
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 147: If I Don't Stage a Coup Now, I Might End Up Becoming Hokage

In this spar, the Fourth Raikage had his arm severed in front of everyone, but fortunately, it could be reattached.

As the head of the Uchiha clan, Fugaku immediately turned to Tsunade with a sincere face, hoping she could help reattach the Raikage's arm.

The Fourth Raikage, a dignified figure, had come to visit the Uchiha clan and ended up losing an arm. The news wouldn't look good if it got out.

"No problem, it's a small matter," Tsunade reassured, patting her chest. She walked over to the Cloud ninja and said, "Let me see."

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade," the group responded, overjoyed and quickly making way.

Although C was a medical ninja, having Tsunade, the legendary medical ninja, personally perform the surgery to reattach the Raikage's arm was undoubtedly the best outcome.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Tsunade quickly completed the treatment on the spot, perfectly reattaching the Raikage's severed arm.

The Fourth Raikage stood up, vigorously swinging his reattached arm, finding it in good condition. He then solemnly thanked Tsunade. He would remember this favor and definitely repay it in the future.

Afterward, the Raikage approached Dan and declared loudly, "I admit defeat, wholeheartedly. The Uchiha clan truly is the number one clan in the ninja world. My previous statement about the Cloud Village planning to invade Konoha was just a boast. As long as the Uchiha clan is in Konoha, I will never initiate this war."

His original intention for coming here was to intimidate the Uchiha clan with force, and then when the time was right, join forces with them to take down Konoha. However, the Raikage's subordinates, including himself, were defeated by the Uchiha, losing face.

If a war really broke out between the Cloud Village and Konoha, the Uchiha clan would undoubtedly be an insurmountable obstacle for the Cloud Village. Therefore, the Fourth Raikage had to abandon the idea of initiating a war.

Hearing the Raikage's declaration, Shisui couldn't help but show a look of joy.

The Uchiha clan members also couldn't help but look proud. After all, they had managed to intimidate the entire Cloud Village with the power of their clan alone. The Uchiha clan had every reason to be proud.

"Hehe," Dan chuckled ambiguously, "The fate of the Uchiha clan may not always be tied to Konoha."

Oh? Hearing Dan's profound words, the Raikage's eyes flickered.

At this moment, "Director," Samui, who had been silent all along, approached Dan and whispered, "Knowing that Lord Raikage was visiting today, I have prepared a meal. What do you think..."

"You've worked hard," Dan naturally put his arm around Samui's shoulder, then looked at the Raikage, "If you're not busy, why not stay for a meal before you leave?"

"Well, we won't be polite then," the Fourth Raikage laughed heartily and agreed.

So, at Dan's invitation, the four Cloud ninja returned to the Body Modification Department.

In the lounge, C and Darui stood guard at the door, while the Fourth Raikage, who had just had his arm reattached, was resting inside.

Samui came over with tea.

After exchanging glances with the two at the door, she entered the lounge, finally getting the chance to report to the Raikage.

As soon as she put down the tea, the Raikage asked, "Samui, Dan of the Uchiha clan said that you two are at the stage of discussing marriage. Is this true?"

Samui's face turned slightly red, and she quickly replied, "I only recently started dating the Director. His words were a bit exaggerated." She did not deny her relationship with Dan.

The Raikage's gaze hardened, and he asked another question, "So, are you pretending to be in a relationship with Dan to gather information, or do you genuinely care for him?"

"What?" Samui was taken aback, not expecting the Raikage to ask her such a question.

The Raikage thought for a moment, then said solemnly, "Dan is now the Hokage's assistant and is likely to become the Fifth Hokage. If you become the wife of the Hokage, you can access all of Konoha's secrets and even influence the Hokage's decisions. This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for the Cloud Village, but..."

At this point, the Raikage suddenly changed the subject, "If you don't genuinely care for Dan of the Uchiha clan, then don't force yourself. Your mission ends here, and you can return home at any time to see your brother."

For the Fourth Raikage, his subordinates were not just subordinates.

These young people he had personally promoted, whether it was Samui, C, Darui, or Mabui, were all like his children in his eyes.

So as a "father," he should consider his children's happiness. He couldn't let them sacrifice for the village.

Samui had done enough for the Cloud Village.

Moreover, Dan of the Uchiha clan was an extremely dangerous person.

Samui knew this, and the Fourth Raikage also knew this after personally interacting with Dan.

Samui's ability to stay safe by Dan's side until now might just be due to her good luck. The longer she stayed, the greater the risk of exposure.

If her spy identity were discovered by Dan, it might be too late to withdraw by then.

Faced with the Raikage's serious inquiry, Samui... hesitated, unable to answer for a moment.

Should she strive to stay by Dan's side, continue to be a spy, and dedicate herself to the village, or should she return to her far-flung village and reunite with her brother?

Perhaps the most important question was whether she genuinely cared for Dan of the Uchiha clan.

Samui was in turmoil, and she didn't know herself.

The Fourth Raikage's gaze was sharp, seeing Samui's struggle and pain. He sighed and said, "We still have a few days before we leave. Take your time to think it over."

An hour later, the four Cloud ninja finished their meal and were escorted downstairs by Dan and Samui.

Before leaving, the Fourth Raikage suddenly patted Dan's shoulder and said in a half-joking tone, "I heard that the Uchiha clan is not very comfortable in Konoha and is not understood by the people in the village. So, if you don't mind, why not come to our Cloud Village? The Cloud Village is different from Konoha; we respect strength above all else. On behalf of all Cloud ninja, I open my arms to welcome powerful individuals like the Uchiha!"

Whether this solicitation was sincere or not was unknown.

Dan chuckled and replied indifferently, "Thank you for your kindness. I'll discuss it with my clan and we'll consider it seriously."

"Good, I look forward to a surprise," the Raikage left these words and left with his three subordinates.

At the entrance of the Uchiha clan's residence, the four Cloud ninja walked out confidently.

"Lord Raikage, a Konoha Anbu just left. He's probably going to report to the Hokage's office," C whispered to the Raikage, sharing what he had sensed.

The Fourth Raikage laughed. He might appear rough on the outside, but to become the leader of a village, he had to be cunning.

The Raikage's high-profile interaction with the Uchiha clan, if he couldn't win them over with force, he would try to win them over with words. Regardless of whether the Uchiha clan, led by Dan, accepted the Raikage's solicitation, it would give the outside world an impression— the Uchiha clan was close to the Cloud Village.

This would further create division and suspicion within Konoha.

However, what the Fourth Raikage didn't know was that this was exactly what Dan wanted to see.

He wanted the Konoha higher-ups to be suspicious of the Uchiha clan, and he wanted this suspicion to turn into action, forcing the Uchiha clan to stage a coup and destroy Konoha.

After all, Dan had inexplicably become the Hokage's assistant. If he didn't stage a coup now, what if he accidentally became Hokage?

Being Hokage was such a boring job.

Dan still wanted to see Konoha burn.

In the forest behind Konoha, in a rarely visited area, Danzo, who had just transplanted a new right arm and right eye, arrived deep in the forest under the protection of Tatsuma and Fruit Fly.

"Come out, Uchiha Obito," Danzo said in a deep voice.

"Hehe," Obito chuckled and appeared from behind a large tree.

Danzo stared at Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan, trying hard to suppress his greed, and got straight to the point, "The Fourth Raikage just visited the Uchiha clan and stayed in Dan's Body Modification Department for several hours. Clearly, the Uchiha clan has colluded with the Cloud Village to seize power in Konoha. I've decided to strike first and eliminate the Uchiha clan. Since you want to cooperate with me, contribute your power."

"Okay," Obito agreed readily, but then stared at Danzo intently, proposing a condition.

"What condition?" Danzo frowned, looking displeased.

"You originally ordered Orochimaru to create an arm for you using the First Hokage's cells and transplanted so many Sharingan eyes, all to possess the power to control the Nine-Tails, right? Unfortunately, only the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan can control the Nine-Tails."

Obito smirked, first mocking Danzo, then his gaze became piercing, "Hand over Naruto Uzumaki, the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, to me. I will make him transform into the Nine-Tails and completely destroy the Uchiha clan."

As expected.

Danzo snorted. He had guessed long ago that Obito had saved Tatsuma and Fruit Fly from Nagato and proposed to cooperate with him, all for the power of the Nine-Tails.

However, even though Danzo saw through Obito's intentions, he didn't refuse in the end.

Because, to eliminate the Uchiha clan, Konoha needed to use the power of the Nine-Tails, and only Obito could freely use this power.

As long as he could wipe out the Uchiha, Danzo was willing to take this risk.

"Be patient. When I decide to act, I'll hand Naruto Uzumaki over to you," Danzo said to Obito, then left with his two guards.

The only thing left for him to do was to convince the Third Hokage.

This time, Danzo swore that no matter what, he would make Hiruzen Sarutobi make up his mind to mobilize the entire village's power to end the Uchiha clan once and for all.

Watching Danzo's figure disappear, Obito silently sneered.

Regardless of whether Danzo's plan succeeded, whether the Uchiha were exterminated or the Konoha higher-ups were overthrown by the Uchiha, at least one thing was certain—

Konoha would soon face an unprecedented bloodbath.

And for Obito, once he obtained the power of the Nine-Tails, he could act accordingly. Ideally, he would let Konoha and the Uchiha destroy each other.

"Uchiha Dan, just wait. I've said it before, the one who laughs last is the winner," Obito murmured, then disappeared using Kamui.