
Chapter-3[Lilliana D. Avarice]

'Damn it! I wasn't careful enough!...No, I need to get out of here!' Kyle struggled more and more to free himself and even tried to kick the bakery owner but all resulted in a wasted attempt. His weak body tried every attempt to shook the bakery owner but all in vain.

The Bakery Owner shook his head at Kyle's attempts to break free, how could a malnourished kid, even break free from him, who had worked in the dungeon before opening the shop, "Don't waste your time, you damn thief! You had been stealing from my shop for a month!"

The Bakery Owner revealed everything making people all around gasp in surprise. They only thought of Kyle being caught because of his clothes and other things but never for stealing, that thought never occurred to him. They were top dogs of the society, and they did corruption but never stealing in shops like this, maybe some did but not all of them.

Kyle frowned upon hearing that. He knows the consequences would be terrible if he was to be charged guilty in this world. The best would be spending years in prison, and the worst would be sold as a slave, and if this did happen, then all of his plans would go downhill. He had many things to do in this world.

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind, 'Wait, even though he looked like a giant and is strong but he is still a human right?...'

Kyle suddenly put his other hand onto the Bakery Owner's hand that was holding him and put pressure on the main points of the hand, that could have made any normal human scream in pain but before something happened, a frown appeared on Kyle's face, 'Why are his hands are rock hard like this?!'

Kyle felt like he was pressuring on a rock with his malnourished fingers, making him hurt them instead of doing anything to the Bakery Owner. He had used one of the acupuncture techniques to make the Bakery Owner's whole body go paralyzed but the muscles covering down the points on the Bakery Owner's body failed his plan.

The Bakery Owner turned towards his left side where a man of small build, around 1.72 meters was standing wearing the same white chef clothes was standing and ordered, "Go and call the guards! This thief had stolen more than 10 gold coins worth of stuff from my shop!!"

Everyone gasped in surprise. 10 Gold Coins was an astronomical figure, while some of them could spend that much without batting an eye but not all. Even for the rich merchants here, this amount was enough to start a small business like carts and other stuff.

"Yes! Call the guards here! We don't need thieves in the dukedom!"

"This kid seemed to be from the slums here... the worst place breeds the worst people... I suggest that we should just sell him as a slave!" A fat man wearing expensive clothing and a blue furry robe over his body suggested. He had a vulgar smile on his face while he continued to rub his hands. Kyle shivered to hear that man as he looked at him. Kyle knows that the man was none other than the Slave trader, and the top one, so it was easy to see that Kyle would become handsome after some work was done on him. 'But why is a slave trader here in the morning?'

"Yes! Let's sell him as a slave!!" A Lady wearing extravagant clothing suggested with her eyes showing greed as she sized Kyle.

Even the Bakery Owner had a complicated expression on his face hearing that, 'Even I don't have this extreme thought...and even though he is a thief but he is still a little kid...'

"Damn these cursed hair…its never good to interact with them."

"I suggest we throw him in the dungeon or kill him and throw him back from where he came from."

Some people were openly appealing to kill Kyle who was just amused at the thoughts of this people.

The Bakery Owner ignored all of them and nodded towards his small build worker who paused before.

The small build man nodded and just as he was about to run away and call the guards, a voice interrupted, making everyone turn their eyes onto the owner of that voice.

"Could you please release him?" The voice sounded childish but at the same time, it sounded quite appealing to hear.

Kyle mechanically turned his head towards the owner of the voice who spoke for him and froze after seeing the face of the owner for tor of the voice. He knew who was that person.


An hour ago,

In front of the luxurious and elegant mansion that seemed to be crafted with diligence and hard work to make sure that the perfection remained.

On the outside of the main gate, a small girl, around 10 years old having black hair and black eyes stood in front of a carriage that had the symbol of an eagle face made of gold color or original gold.

The Little Girl was Lilliana D. Avarice, the daughter of Duke Avarice and the princess of the Avarice Dukedom.

Lilliana was standing in front of the gate with an impatient expression while continuously tapping her right foot. She seemed to be waiting for someone and behind the carriage were some guards on the horses with the spears in their hands. There were four guards but all of them had stoic expressions on their faces while looking straight.

Lilliana's gaze wandered at the gate on her right side with the same impatient expression and muttered, "Urghh...why are they late..."

She was wearing black gothic-style clothing with a hat on her head. The clothes were easy to tell that they were made of luxurious materials and done with fine and elegant work.

She was waiting because, after several days of constant pleading, she finally got permission to travel the Ardrith with some guards. She had been way too excited to travel out that she had been waiting for more than half an hour outside the mansion while waiting for the main people that had to travel with her.

The door of the mansion opened and an old man wearing butler clothing with silver hair walked out. The old man had his hair going backward and his build was robust, not too buffed up but it was easy to tell that this old man used to train and even train in old age. The Old man was around 1.78 meters while appearing to be in his fifties but walked with his back straight. There was no fault or problem in his posture.

And behind that Old man was a beautiful woman wearing maid clothing. She had beautiful blazing red hair, and her face seemed to be carved to perfection with square glasses on her eyes. She was around 1.74 meters while appearing to be in her twenties. A strong/dignified aura was covering that woman.

A cute smile appeared on Lilliana's face as she waved her hands at the two of them and called them, "Uncle Sebastian! Aunt Evangeline!!"

Sebastian, the silver-haired old man nodded with a kind smile on his face, while a frown appeared on Evangeline, the red-haired woman's face hearing Lilliana calling her Aunt.

*Lilliana's POV*

I am Lilliana D. Avarice. The daughter of Duke of Aurora Kingdom, the princess of Avarice Dukedom.

From my birth, I heard everyone saying that I am cursed because of my black hair as everyone in my family was born with blond hair, which makes them think that I am cursed. And from the time I was born, my mother become bed sick all the time.

But do I care?

Yes, I do.

Only my Father, Mother, Brother, Uncle Sebastian, and Aunt Evangeline are the ones who are nice to me and everyone else looked at me with contempt and disgust.

I am intelligent, way too much for my age. I could easily understand many things which shocked my parents a little but they were happy with that.

But it was not for everyone, the other maids and butlers in the house become scared of me. They always talked behind my back or some brave ones even did it in front of me.

And I am only 10 years old.

I learned how to ignore that but it still hurts sometimes to see and hear them talking like that.

And, today I am going out to travel with Uncle Sebastian and Aunt Evangeline in our territory.

I am excited to go out as many things in the territory are excited to see and it's been a month since I traveled out like this.

Uncle Sebastian, an old Uncle but he has a buffed-up body like my Father and he has silver hair too.

While Aunt Evangeline was a beautiful red-haired woman wearing a maid's clothing that looked gorgeous on her. She also had square glasses on her eyes, which made her look quite strict.

Uncle Sebastian helped me climb on the carriage as my height is quite small, even for a normal kid of my age, I am quite small.

Meanwhile, Aunt Evangeline without any care sat beside me and looked at me with a questioning look as I stared at her.

"Good Afternoon, Aunt Evangeline!" I greeted her first.

A dark aura started to come out of Aunt Evangeline's body as she stared at me.

"Young Miss, how many times had I told you that I am big sister, not the Aunt for you." Aunt Evangeline said in a low tone.

I was scared the first time I heard that but now?

I am used to this.

I smiled at her and stayed quiet.

I know that Aunt Evangeline is older, older than even Father as I saw sometimes Father talking politely with her and asking the reason.

And He answered me that Aunt Evangeline is an Elf, the race that lives at the foot of the World Tree and she had been serving our Family for 3 generations, making her older than my Late Grandfather.

Aunt Evangeline seeing my smile turned her head away.

So, she knows that I know her secret now.

I don't know why she kept quiet about it though.

"Young Miss, should we leave now?" Uncle Sebastian's voice came from the front as he is taking over the leash of the horses.

"Yes!" I answered excitedly.

Last time, I found that Bakery where the sweet aroma of bread was coming but wasn't able to eat as we were already late so this time, I want to eat the bread from there.

"Where do you want to go first Young Miss?" Uncle Sebastian asked again.

Should I directly go to the bakery or not?

Let's just directly go there!

"Uncle Sebastian, please go to the bakery that I wanted to visit last time," I answered.

Uncle Sebastian nodded and started controlling the leash making the carriage move.

I looked out of the window.

Right now, we are in Avarice Family, which means my family's territory which is a little away from the Royal Capital, and far away from the border.

I looked out of the window as it seemed like Aunt Evangeline is not gonna talk right now.

Looking out, I saw the carriage going through the streets and people giving way for the carriage, many people looked at the carriage with excited expressions but when they spotted me looking out of the carriage, all of their excitement died down and frown and disgust appeared on their faces.

Why do they hate me this much?

I never even talked with any of them...

Suddenly, I felt a hand patting me on my head making me look at Aunt Evangeline in surprise but I felt happy.

"Come here." Aunt Evangeline said and I went towards her and let her hug me.

I absolutely hate it whenever anyone looked at me like that.

I never did anything wrong to garner their hate, I just stayed at home for most of the time but even then, I am hated.

But I also liked it whenever someone comforted me like this.

I felt loved.

After some minutes, Aunt Evangeline released me and I sat beside her quietly.

After 5 minutes, the small window in the front opened, and Uncle Sebastian's face peeked inside.

"Young Miss, we have reached." Uncle Sebastian informed.

I nodded and the door of the carriage opened and I walked out, looking at the Bakery filled with many commoners and some small nobles who lived in our territory or work for Father.

The moment the carriage arrived here, everyone that was out of the Bakery looked in our direction and many people bowed their heads but I saw clear contempt and disgust looking at me.

I ignored everyone along with their greetings and walked inside with people making way for me, Uncle Sebastian, and Aunt Evangeline.

Looking inside, I saw many people whispering while looking at the counter.

Some even continued to say bad words too.

I walked in and saw the owner of the bakery lifting a boy, who looks to be a year or two younger than me, having the same black hair and black eyes looking at the Bakery Owner with determination as he moved around to free himself from the Bakery Owner's grasp.

Seeing the boy, I become fascinated. He has the same black hair and even black eyes but his eyes showed determination.

I decided.

He would be my partner.

Just like me, he owns black hair and black eyes.

"Could you please release him?" I called out to the Bakery owner in a soft tone

Everybody focused on me. Even Uncle Sebastian and Aunt Evangeline.

Some of them recognized me. Not everyone in the territory knows who I am as I am staying in the mansion most of the time and when I am out, I am incognito or just staying in the carriage. Many people recognized me before because of the rumors and the Family Sign on the Carriage.

The boy looked at me with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

'Looks like he also had the same lifelike me...' I thought. As he had the same hair as mine and should have been criticized because of them.

But I will save him.

The Bakery Owner quickly released the boy making him fall to the ground. I glared at the Bakery Owner who sweated hard from my glare. My gaze shifted to the boy and saw how skinny his arms and legs are making me feel bad for him.

I walked towards the boy with Uncle Sebastian and Aunt Evangeline following behind me. My right hand lifted toward the boy who looked at me in surprise but took my hands.

The silence that was maintained till now was broken but it got quiet again as Aunt Evangeline glanced at everyone else here.

"Would you come with me?" I asked the boy in a hopeful and expecting tone.

The boy showed a surprised expression and glanced behind me and his expression suddenly turned a little weird before he got on one knee and took my hand, making me jolt a little in surprise.

"It would be my pleasure, Young Lady." The boy said slowly.

His voice was soft and it was nice to hear him calling me Lady.

But I am surprised. He knows the basic etiquette of being a butler and his tone was respectful, the same that Uncle Sebastian uses with Father.
