
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

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Chapter 107: Laughing Madly with Obito

The showdown between Shisui and Orochimaru.

Although it took some time in the world of illusion, in reality, it was just a blink of an eye.

Orochimaru's hands, after all, couldn't touch Shisui's eyes.


He slid off Shisui's body and fell to the ground, motionless.

What just happened?

Sasori, who was not far away, was shocked when he saw this. He felt something was off.

He was the one who knew Orochimaru's strength the best, after all, he had always wanted to kill this partner of his, but never succeeded.

But now, Orochimaru was killed by Uchiha Shisui in an instant.

Sasori immediately thought of retreating.

He had just taken a step back.


A dangerous aura came from behind him.

Someone's there!


Without thinking, Sasori manipulated Hiruko to swing its scorpion tail towards the forest behind him, hitting a shadowy figure.

Got him.

Hiruko's scorpion tail was coated with deadly poison and was incredibly sharp. Once it touched a person's body, death was certain.

But at that moment, Sasori heard a "clang" sound.

Metal clashed with flesh.

A thick human arm stretched out from the darkness, colliding with the steel scorpion tail with its flesh and blood, sparking a series of sparks.


A large hand, like a fan, opened up, grabbed Hiruko's scorpion tail, and swung it upwards.


In his horror, Sasori, along with the massive Hiruko, was lifted off the ground, drawing a semicircle in the air, and then heading towards the ground.


Hiruko collided with the ground, creating a large pit. The puppet's body instantly shattered into pieces, becoming a pile of scrap metal.


Sasori, who was hiding inside Hiruko, escaped at the last moment. He quickly took out a scroll and summoned the puppet of the Third Kazekage.

Blocking his front.

At this moment.

Sasori, who was still in shock, finally got a clear look at his attacker.

It was a man nearly two meters tall, with a chiseled face and a very muscular body. From the front, he looked like a...

Double-door refrigerator.

The man was also wearing the blue robe of the Uchiha, and his pair of crimson three-tomoe Sharingan were very conspicuous in the darkness.

Was this man also from the Uchiha?

He was able to withstand the whip of the steel scorpion tail with his body, and his first move shattered Hiruko, demonstrating terrifying power.

Out of an instinct of a strong person.

Sasori felt that the man in front of him seemed to have the word "invincible" written all over his face. The man gave him a feeling even more dangerous than Uchiha Shisui.

No wonder Uchiha Madara was hiding in the dark, not daring to make a move easily.

Upon seeing this man, Sasori understood.


The man's gaze was cast towards him, like a king of beasts eyeing its prey, releasing a terrifying killing intent.

Just one look.

Made Sasori feel like he was facing a great enemy. He immediately used chakra strings to manipulate his strongest human puppet - the Third Kazekage, and launched a ninjutsu attack at the man.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

In an instant.

The Third Kazekage performed hand seals, summoning waves of iron sand, forming

countless fine needles, and firing them at the man.

Magnet Release: Iron Sand Drizzle.

This move was an ultimate enhanced version of Hiruko's Thousand Hands Manipulation Force, with the number of needles fired being more than ten times as many.

The attack range was larger, the duration longer, and the lethality immeasurable.

"Dan, be careful!"

At this moment, Shisui's shout let Sasori finally know the man's name.


Shisui used a body flicker technique and appeared in front of Dan. A tangible green chakra surged out of him, forming a semi-transparent giant skeleton in an instant.


Ting, ting, clang!

The incoming iron sand needles were, as expected, blocked by Susanoo.

However, Sasori had already lost his will to fight.

His goal was just to use this move to hold off Shisui and Dan, allowing the Third Kazekage to gather iron sand and form a pair of giant bird wings on his shoulders.


Sasori rode on the back of the Third Kazekage, and together they shot up into the sky, quickly disappearing from Shisui and Dan's sight.

"He got away."

Shisui withdrew Susanoo, looking regretful.

Dan didn't say anything.

In fact.

If he had just activated Time Stop, Sasori would probably already be dead, because Dan knew Sasori's weakness, which was the regeneration core in his left chest.

That was Sasori's heart.

As long as the regeneration core was crushed, Sasori's immortal body would shatter.

The reason Dan let Sasori go this time was simply because keeping him around was still somewhat useful.

If he remembered correctly.

Sasori had a trump card called "Performance of a Hundred Puppets," which could control hundreds of puppets at once and wipe out a country.

Destroying the Leaf Village was a feast that couldn't be achieved by the Uchiha alone, it needed many people to add fuel to the fire. And Sasori's ability could add a lot of fun to this drama...

As for the other member of Akatsuki, Orochimaru.

Dan and Shisui went over and found Orochimaru lying motionless on the ground, his mouth wide open, his eyes rolled back, and no breath left.

He was dead.

Seeing this, Shisui regretted again. He shouldn't have used Izanami: Radiance, a genjutsu, and lost the chance to interrogate him.

He could only look at Dan and discuss:

"Dan, did you find any clues from these two Akatsuki ninjas?"

To Shisui's surprise, Dan had already guessed the enemy's identity.

From Dan's mouth, Shisui learned.

The one who escaped was clearly a puppet master, and the puppet he controlled was the missing Third Kazekage of the Sand Village.

Judging from his appearance, he was the genius puppet master known as "Sasori of the Red Sand" from the Sand Village.

And the androgynous thing lying on the ground.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person should be Orochimaru."

Dan calmly said a name that shocked Shisui.


Shisui couldn't believe that the person he just killed was the former member of the Three Legendary Ninjas, now a rogue ninja of the Leaf Village - Orochimaru.

But after Dan reminded him.

Shisui also reacted, the snake ninjutsu used by the other party before was very distinctive, and it matched perfectly with the information about Orochimaru in his mind.

"Orochimaru isn't that easy to kill."

Dan patted Shisui's shoulder, signaling him to take a closer look at Orochimaru's body.


Upon hearing this, Shisui squatted down and saw that this body was actually an empty shell, like a shed snake skin.

Orochimaru must have regained consciousness and quietly escaped while Sasori was drawing their attention.

And also.

According to Dan, even if Orochimaru's main body was killed, he could still resurrect through the curse mark left on others.

The vitality of this snake was even stronger than Tsunade's, making it very hard to kill completely.


Having been hit by Shisui's Izanami: Radiance, Orochimaru's spirit was severely damaged, and he was mostly incapacitated.

Without several years, he probably wouldn't recover.

In other words.

For a long time to come, Orochimaru would probably...

Obito had vanished, never to appear in the ninja world again.

"Speaking of which, where's Obito? Orochimaru and Sasori, they were sent by him under the guise of Uchiha Madara, right?"

Shisui stood up again, looking around warily.

"He's here."

Dan pointed ahead.

Both of them looked in that direction, only to see a long-haired man wearing a mask slowly emerging from the forest.

It was Uchiha Obito.

Upon Obito's arrival, Guruguru immediately released his possession, returning to his original form.

"Obito, you're here!"

He exclaimed joyfully, walking towards Obito with open arms in a welcoming gesture.

Hearing Guruguru call out his real name, Obito's face darkened instantly.

As expected.

His true identity had been exposed by Guruguru, this fool, and his secrets were probably all known to the Uchiha now.

So, the anger Obito had been suppressing flared up.


He growled, stopping Guruguru from getting any closer, and sternly asked, "What on earth are you doing? Why didn't you follow my orders to guard the Mountain Graveyard? Why did you join the Uchiha clan?"

Guruguru stopped in his tracks, scratching the back of his head in confusion:

"Obito, aren't you an Uchiha too? Isn't Madara also an Uchiha? I was created to protect the Uchiha clan."

"Who told you that!?"

Obito couldn't hold back his anger. He knew Guruguru was a bit slow, but he never thought Guruguru could be this stupid.


It must have been the Uchihas. They must have done something to Guruguru.


Obito thought of this possibility immediately upon seeing Guruguru's condition.

After all, the Uchiha's Mangekyou Sharingan could control even the Nine-Tails. Controlling Guruguru would be no problem at all.



Obito activated his Mangekyou Sharingan and released a surge of ocular power towards Guruguru, hoping to disrupt the chakra flow within Guruguru and break the genjutsu he was under.

Seeing Obito's actions.

Dan and Shisui exchanged glances, choosing to watch from the sidelines without intervening.


Obito was shocked to find that Guruguru showed no signs of being under any genjutsu.

How was this possible?

At this moment.

"Obito, come back to the Uchiha clan."

Guruguru continued to approach Obito, even laughing cheerfully, "Dan, Shisui, and the clan leader all said that even though you've done wrong, everyone will forgive you..."

"Shut up!"

Obito roared in anger, finally losing his patience, and violently attacked Guruguru.


A Wood Release spike extended from Obito's palm, piercing Guruguru's body on the spot, and continued to branch and grow within him, turning Guruguru into a porcupine.

"Hey, Obito, what are you doing?" Guruguru cried out, stumbling backward. During this process, his wounds healed quickly, and he seemed to be unharmed.

Obito's Wood Release jutsu couldn't hurt Guruguru.

But at this moment, Guruguru was clearly deeply hurt and disappointed by Obito's attack on him.

He tried to say something "Guruguru, step back for now. Let me talk to Obito."

Dan patted Guruguru's shoulder, signaling Shisui with his eyes to calm Guruguru down, then he strode towards Obito.

For every step Dan took forward, Obito took one back.


The memory of having his arms ripped off by Dan was still a haunting nightmare for Obito, making him wary of the man before him.

Dan stopped.

He crossed his arms, looking down at Obito with a cold gaze due to his height advantage, and suddenly said: "Kakashi told me everything. You tried to kidnap the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki last time you infiltrated Konoha, but you were discovered by the Anbu and had to flee. That happened, didn't it?"

Obito was taken aback at Dan's words, then responded coldly:

"So what if it did."

He cursed Kakashi in his mind.


Dan sighed, shaking his head.

He looked at Obito with a mocking smile, then said:

"Our Uchiha clan had originally planned to stage a coup, overthrow the higher-ups of Konoha.

But just when the Uchiha were about to capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, you messed things up, leading to Naruto Uzumaki being protected by the Anbu, and we could no longer get our hands on him.

Tell me, isn't that just causing trouble?"

"What did you say...?"

Obito's face turned pale, he hadn't expected this.

He had kidnapped the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to frame the Uchiha, hoping to start a war between the Uchiha and Konoha.

And now.

According to Dan, Obito's actions last time had backfired, causing the Uchiha's coup plan to be shelved.

In other words, he had done something stupid.

Obito was still in shock.

"Listen well."

Dan's gaze was intense as he warned Obito solemnly, "The next time the Uchiha make a move on the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, don't you dare interfere. Because you, you're just a troublemaker who can't get anything done. Understand?"

A barrage of insults.

Shisui, standing behind Dan, was stunned.

A coup? Kidnapping the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? When was this planned, could it be...

And Obito.

He was completely defenseless against Dan's mockery.

He was almost losing his mind, panting heavily, and yelled at Dan in anger:

"What I, Uchiha Obito, want to do is none of your business! Who are you to lecture me? What do you think you are?"

He gritted his teeth, clearly infuriated.

Obito hadn't expected that he would be scolded by Uchiha Dan for such a reason.

This was outrageous.

Dan's lips curled into a pleased smile.

He enjoyed seeing Obito in a state of panic and frustration.

"I heard that you were always at the bottom of the class in the ninja academy. So many years have passed, and you're still the same. It seems that being a loser is innate. Uchiha Obito, you're the disgrace of the Uchiha!"

Dan continued his verbal assault.

Shisui, hearing these words, had a strange expression. Looking at Dan's back, he thought to himself:

You were expelled from the ninja academy by the Third Hokage himself for beating up a teacher. On that point, even Obito, the bottom of the class, is better than you.

Under Dan's relentless humiliation.

Obito finally lost it completely.

"Uchiha Dan, Uchiha Shisui, and Guruguru, listen to me!"

He pointed at the three of them with a trembling hand, swearing in anger, "I will capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki before any of you! I will recreate the Nine-Tails Incident, make the people of Konoha hate the Uchiha, and wipe you out with the full force of the village! Then we'll see who gets the last laugh! Hahaha..."

As he spoke, he seemed to have already seen the scene of the Uchiha's destruction, and couldn't help but burst into maniacal laughter.

In the face of Obito's ranting.

"Haha, hahaha!"

Dan also started laughing uproariously, even louder than Obito, as if his mouth was about to split from laughter, revealing two rows of gleaming teeth.

Completely drowning out Obito's voice.

As they say, when it comes to a shouting match, Uchiha Dan has never been afraid of anyone.

Sure enough.

Obito's face quickly darkened, and he stopped laughing.

Even in this, he had lost to Uchiha Dan.