
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

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Chapter 173: Divine Power

Kakashi and Tenzo had been tracking the Uchiha clan all the way to this port town.

The two of them also heard about the outbreak of the Fourth Great Ninja War.

"Sensei, Konoha is in a crisis, should we... return to the village immediately?" Tenzo asked indecisively.

Guarding Konoha is obviously more important than tracking the Uchiha clan, especially when the village is on the brink of destruction.

After pondering for a moment, Kakashi finally spoke, "Even if we go back, we can't change anything. As shinobi, we should complete our mission first."

With that, he squinted his single eye and looked towards the distant Uchiha camp.

Three days later, in Konoha Village.

At the Uchiha training ground.

Dan stared at the dummy not far away, then slowly raised his left hand, aiming his palm at the dummy.

In the palm of his hand, shockingly, was a scarlet Mangekyou Sharingan, its pupils presenting a triangular windmill pattern.


As Dan activated the power of this eye, the space where its gaze focused instantly distorted, forming a vortex.

The next second.


The dummy's arm broke off instantly, swallowed by the distorted space, disappearing from the real world.

"It's Kamui indeed."

Seeing this, Tsunade, standing next to Dan, showed a shocked expression.

Both of Obito's eyes have the power of Kamui, but while the right eye is defensive, the left eye focuses more on attack.

The ability of the left eye in Dan's palm is to distort the space at the point of his gaze, forcibly breaking the limbs of distant enemies, causing damage.

In the original series, Kakashi had used this technique to twist off the arms of Deidara and the Gedo Statue.

Of course, breaking the arms or heads of enemies is just one way to utilize the left Kamui.

Its essence is the same as the right eye, which is to teleport objects and people between real space and Kamui's separate space.

After Kakashi mastered Kamui, he had also teleported his kunai and himself into Kamui's separate space.

"Other people's eyes are not as comfortable to use as my own Mangekyou."

Dan lowered his left hand and muttered to himself.

About a week ago, with Tsunade's help, he successfully transplanted Obito's left eye.

After that, Dan practiced for several days and finally mastered Kamui to a basic level.

His purpose in transplanting Obito's left eye was to use its ability to teleport himself into Kamui's separate space to chase Obito.

To leave Obito with no place to hide.

But at the moment.

The success rate of Dan using Kamui was not very high, so he needed to practice more diligently without rushing.

It's worth mentioning that.

The size of the object Kamui can teleport depends on the amount of chakra of the user.

Dan is not a weakling like Kakashi.

Once he can use Kamui proficiently, he can bring anything into the separate space.

Suddenly, Dan had a whimsical idea.

If one day he uses Kamui to teleport more than six hundred members of the Uchiha clan, one by one, into Kamui's separate space, and set up a home there.

I wonder what expression Obito would have when he sees that?

It's actually quite amusing to think about it.

Just then.


A harsh, unpleasant bird call came from overhead. Dan looked up to see a crow.

It flapped its wings and flew out of the forest, landing in Dan's palm. The crow's eyes were Sharingan.

Looking into the crow's eyes, Dan received the message.

"This crow is the familiar of my nephew, Uchiha Itachi. He brings a message saying that the Uchiha clan has left the territory of the Land of Fire and is heading south to sea."

Dan let the crow fly away and casually told Tsunade about it.

"Is that so?"

Tsunade murmured, falling into thought.

The Land of Fire is located in the center of the ninja world, with major countries in its east, west, and north. Only to the south...

In the southern seas, there are no major countries or ninja villages.

The Uchiha clan choosing to escape to the sea is indeed a wise decision.

"Lady Tsunade."

Shizune appeared outside the training field, jogging over, panting, "The Third Hokage and Jiraiya have sent an ANBU again, hoping you will go to the Hokage Building."

"I won't go." Tsunade frowned and refused without hesitation.

Half a month ago.

Because Jiraiya failed to pass the vote of confidence among the Jonin, he ultimately missed the position of Fifth Hokage.

After all that fuss, according to the village's regulations, the Third Hokage had to take up the position again.

Although many shinobi in Konoha were very dissatisfied with this.

But after the Daimyo fled from the Capital of the Land of Fire to Konoha, to avoid further internal strife in Konoha, he quickly reappointed the Third Hokage, and also made Jiraiya, who replaced Dan, the new Hokage's assistant.

The reason the Third Hokage and others asked Tsunade to come out was to contribute her strength and fight for Konoha.

Seeing Tsunade repeatedly refusing the Third Hokage's invitation, Dan couldn't help but feel curious, so he asked her:

"If you're unwilling to go to the battlefield and staying in Konoha will sooner or later involve you in the war, why not leave here? If you have nowhere to go, you can find the Uchiha clan. My sister and brother-in-law will surely welcome you."

Tsunade, hearing this, raised her eyebrows and asked Dan in her customary manner:

"Why didn't you go out to sea with the Uchiha and come back to Konoha instead?"

"Well, of course, it's to see the destruction of Konoha with my own eyes."

Dan smiled, then confidently said, "I can leave whenever I want. No matter how many enemies, no one can stop me."

After awakening the Mangekyou Sharingan and acquiring the Divine Imperial Command, Dan indeed had the confidence to say this.

Hearing Dan's words, Tsunade was silent for a moment, and finally said coldly:

"Konoha may not be destroyed, and you may be disappointed."

In Tsunade's view.

Konoha is not a small village like Uzushio. As the leader of the Five Great Ninja Villages, how could it be destroyed so easily?

The twenty thousand Konoha shinobi forced into a corner won't be easily defeated.

The history of the ninja world has proven time and time again that those who underestimate Konoha ultimately pay a heavy price.

"Let's wait and see."

Dan did not argue with Tsunade, but said to her, "But rest assured, even if Konoha falls, I won't leave you behind. After all, you haven't taught me the Yin Seal yet."

This half month, Dan's time and energy have been used on the transplantation of Obito's Sharingan and practicing Kamui. He hasn't had time to learn the Yin Seal.

Moreover, his talent in sealing techniques is not that great. To learn a high-level sealing technique like the Yin Seal, he probably—

Needs Tsunade to guide him thoroughly.

All along Dan deliberately approached Tsunade, not only because of her unparalleled medical abilities in the ninja world but also because of her many secret techniques, all of which are very valuable to him.

Therefore, Before completely fleecing this "fat sheep," he can't let her die.

Tsunade is no fool, She naturally sensed that Dan had been using her, greedily taking from her.

But well, it's a give-and-take situation.

After all, she has also gained a lot of benefits from Dan.

With this thought.

"I'm tired, I'll go back and rest first."

She felt somewhat listless, left a word for Dan, then left the training field with Shizune.

Dan watched Tsunade's retreating figure, then turned his gaze back to Obito's left eye in his palm.

He thought for a moment, and the eye closed, no longer consuming his chakra.

He'll open it when it's necessary.

By the way.

Dan suddenly wondered, what is that old guy Danzo doing?

It's been so long with no movement or sight of him, he couldn't have really died somewhere, could he?