
Saving the villain from blackening [BL]

Alex is a genius boy that his family doesn't even notice , One day he woke up in a white space He was told that he needed to enter some worlds to solve regrets system " 298 is going to help you host! " Alex who had enough from living , had a single wish which is to live in a normal family , will he succeed in his wish?? This is my first time making a novel , English isn't my first language so sorry if there any mistakes ⭐ I'll do my best , hope you enjoy my novel

labyrinth_N · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Arc 1 : My Mafia Boss

[ Soul transfer reaches 40% ... 60% .... 80%.... 100%]

[ Soul transfer is complete ! ]

Feeling his soul being transferred was really a weird thing . By the time the transfer ended , Alex felt someone hit him in his stomach , that was really painful .

John " Hey wake up you traitor. Stop pretending to be dead ! "

Alex " what's going on ?! "

Alex raised his head and found that he was in some dark room , with two guards beside him

[ Welcome in the first world host ]

Alex " where am I ? and who's this person hitting me? "

[ Host's current location is the underworld mafia , this one who is hitting named John , He's the first guard of the underworld Boss , who's sitting in front of you ]

[ He beats you cause you betrayed them ، And you leaked news to the FBI ]

Alex " So am I really a traitor? "

[ No, Host's true identity is member of the FBI , you're actually a hidden agent in the underworld mafia , Your mission was to find evidence of what they do ]

John " Hey I'm talking to you , You better tell us who's the one you're selling our news to , unless you want to die "

298 [ Host the world Plot will be soon with you ]

Alex "Ok , Give me the memories of this body and the world Plot "

system 298 " Ok here's the world Plot Host "

[World Plot : Robert Jones the male lead of this world , he came from a middle family , His father was a member in the FBI , and he died while doing his duty , He was assassinated while trying to arrest the head of a mafia organization , His son Robert is the leader and the one who build the anti-mafia union .

After his father's death he swears to destroy all the mafia , He destroyed the midnight mafia that caused his father's death.

And that doesn't make him happy cause he knows that midnight was just a small part of the mafia world.

knowing that , he decided to target the head of all other mafia , the underworld mafia , He was sure that if he succeeded this time , the mafia will no longer resist , so he teamed up with the FBI to defeat the underworld mafia

The FBI has already inserted a spy into the underworld to transmit news to them

After they received important news about the next trade of the underworld , They knew that the spy had been captured by the underworld leader , Salvatore Ferragamo, who tortured him to death .

Fortunately , he didn't say anything about them or else they will already be dead

His sacrifice makes them more stronger and gives them the opportunity to attack the underworld but that wasn't enough for them

The world's villain is Salvatore Ferragamo , the boss of the underworld mafia , His status is special because he almost killed his whole family so that he has full control of the underworld , He's a man that can do anything to get what he wants

Same as Robert , that uses everything to make sure that he'll destroy the underworld , So He becomes Lucinda's boyfriend and the only person she loves

Lucinda Ferragamo , One of Salvatore's relatives , they almost spend their childhood together because she was the only person that played with him , and cared about him , Robert search found that she was the key that they needed ,

Lucinda has a deep place in Salvatore's heart , that he couldn't hurt her whatever she does to him , she was the sunshine in his cold and dark life

Robert pretense makes Lucinda fall in deep love with him that she was capable to betray Salvatore , And gives Robert the most information he needed to fulfill his desire , with her in his side , he destroy the most powerful mafia with no one left , Even Salvatore was captured by the FBI , and was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison

[ That's the story of this world , the Host's current name is David , That just a fake name that gives you the Witness Protection Program , Your actual name is Benjamin Moore , Both you father and mother were killed by an unknown assassin while you watching the whole crime , when the police did nothing about that you decide to take revenge by yourself , from the search you've made , the killer had a symbol on his clothes that's belongs to one of the underworld branches , That's the reason that make you put your life in danger and decide to be a spy in the underworld mafia ]

Alex " So I'm the spy who's about to die , that's really interesting , but I'll not die today cause I have much to do in this world, the only reason that the real David died was that he hated the underworld so much , And his proud won't let him beg someone , I'm not him , I will do anything to keep my life "

Alex " Boss I swear It's not me , How could I betray you , I'm your assistant for three years and I always be by your side , what could I do to make you believe me , I'm willing to do anything! "

Salvatore " Oh really , you can do anything? "

Alex " yes Boss ! you just give me the opportunity "

salvatore with a deep look throws a knife " then you have to put that knife in your heart so I could believe you "

Alex takes the knife with his hands trembling

Salvatore " Do it now what you're waiting for"

Alex " I'll do it if that's what you want Boss "

Alex leads the knife toward his heart with all his force , A few centimeters before his heart , the guard behind him hit his wrist, causing the knife to be thrown elsewhere , that was Philip the boss's second guard

Alex " What you're doing Philip , I most complete the Boss's mission "

John " Relax David the boss was just testing your loyalty , since you're loyal to him he will not kill you"

Alex said in relief " is that real ? then the boss finally believes me , thank god " , He said that but he knows that If he hesitated for one moment, he would have died

Salvatore " Now you should work hard to find out who sells our news to the FBI, I want to know who's him and make him regrets his life " "You can leave now david , be sure to capture the traitor "

Alex " yes boss I'll catch him and bring him to you "

Dear readers

thanks for your positive support

see you in the next chapter ✨