, he hadn't prepared himself for that and immediately went flying onto the floor. Before he could scramble back up, she had already closed the door. He heard the jingling of the keys again and an audible click.

She had locked him in.

He stood up and looked around the room. It was small, a little less than half the size of his bedroom. There was a bed with a bare mattress pushed up against the wall, next to it was a bedside table with drawers. Directly above the bed was a minuscule window. Big enough to fit his head out and nothing else.

It was extremely sparse, but at least he had a bed now.

The most interesting part of the room was the tray of food on the table. On it was a bowl of creamy soup with noodles and vegetables, a plate with two bread rolls, and a cup of hot tea with a lemon floating peacefully inside.

He hadn't expected his 'captors?' would feed him, and the meal looked better then what he had eaten in the past couple of days.

The last meal he remembered having was a cup of instant noodles, an energy drink, and a handful of chocolate covered peanuts.

He was unsure wether to eat the food our not, the possibility that it could be poisoned crossed his mind, but he decided that if 'they' were going to do anything nefarious to him 'they' would have already done it in that dark room.

Also if he had to die, he decided he wanted at least to depart the world with a full stomach.

The food was done with too fast for his liking, once he had the first spoonful his body urged him for more. It felt like like stomach and mouth hadn't touched food in days. He had even drank the tea, a drink that he hated.

He sat back on the mattress, he wasn't sure what time it was but judging from the light outside he thought it was mid afternoon?

Is there where he would be kept now?

He decided the first thing he needed to do for now was organize his thoughts. Looking over what he had experienced so far, and after referencing plots from video games and movies. He had come to one conclusion: this was not his world.

He couldn't describe it well, but it was like if someone increased the font on your screen by one point. Nothing had changed, but there something different. A subtlety you couldn't ignore.

The air felt denser, and everything appeared a little bit brighter. It could be because he was adjusting after leaving that dark place, but he couldn't help feeling that these were attributes of this world.

Certain things pointed to that this was sometime in the past. The torches, the gas lamps, cobblestone flooring, actual wooden furniture, and the style of dress that lady had worn.

He was uncertain if this was his body, without a mirror it was hard to tell. This body was thin and scrawny, and he was thin and scrawny. But this body also felt healthier and more energetic. He couldn't feel his usual back soreness or the numbness of his constant finger and wrist cramps.

For now he would accept that this was maybe not his body until he could find a mirror.

He had also come to another conclusion,

considering how he was being treated he was certain that 'he' was not here by choice. Whoever 'he' was, 'he' had done something that had gotten himself in trouble.

He could try escaping, but he would need to time to get more information on what his circumstances where.

And there was the issue of his clothes, he had tried to ignore it but there was no way he could go outside in what he was wearing.

It could be considered something similar to pajamas. He wore a pair of pants that had slits on the side, the top he wore also had slits on the side with long flouncy sleeves that stopped at his elbow. He definitely would never wear something like this, the main issue with the clothes was that the fabric was almost see-through…

It was made of a white meshy material, the fabric was something that should be used to make curtains not clothes.

It was also "clear" too him that he wasn't wearing any underwear…he might as well have been walking naked!

He wasn't sure why 'he' was wearing something like this, but he really didn't want to know…

He would first need to get some real clothes before he could escape. That would be step one!

For now he would lay down on this comfy bed and wait.

Hehe third chapter already up!

I will eventually work out a set schedule for releases, for now I will just churn out as many chapters as possible. If you’re interested in this story please consider adding it to your reading list!

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