
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 146: Phantom Body Technique VS Ninja Body Technique


The Fourth Raikage charged towards Dan at an extremely fast speed.

In the process, he raised his right arm, clenched his fist, and his entire arm took the shape of a bull's horn. It burst with blue Lightning Release chakra, aiming to strike Dan's body!

Lariat. This was a technique that concentrated Lightning Release chakra on the wrist, then used the body to charge at high speed towards the opponent, delivering a fatal blow with powerful arm strength.

Once this technique was used, it was either death or injury.

Although this fight was nominally a spar, the Fourth Raikage didn't hold back from the start.

Dan's response was...

He didn't dodge or evade, but also raised his right arm, adopting the same posture as the Raikage, and fiercely charged towards him.


What Dan concentrated on his wrist was not Lightning Release chakra, but high-density Yang Release chakra.

Lariat vs Super Strength.

The Raikage and Dan clashed head-on, like two planets colliding. Their bodies and chakra intertwined and fused in this instant.


As the two men's arms collided, a violent airflow erupted, spreading in all directions from the center, causing the spectators to lose their balance and retreat.


The ground beneath their feet sank and shattered with a loud noise, creating countless spider-web-like cracks.

Such terrifying power.

Tsunade showed a shocked expression, feeling a sense of awe. In the entire ninja world, there were definitely no more than three people who could surpass her in strength, and two of them were right in front of her.

So, who was the better one?

Just then...


The Fourth Raikage was suddenly sent flying backward, sliding more than twenty meters before finally crashing into the wire fence of the training field.

He was actually sent flying head-on.


The intense pain from his right arm made the Raikage gasp, followed by a numbness. His entire arm had almost lost all sensation.

On the sidelines, C, Darui, and Samui were dumbfounded.

In their minds, the Raikage, as the strongest of the Hidden Cloud, had always been synonymous with invincibility. No one could beat him in terms of strength.

Until today.

The Raikage gave Dan a sharp look, then stretched out his hand to tear off his cloak and throw it aside, revealing his muscular upper body.

To deal with Uchiha Dan, he would indeed have to use that technique.

So, the next second...


Blue lightning surged from within the Raikage, wrapping around his body and forming a chakra cloak on his surface.

This was the Lightning Release Chakra Mode.


The Raikage's figure flashed, disappearing from the spot in an instant.

Such fast speed.

Dan immediately activated his three-tomoe Sharingan, but even with the powerful dynamic vision of these eyes, he could barely capture the opponent's figure.

Among the thousands of ninja techniques, only speed is invincible.

Having the advantage in speed, the Raikage immediately launched a fierce attack on Dan.

Bang, bang, bang!

The Raikage was elusive, striking and retreating, attacking Dan from all directions, quickly exposing the latter's weaknesses.

Under the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, the Raikage's speed was comparable to that of Shisui's Body Flicker and Minato Namikaze, plus his own terrifying power, he was simply a nightmare for all enemies.


The Raikage seized an opportunity, flashed to Dan's side, and with a powerful elbow strike, he fiercely sent the latter flying.

Lightning Release: Lariat.

This move sent Dan flying like a cannonball, not only breaking through the wire fence but also knocking down more than a dozen large trees, raising a cloud of dust.

He was sent flying into the depths of the forest outside the training field.

"We won!"

The three from the Hidden Cloud who were watching from the sidelines finally breathed a sigh of relief, their faces showing joy.

"Clan leader!"

The Uchiha clan members exclaimed in shock, full of worry. Many people immediately wanted to rush into the forest to check on Dan's condition.

Fugaku, however, held out his hand to stop the clan members from interfering with the spar, telling them: "Don't worry about Dan."

Sure enough.

As Fugaku predicted, Dan was fine.

Dan leaped out from the forest, falling from a height of more than ten meters, and created a large pit on the ground.

At this moment...

His clothes were gone, revealing his muscular upper body. In terms of physique, he was at least a full circle larger than the Raikage on the other side, giving people a very strong visual impact.

After all... the two men were of the same height, the Raikage weighed only a little over 200 pounds, while Dan's weight was close to 400 pounds, equivalent to twice that of the former.

Just now... Dan personally experienced the power of the Lightning Release Body Technique, and with the observational power of the Sharingan, he finally saw through this secret technique of the Hidden Cloud.

Using Lightning Release chakra, the body cells are activated, allowing for high-speed movement, as fast as blue lightning.

In addition, by concentrating Lightning Release chakra throughout the body, it can greatly increase destructive power and defense.

Only the current of Lightning Release can have such a stimulating effect on human cells, while Fire Release, Wind Release, Water Release, and Earth Release cannot.

So the Lightning Release Chakra Mode is so special, becoming a unique Body Technique in the ninja world.

So...the warm-up is over, and it's time for Dan to show his true skills.


Under the Raikage's surprised gaze, Dan's body suddenly emitted a dark chakra, enveloping his entire body.

Anyone who looked directly at Dan at this moment felt an illusion and an inexplicable fear.

"There it is, the clan leader's Yin Release Phantom Body Technique."

In an instant, the Uchiha clan members on the sidelines all activated their Sharingan to resist the erosion of the Phantom Body Technique.

Even Tsunade activated her three-tomoe Sharingan, staring intently at Dan, trying to use these Uchiha eyes to uncover the secret of the Phantom Body Technique.

"Yin Release Phantom Body Technique?"

The Fourth Raikage, with his sharp hearing, frowned.

Does this technique have any similarities with his Lightning Release Body Technique?

Never mind, he'll know once they fight.

He didn't want to think too much, his figure flashed, and he appeared again at Dan's side, slashing with a hand blade.

Body Technique: Lightning Brutality.

This was a killing move that highly concentrated Lightning Release chakra on the palm. The Fourth Raikage was confident that even the so-called Susanoo, he could split open.

But he heard a clang.

Dan stretched out his hand and blocked the Raikage's hand blade.


The Raikage looked shocked, finding that Dan's right arm had turned into a black scythe, emitting a pungent smell of blood, rushing towards his senses.


He leaped back more than ten meters, creating distance from Dan.

What kind of technique was this?

Yin Release, creating form from nothingness.

The Raikage's Lightning Brutality concentrated Lightning Release chakra on the palm;

While Dan's black scythe perfectly combined Yin Release energy with physical strength, transforming his limb into the form of a weapon.


Dan took the initiative to charge towards the Raikage, swinging his scythe arm in a wide arc to attack.

His face was filled with a joyful smile, just like a farmer harvesting wheat in an autumn field.

But in contrast to Dan's joyful expression was his scythe arm, which was flashing with a cold light, accompanied by a strong smell of blood, full of brutality and violence.

Swish, swish, swish.

Dan's scythe arm cut, slashed, pulled, and tore. Not only were the moves varied, but each attack was also accompanied by a genjutsu assault, disturbing the Raikage's senses.

"Damn it!" The Raikage was forced to switch from offense to defense, having to deal with Dan's scythe technique and resist the various illusions in front of him.

If it weren't for the fact that the Lightning Release Chakra Mode could to some extent immunize him against genjutsu, he might have already been defeated.

But if this continues, it will be more dangerous than safe.

He'll risk it. The Fourth Raikage's eyes sharpened, and a surge of chakra erupted from within him, temporarily repelling Dan.

Then he leaped into the air, a high-intensity current concentrated on his palm, like a sharp blade of light, slashing down towards Dan.

Lightning Brutality: Thousand Generation Dance.

In his youth, the Third Raikage had once used this move to cut off one of the Eight-Tails' horns.

A head-on confrontation, huh?

Dan was not afraid, but happy.

After all, the Raikage's speed was simply too fast. If the opponent kept distance from him, Dan didn't have many options, and he would have to use Time Stop to solve it.

So, the next move should decide the winner.


Dan leaped up, swinging his scythe arm upwards. The Yin Release chakra wrapped around it became even more intense, once again causing the Fourth Raikage to hallucinate.


At this moment...

The Raikage's pupils shrank, because in his eyes, Dan had disappeared, and in his place was— a grim reaper in a black robe, swinging a huge scythe symbolizing slaughter and punishment, trying to take his life and send him to hell.

The fear at this moment made the Raikage's hand blade slow down a bit, and his unstoppable momentum was gone.

In a high-level fight...

A small flaw can determine the outcome of the battle.


Dan and the Raikage passed by each other, each rushing forward a certain distance before finally stopping.

Under the gaze of everyone on the sidelines...

An arm flew high into the air, finally landing on the ground with a "thud".

It was the Fourth Raikage's arm, cut off by Dan's scythe.


Seeing this, everyone on the sidelines gasped in shock, covering their mouths in astonishment.

"Uncle has broken someone's arm again."

Itachi muttered.

He found that his uncle particularly liked to mess with the enemy's arms. First it was Obito, then Danzo, and now it was the Fourth Raikage's turn.

In the field...

The Fourth Raikage slowly turned around, staring intently at Dan.

Upon realizing his arm was severed...


He fell into a rage on the spot, his hair standing on end, and the Lightning Release Chakra Mode was stimulated to its maximum, finally activating—

Lightning Release Armor.

This was his trump card, not to be used unless absolutely necessary.


The Raikage was enraged.

Dan, however, shook his head. His Yin Release scythe returned to the form of an arm, and he said to the Raikage, "I yield."

After all, this was just a spar, there was no need to fight to the death.

Of course.. if the Raikage didn't think so, Dan wouldn't mind... killing him here.

As for the consequences?

He didn't care.

Seeing Dan's calm face and indifferent eyes...


The Fourth Raikage was panting heavily, like an angry bull, but in the end, he had to calm himself down.


This was just a spar, and he had already lost when his arm was severed.

Continuing to fight, even if he won, would be a disgraceful act.

"Lord Raikage!" C, Darui, and Samui came to their senses, quickly rushing into the training field, picking up the severed arm from the ground and rushing to the Raikage's side.

The most urgent task was to reattach this arm.

If they were too late, it would be irreversible.

Early post because I am still up.

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