
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

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278 Chs

Chapter 179: Second Use of Amanojaku

Before the Medical Division building in the Uchiha District.

Dan stood unblinkingly, gazing at a tearful Tsunade.

Her eyes had gone through a period of blurring, only to stabilize again.

Regrettably, it remained at three tomoe.

What a pity.

Dan shook his head.

He was certain that Tsunade had been sufficiently mentally stimulated; otherwise, that unique chakra wouldn't have surfaced in her brain.

So, the problem must lie in her eyes.

It seems that original Sharingan couldn't awaken Mangekyo after all.

Tsunade was oblivious to the changes in her eyes.

She held Shizune's corpse in her arms, her gaze hollow, as if her soul had been sucked out, leaving her a walking corpse.

Endless pain and despair surged from all directions, overwhelming Tsunade's heart.

But what was strange was...

During her daze...

"Lady Tsunade, what's wrong?"

A familiar voice suddenly reached Tsunade's ears, making her shudder.

She opened her eyes wide, slowly looking up, and saw Shizune walking out of the building, looking at her in astonishment.

How... How is this possible?!

"Shizune, you..."

Tsunade's mouth fell open in shock as she stared at Shizune as if she had seen a ghost.

Then she quickly looked down, only to find Shizune's body in her arms had disappeared.

Or perhaps, that "Shizune" had never been there to begin with.

"Lady Tsunade, what happened? Why are you sitting on the ground, and... crying?"

Shizune, having recovered from her shock, quickly ran to Tsunade's side and asked her worriedly.

For so many years, she had never seen Lady Tsunade cry, especially not so sadly.


Faced with Shizune's concern, Tsunade's face gradually darkened.

Because, she realized she had been fooled.

It was Dan's trick!

Tsunade turned her head and indeed saw a smirk on Dan's face, looking at her meaningfully.

The next second...


Tsunade jumped up from the ground, startling Shizune, then stormed over to Dan, glaring at him:

"Did you cast a genjutsu on me?"

Just now, Dan had inexplicably activated his Mangekyo, deliberately making eye contact with Tsunade.

Thinking back...

That was when he activated his ocular power and quietly used a genjutsu on Tsunade.

Tsunade was right.

Dan had not only used genjutsu on her, but he had also used his highest-level Mangekyo genjutsu— Amanojaku.

Amanojaku, the power of Dan's left eye.

It's a technique that toys with the mind, able to implant a nearly realistic illusion in others' brains or steal a memory.

That's why Tsunade's "experience" felt so real.

Even after she figured out Dan's genjutsu, the image of Shizune's death would remain in her mind, haunting her.

Over time...

Tsunade would not be able to distinguish the reality of this memory and even... begin to question her other memories.

After all, after being observed by Dan's eyes...

Any memory in her mind could be planted by Dan, a false illusion, and not reality.

This is the most terrifying aspect of the Amanojaku technique.

It blurs the line between illusion and reality.

As for why Dan used Amanojaku on Tsunade.

Of course, it was a spur of the moment, he thought of a prank to play on her, and so he did.

It's that simple.

Faced with Tsunade's question.

Dan didn't deny it, he nodded directly, admitting freely:

"Yes, I did use a genjutsu on you."

Seeing his relaxed tone and "honest" expression, as if he was saying, "I did it, what can you do to me?", Tsunade's heart burned with even more rage.


She cursed, wanting to raise her fist and punch Dan's smug face, to beat him into a pulp.

But Tsunade also knew that if she really started a fight, she might be the one to lose.

Who made her unable to beat Dan? The previous two skirmishes with him either resulted in her being choked unconscious or her arm dislocated.

It left Tsunade with a psychological scar.

In the end...

Unable to vent her anger, she symbolically grabbed Dan's collar, glowering at him as if she wanted to kill him with her eyes.

However, due to their significant height difference.

Tsunade's attempt to grab Dan's collar appeared strenuous, forcing her to tiptoe.

To maintain balance, she leaned forward, as if throwing herself into Dan's arms.

"What are you doing?"

Dan felt puzzled and kindly advised Tsunade, "A woman in her forties shouldn't get angry so easily, or it'll lead to internal heat which is bad for your health. Although I used genjutsu on you, it was for your own good, you should be thanking me."

You expect me to thank you?

Upon hearing this, Tsunade gritted her teeth so hard they clacked, almost fainting from the anger. Plus, she hated it most when people mentioned her age!

Just then...


A sharp pain suddenly assaulted Tsunade's eyes, forcing her to release Dan's collar.

What's going on?

As Tsunade covered her pained eyes, Dan's voice sounded again, answering her question:

"Do you feel your ocular powers have increased? I told you, you should be thanking me."

After saying this, Dan gave a small smile, patted Tsunade on the shoulder, and entered the Medical Division building.

Tsunade stood still, feeling the changes in her eyes, her expression gradually becoming astonished.

It was only now that she realized, after being affected by Dan's genjutsu, it seemed that the shock of "Shizune's death" had caused even more ocular power to emerge in her eyes.

The deeper the mental pain, the stronger the ocular power.

Is this... the Uchiha's Sharingan?


Hokage Office.


Two Anbu members stood on either side, slowly pushing open the door, then bowed their heads in salute.

On the surface, Dan was calm, but internally he was excited. He walked into the office, step by step, coming to the desk. Then, he sat down on that chair symbolizing the power of the Hokage.

Jiraiya, Koharu, and Homura, along with other high-ranking members, also followed closely.

"Danzo, you just confidently claimed that only you becoming Hokage can save Konoha. What do you have in mind? How will you defeat the allied forces of the major ninja villages?"

Koharu asked immediately.

As people who had worked with Danzo for many years, Koharu and Homura both knew that Danzo was cunning and must have prepared a plan.

However, they guessed wrong this time.

Danzo didn't have any battle plan. He had been brainwashed by Dan and was simply full of confidence.

He casually removed the Hokage hat from his head, placed it on the desk, thought for a moment, and then started to speak...

Danzo said, "Of course, we'll use the Nine-Tails.

Back in the day, when the First Hokage captured the nine Tailed Beasts, he distributed them to each ninja village as deterrent weapons, which brought peace to the ninja world.

Now, the major ninja villages are attacking Konoha, all sending out their Jinchuriki, fully ready for battle.

Why should we hold back? We can use the Nine-Tails to fight them."

Other villages, like those of Cloud, Stone, and Mist, all initially received two Tailed Beasts, while Konoha, as the leader of the five major ninja villages, only had one - the Nine-Tails.

Of course, this wasn't because the First Hokage was foolish, but because one Nine-Tails was enough.

There's a hierarchy among the Tailed Beasts, with the Nine-Tails' power far exceeding the others. Even if you combined the powers of the one to eight tails, they might still not be able to compete.

This fox demon is a true harbinger of destruction.

"No way!"

Just as Danzo finished speaking, he was vehemently opposed by Jiraiya and the others.

What a joke.

The Nine-Tails just went berserk once, almost destroying Konoha. They had just managed to suppress it back into Naruto, they couldn't let it out again.

However, Danzo's eyes flashed as he mentioned a name:

"Tsunade is the granddaughter of the First Hokage. She must possess a special technique to suppress the Nine-Tails. Hasn't this already been confirmed?"

"But... what if Tsunade refuses to help?" asked Homura.

The upper echelons of Konoha had sought Tsunade many times, hoping that she would carry on the will of the First Hokage and fight to protect Konoha, but they had all been rebuffed.

In response, Danzo only snorted:

"Regardless of whether Tsunade agrees or not, I have already decided."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and ordered the Anbu to lead the way. He wanted to immediately check on the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails — Naruto Uzumaki.

Clearly, to deal with the allied forces of the major ninja villages, Danzo was willing to risk it all and release the berserk Nine-Tails.

As long as they could win this war, even if it meant hurting the enemy at the cost of hurting themselves, he would not hesitate.

Unlike the Third Hokage's indecision.

The Fifth Hokage, Danzo, was a ruthless decision-maker. He was tough on enemies and even tougher on his own people.

After he left, Jiraiya and the others were left looking at each other.

Silence for a moment.

"I'll go see Tsunade, try to persuade her to help."

Jiraiya spoke solemnly, making a decision.

"We're going too." Koharu and Homura insisted on accompanying Jiraiya, as they believed that Jiraiya was too easy on Tsunade and might not be able to persuade her.

Half an hour later in front of the Medical Division building in the Uchiha District.

Should they go in?

Jiraiya, Koharu, and Homura arrived but hesitated.

After all, Dan had once said that if anyone dared to set foot in the Medical Division without his permission, he would annihilate their entire clan.

If it were anyone else making such a threat, Jiraiya and the others might not take it seriously, but Dan.. he might actually do what he says.

Just as the three of them were hesitating.

"Lord Jiraiya, why are you here?"

Shizune ran out of the building and asked curiously.


Upon seeing Shizune, Jiraiya was relieved and immediately asked if Tsunade was in the building.

While they were talking...


With a shout, Tsunade appeared in a hurry.

Seeing Jiraiya and the others, her brows furrowed. She quickly grabbed Shizune's wrist and pulled her behind her.

In the face of a wary Tsunade.


Jiraiya laughed awkwardly, then plucked up the courage to state his intentions, hoping that Tsunade could help suppress the Nine-Tails again when the time came.


Upon hearing this, Tsunade's brow furrowed even more.

Because Jiraiya's words were identical to what she had heard from the two Anbu members after she fell under Dan's genjutsu.

It was as if the illusion was becoming a reality, ready to replay itself.

Would they kidnap Shizune next to threaten her?

With this thought.

Tsunade's gaze hardened as she coldly asked, "What if I refuse?"

Jiraiya was taken aback.

He didn't understand why Tsunade's reaction was so strong, so hostile, leaving him unsure of how to respond.

Seeing Jiraiya unable to handle Tsunade.

Koharu and Homura exchanged a look, knowing it was their turn to step up.


The two of them stepped forward, with their prepared speech, and began to accuse Tsunade:

"The biggest mistake the First Hokage ever made was distributing the Tailed Beasts to the major ninja villages. This decision didn't bring peace but pushed the ninja world into chaos.

Over the past decades, the major ninja villages have used the power of the Tailed Beasts to wage wars against each other, causing countless deaths and injuries.

Tsunade, as the granddaughter of the First Hokage, shouldn't you take responsibility for this mess he left behind?"

"For the sake of the First Hokage and the Senju clan's honor, for Konoha, you should stand up, not act as if this has nothing to do with you!"

Using the First Hokage's mistake to persuade Tsunade to atone for her ancestor's fault was clearly a more sophisticated move than kidnapping Shizune to threaten Tsunade.

Moreover, Koharu and Homura even knew that Tsunade's ability to suppress the Nine-Tails came from a crystal necklace she wore.

It was an heirloom of the First Hokage, imbued with his powerful Wood Release chakra, enough to suppress the Nine-Tails.

It was the necklace Tsunade was wearing.

Therefore, their eyes kept glancing intentionally or unintentionally at that necklace.

Tsunade noticed their intentions and snorted coldly.

"So after all that talking, all you want is this necklace, isn't it?"

As she spoke, she reached up to unclasp the necklace from her neck and held it in her hand, allowing Koharu and Homura a clearer view.

"Are you willing to hand it over?"

Koharu squinted at Tsunade, asking.

Tsunade herself wasn't important, the necklace was. As long as they got it, Konoha would be able to control the Nine-Tails.


What Tsunade did next greatly surprised them.

"Unfortunately, the Wood Release chakra in this necklace was exhausted the last time it was used to suppress the Nine-Tails."

Tsunade sighed, then her eyes flashed as she

clenched the necklace.

And squeezed hard.

There was a crisp snap.

As Tsunade opened her hand again, the crystal necklace had turned into fragments and scattered on the ground in front of the stunned Jiraiya, Koharu, and Homura.

This necklace, carrying a curse of death, had once killed Tsunade's lover and brother. It should have been destroyed a long time ago.

But it was also an heirloom of the First Hokage. It held great significance for Tsunade, so she couldn't bear to destroy it and always wore it with her.

Until now.

Facing the pressure from the two Konoha advisors, Tsunade finally made up her mind and crushed the necklace.

"Stop bothering me. If you want to blame the First Hokage, figure out a way to resurrect him. The mistakes he made, he should redeem himself."

With these words.

Tsunade pulled Shizune along and walked back into the Medical Division building without looking back.